Since I can't seem to find any information regarding beastmaster class I decided to make this thread. I will post so far what I know about it skills and stats wise, but would also like some more input from other people who have higher level / more knowledge on the class.
So to begin with the class it seems that all the skills for this class are solely based on Physical damage.
So stats to begin with would be :
3 Str - Damage dump
2 Str : 1 End - A bit tankier (Though with its defence buff *barkskin* it's not really recommended since you will hit very high defense)
3 Agi - Rebirth dump (For the hit% that BM seem to need a ton of, gear provides very little and you will have better gear / stats after rebirth anyways)
Feral seems to be mostly buffing your pets through the middle tree, unlike spirit where you can unsummon your pet for increased damage and have some more utility.
[Strength of Nature] : 2% atributes(lvl 1) -> 10% atributes (lvl 5)
This gives your pets increased atributes *str,agi,end,int* which honestly doesn't seem like much, considering they have very low attributes (some in the 300-400 range) I'm not sure if the attributes scale more with player's or not but so far it doesn't seem worth the points.
[Life Pact] : Sacrifice 10% of your HP to heal pet 20%(lvl1) ->30%hp for 100% heal.
it's a very nice skill for lower levels especially if you are tanking a dungeon solo, you become your own party healer. But for high levels it's questionable. I'd recomend only 1 point into this.
[Feral Strikes] : Increase pet damage 4%(lvl 1) -> 20%(lvl 5)
This is a big increase to the pet's overall damage - a must have Recomend all 5 points.
[Feral Swiftness] : Increases pet's attack speed 3%(lvl 1) -> 15%(lvl 5)
This again is one of those questionable skills just because of the slow attack speed of the pets. And some, whom already get passive attack speed [the wolf] still attack very very slow. Putting points in here is optional (min 1 req for next skill)
[Battle Shout] : Increases attack speed 5% and Attack damage 10% for 5 seconds(lvl1) -> 25% attack speed 50% attack damage 5 seconds(lvl 5)
This is a big damage booster to a party or solo. Increasing not only your attack speed by 25% but also giving a whopping 50% attack damage! The only downside is this is a 5 second skill, which means it's a big hitter for a small amount of time. It's still a very worthwhile skill to pick up. Remember it also effects your party. Recommend all 5 points
[Feral Training] : Feral training Gives attack pets Wrath and Taunt.
[Wrath] - Increased attack for you(broken atm) and your familiar by 100%-->300% 5/5 for 3 seconds.
[Taunt] - attack increased by 142% Threat increased by 600% + 25000
The spiritual tree seems to be more of a self buff tree and utility, which brings some great skills to the table vs the feral tree.
Biggest skill I'd like to point out
[Barkskin] : This is a self buff for defence that stacks with priest buffs giving 3%+100(some) defense(lvl1) -> 15%+648 defense(lvl5)
This is a must have skill, all 5 points. In the beginning I suggest saving your points for this first. That +648 defense at low levels makes 100% of the mobs do 1 dmg to you and your pet (excluding bosses) And it lasts for 30 minutes. Even at higher levels and stats, though the 648 defense might fall off late game the 15% still carries it's weight.
[Symbiosis] : Gives 3% damage reduction to your pet(lvl 1) -> 15% damage reduction(lvl 5)
This skill is very good if you are worries about your pet taking too much damage or wanting to boost your tank pets defense so bosses become easier. I only put 1 point, but it's up to you to decide how much damage your pet is taking. (remember this is only for your pet)
[Feral Toughness] : Again another tanky pet boost giving 5% HP(lvl 1) -> 25% HP(lvl5)
If your pet is dying fast it might be worth picking up, again this is an optional drop. Recommended 1 point.
[Mortal Strikes] : Increases crit chance 1% and crit damage 3%(lvl1) -> crit chance 5% and crit damage 15%(lvl5)
This is solely a personal buff and does not affect the pet at all. The 5% crit and 15% crit damage are really nice late game but early game seem to not be all that worth it. 1 Point recommended until at least rebirth.
[Blessing of the Ancients] : For 2 seconds increases both attack speed and casting speed by 20% and removes status effects(lvl 1) -> 100% to both(lvl5)
Now this one is more of a PvP skill it seems but 100% increased attack speed/casting speed is a lot (in theory) but as I have not used this skill yet I cannot say how good it actually is. For PvP I would recommend this 5 points as BM have a decently slow attack.
[Spiritual Training] : Another drop that gives skills to your spirit pets. Torment and Adrenaline rush.
[Torment] - 1/5 attack increased by 100%. decreases attack, defense, attack speed, casting speed, hp, crit, dodge of the target by 10%. 5/5- 150% attack 50% of those mentioned.
[Adrenaline rush] -Adrenaline rush- Makes your familiars attacks heal you, as well as increases stats and attack speed. 1/5 Familiars attacks heal you by 100%, attributes increased by 10, attack speed increased by 30%. lasts 5 seconds. 5/5- 180% life leech, 50 attributes, 150% attack speed.
[Sacrifice] : kills your pet to increase your damage by 10% for 10 seconds(lvl1) -> 50% for 10 seconds(lvl5)
Again this seems to be a very nice PvP skill giving you 50% increased damage for 10 seconds (relatively long time) at the cost of your pet *pets can be re-summoned taking 5 seconds*
Worth it late game? Yes I would think so.
