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Cook Book - Improving your Internet Connection

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  • Cook Book - Improving your Internet Connection

    All the websites u connect daily has its own IP. For example, =
    (try putting this number at your browser and go to facebook using it)

    So, how can i access that website using the name ""?! O.O

    The answer is: DNS aka Domain Name Service

    You computer, provided with an IP adress make ALMOST all of those convertions, and store the data into a DNS cache. When this small memory get full, internet connection beggins to lose effectiveness, starting to become slow and slow, sometimes with lag, caused by big latency.

    To solve this problem, the're 2 simple steps to follow:

    1- Clear your DNS Cache;
    2- Set you DNS adress to Google's service...

    But WHY should i follow the second step?

    Google is the BIGGEST search engine over the internet, and all sites "names" are already listed in it... So, using google's DNS service means that the convertions wont be made at YOUR computer... Data will come to u ready to be read, no convertions, no lose of time!

    So, in the end of this intro, follows a link for u to download a tutorial made by me, explaining on how to make those 2 steps in easy ways, for all kinds of Windows users... In some time i'll be posting a guide to Linux and Unix users, and after even a link for OS (macintosh) users.

    Hope it help ya =D

    Lemme know if the link does not work... I couldnt post it as an atachment =(
    Last edited by wizardoffullmoon; 08-02-2012, 03:40 PM.

  • #2
    posting outside link. no virus scan. hmmm¿
    Server: Aquatic Crypts
    Character [S15]IYOT


    • #3
      The link is from 4shared, which means it'll not download anything to your pc INSTEAD u have an account to log in it and make the download... Also the file extension is PDF and a snapshot is shown when u open the page, showing its a text file. Also 4shared virus scan says it is secure... And also, i'm not the kind of stupid player who tries to harm others... but if u really insist that it needs the virus scan, i'll provide it. Kisses.


      • #4
        For your pleasure:

        scanned on:

        Scan Execution Time: 4.021
        File Size: 116,966 bytes
        FILE IS CLEAN!
        ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
        Infected files: 0
        Time: 0.053 sec (0 m 0 s)

        FILE IS CLEAN!
        Files: 1
        Objects scanned: 1
        Infected objects: 0
        Files with errors: 0
        Running time: 00:00

        FILE IS CLEAN!
        ------ scan results ------
        scanned files: 1
        alerts: 0
        suspicious: 0
        scan time: 00:00:01

        FILE IS CLEAN!
        Files :75
        Infected files :0
        Suspect files :0
        Warnings :0

        FILE IS CLEAN!
        Scanned: 1 file
        Infections: 0


        • #5
          I'm not sure if this is the comments you are looking for... but these are what I have for you for the moment. I know it isn't your fault ^^ as I can see that yours isn't in English, so I'm giving you what I see as I follow your instructions. (Note: I'm using Windows XP Professional and I'm not using wireless, so I can't help much in other areas.)

          Once the command prompt appears, you will see in the last line:
          C:\ Documents and Settings\user>

          type in "ipconfig /flushdns" (the space between the words are intentional), so that you will see:

          C:\ Documents and Settings\user>ipconfig /flushdns

          then hit <enter>

          You will then see:

          Windows IP Configuration

          Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

          C:\ Documents and Settings\user>

          you can now close the command prompt once this appears.

          I would suggest that you make an enlarged copy of the last image you posted in there too( especially the configuration mini window). As I believe there WILL be some people who won't remember that adobe reader allows us to zoom in so that we can actually see the numbers in your configuration. XD

          Cheers. and thank for this. I hope this was the feed back you meant. XD else just contact me later in-game.

