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Scary cook AOE fix

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  • Scary cook AOE fix

    please put a cool down on scary cooks AOE attk. it is stupid he can Aoe your whole team down in 2 or 3 rounds. fighting him over and over in the crypt is not fun when he can do this and the fight becomes completely random. and no one wants to spend all day dying over and over until you get a round where he does not AEO over and over. this is not a skill fight. he is just Over powered.

  • #2
    Yeah you're right he's too OP. I've tried doing the lvl 50 in catta about 30-40 times and always dies in about 2-3 rounds.


    • #3
      NPC AOE seems to be like this all around. but it is most evident in Crypt. and cook will be the boss every 5 level all the way past lvl80 for sure (have not clear 80 yet) but yes. a normalized cool down on all Aoe skills for NPC would really balance the game. it is fine that content is hard but it is a bit over kill right now. im level 60 with 130000 BR and can not win against a level 50 boss, just seems off lol

