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[Promotion] Point of Interest- UPDATED!

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  • #16
    So we dont get the Points for recharge this week before?
    I want my Points right now and i dont want to here a sorry or a is not possible ive spend a lot of Money for this and i want the rewards


    • #17
      therefore I say event run out , load not on when any new event item get certainly not over100 us load the new event item get what no usage have


      • #18
        Where's my compensation?


        • #19
          Is there a possibility of having an extension for this particular event? I have some dollars I can part with.. Lol....


          • #20
            that's probably a joke. the indemnification is packet for the shopper simply ridiculous.
            ** I myself have bought for $ 100. I could have more to achieve something with the points.


            • #21
              one can really say out loud funny 3 different items 1 which is one in the current failrate still years away , another 0 for use in all findet.alles 1 item 1100 as xtals In exchange, over 10k load xtals can advise R2 itself how here feel


              • #22
                are you kidding me? i bought lots of crystals just cos of this event and the compensation pack is a joke...would get so much more and wanted things if the event worked properly...i am truly disappointed on how you resolved the matter...


                • #23
                  I agree with the other players who bought alot of crystal during the event. It's unfair to us all and what's more, the compensation pack is for everyone which doesn't make it like a compensation pack to player who bought crystal. It's more like a gift from R2 to all player as a thanks to their support for CS.


                  • #24
                    Sorry to update you so late. We have made an update for this Point of Interest event. Here’s the link on our forum:!

                    We know it’s not a perfect answer. However, it’s the best we could fight for your loss. We apologize for the inconveinece. We hope we could assist you better next time. If you have any other problems, please let us know.

                    We will close your tikcet: please delegate your new issue in the new ticket. Thank you for your constant support and happy gaming!

                    because they do not know how , why, why occur .
                    would be possible for the missed points grudge next time Open this event.nur so times as such .
                    only this response is only shameful , well kind in such a white and you can also go to its customers cause they already will know what to do

                    so much for the position acquisition ticket close that was it .
                    since it was the same closed anticipate may write in his aw here .

