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Server connection issue!!!!???

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  • #16
    Also ppl lost class wars cuz i was unable to login since 2-3pm srv time, and i asume others couldnt to. Missed guild battle which i rlly needed. This has gone to far rlly to far!!!


    • #17
      Originally posted by ag.wartune View Post
      This thing is getting insane, no no its getting out of control!!!
      This is the second day we are unable to connect to the game servers.
      Previous day we all missed 2 battlegrounds, world boss and some ppl missed class wars due to this server issue.
      We all are loosing our patience FIX IT OR DELETE WHOLE GAME OUT OF EXISTENCE!!!
      We really had enough of this and i believe im speaking in name of all wartune reborn players on R2 servers!!!
      Me, We, Us are being polite here and i can't guarantee for how long me and everyone else can be!!!

      Also in name of Us all players we expect compensation!!
      - gold
      - daru
      - honor
      - glory crystals
      - and etc

      Sou um dos milhares de brasileiros que joga aqui mesmo com as dificuldades do furso horário, a minha decepção vem do fato de vocês não darem nenhuma nota esclarecendo o problema que esta fazendo com que a plataforma wartunes reborn passe por problemas de conexão. Eu concordo que devemos presta atenção ao fato de milhares de jogadores ter perdido eventos por este transtorno e que a recompensa seja digna e não aquelas baqueceiras.


      • #18
        sheesh, any word on the fix? lost connection yesterday right before a key run and now i cant get back on.


        • #19
          Luckly this didnt happen to me in mpds, buts still loosing alot with this issue.


          • #20
            serv 3/4/5 down since 14 hrs


            • #21
              Please provide reasonable compensation. At least 100m million experience in addition to other items. A mount would be nice.

