hope everyone had a happy holiday!
mixed feelings for me, my grandpa just passed away right before christmas on christmas eve. so that's pretty sad. wish got to spend more time with him.
used to go fishing in montana with him growing up. been trying to find a picture he took of me as a kid fishing in a batman shirt, will talk with my grandma if she has it. he carved me a walking stick once as a kid that had snakes on it, was pretty awesome. sad stuff that passed away.

main family doesn't celebrate christmas, grandma does. spent some time with her and other family especially since its right after grandpa passed away. family member that caused my current medical situation was there though, apologized. kinda difficult to accept that after what been through- made it difficult for many years to be able to sit and enjoy spending time with family*like my grandpa who just passed away or my younger brother who did few months ago or anyone without being in a lot of pain or really uncomfortable etc. luckily there was other people there too. ate some food
played fill or bust. a card and dice game. wasn't able to convince my mom to buy more cosplay prints. but was able to convince to buy steam game Bardbarian and Final Fantasy XIII.

are holidays good or bad for you? did anything great happen? what did you get for christmas?

If i could share the games just bought would, if want though can catch the streams of gameplay and do song requests in chat +talk about it as go^_^
To request a song, type "!songrequest [youtube video ID]." Your Youtube Video ID is the last part of a Youtube URL after the ?v=

http://www.twitch.tv/shadowgammad/v/31872674 part of intro video

might be on and off. still grieving&on a lot of meds. been tough losing my brother, half my clothes were from him so each day is a reminder pretty much.