Attack skills of note
[Spirit Nova] - This is an AoE ability that has a very low CD of 3 seconds and a decent range around you but it is just limited to around you so you have to be close in melee range.
[Storm strike] - This is also an AoE that has a bit longer CD of 5 seconds vs the Spirit Nova of 3, but can be cast at a distance hitting a tiny AoE where you want it to be.
Tank Pets
Iron Boar - This is the first pet you can summon on the feral side. It has decent HP and Armor but lacks on damage. It comes equip with taunt skills making it a ok tank but later on cannot hold too much of the agro because of too much damage. This is just a stepping stone for the next summons.
Dragon Turtle - This is the second of the tank pets you can summon, and a really great one at that. It has increased defenses and a huge HP pool great for tanking. At level 1 it's taunts are a bit week and you might pull agro but at level 2+ it becomes a great tank. It also gets the ability to ignore damage for a couple of seconds when reduced below 30% hp. I highly recommend this summon for low level dungeons.
Mammoth -It has GREAT defense and HP. On the downside, and its a shame, its skills don't really give good aggro. One of its damage skills was broken and its aggro skill only gave like 30% aggro. Mammoths aggro skill- 1/5 30% 5/5 - 110% and its single target. Once you get 5/5 feral training 5/5 dragon turtle is instead recommended for tanking. (until it's fixed)
Damage pets[Feral]
Wolf - This is honestly so far the most worthless pet I've summoned yet. It has very few HP, and dies very fast. It hits for decent amount of damage and even comes equip with %attack speed up to 15% at lvl 5 BUT.... as far as I can tell watching it, it's attacks are god awfully slow and not to mention just having it GET to the mob requires a large amount of time, as it stops and does other things.... I cannot recommend this summon until it's movement AI is fixed.
Gryphon - The gryphon is the second summon for damage dealing pets you can have. It gains a passive 10% damage and 10% crit buff. A 50% attack speed buff skill, a daze and a whopping 30% defense reduction attack. Great for those tanky knights in PvP.
Behemoth - Has very high attack (usually more than the character itself). At level 1 it has an aoe stun, a single target stun, as well as a skill that increases its attack and attack speed at the sacrifice at defense. At 5/5 it has two skills that increase attack/attack speed, as well as its own passive that increases its crit/attack/attack speed. At 5/5 it can be very very deadly in PvP. But if you're going to use it PvE wise it has terrible defense and not so great hp.
Damage/Utility - Spiritual
Ghoul - This is the first utility/damage pet you can summon at lvl 30 on the spiritual side. The ghoul has a ranged attack and can poison and slow people. The poison does %damage based on their health and can slow/daze people making it a nice pet for PvP or even PvE with large HP bosses.
Beholder - This pet has a good variety of skills to use for PvP and PvE. A couple of its abilities give Poison - Bleed - and Scored all taking away 1% of max HP per second. This will help tear down bosses with huge pools of HP fast. Another skill it gains later on is a stun which is very useful for PvP [can even save you from a rogue
Healing Pets
Spirit Fox - This is the first summon you get from the spiritual side. It has a couple of healing skills and purging abilities. It's a great summon and can make grinding great as you will not need health potions at all! (Also for now it also helps you out in blessed bath healing you every second for almost 2x the amount of damage you take at lower levels) - Great way to Solo most of blessed bath!
Spirit Elk - The other healing summon you can have. Can protect you from damage and gives great healing. Good for dungeons and just grinding. Also level 5 gives an ability that allows you to become invincible for an extended period of time
Thats all for the beginners guide to beastmasters. Any info would be appreciated on the spots I missed. I hope this helps!
Credit to KitN_Bloodwell for information regarding summons / skills.
Credit to Abadydady for gryphon / Boar/ dragon turtle skills
Credit to air776 for skill information
So to begin with the class it seems that all the skills for this class are solely based on Physical damage.
So stats to begin with would be :
3 Str - Damage dump
2 Str : 1 End - A bit tankier (Though with its defence buff *barkskin* it's not really recommended since you will hit very high defense)
3 Agi - Rebirth dump (For the hit% that BM seem to need a ton of, gear provides very little and you will have better gear / stats after rebirth anyways)
Feral seems to be mostly buffing your pets through the middle tree, unlike spirit where you can unsummon your pet for increased damage and have some more utility.
[Strength of Nature] : 2% atributes(lvl 1) -> 10% atributes (lvl 5)
This gives your pets increased atributes *str,agi,end,int* which honestly doesn't seem like much, considering they have very low attributes (some in the 300-400 range) I'm not sure if the attributes scale more with player's or not but so far it doesn't seem worth the points.
[Life Pact] : Sacrifice 10% of your HP to heal pet 20%(lvl1) ->30%hp for 100% heal.
it's a very nice skill for lower levels especially if you are tanking a dungeon solo, you become your own party healer. But for high levels it's questionable. I'd recomend only 1 point into this.
[Feral Strikes] : Increase pet damage 4%(lvl 1) -> 20%(lvl 5)
This is a big increase to the pet's overall damage - a must have Recomend all 5 points.
[Feral Swiftness] : Increases pet's attack speed 3%(lvl 1) -> 15%(lvl 5)
This again is one of those questionable skills just because of the slow attack speed of the pets. And some, whom already get passive attack speed [the wolf] still attack very very slow. Putting points in here is optional (min 1 req for next skill)
[Battle Shout] : Increases attack speed 5% and Attack damage 10% for 5 seconds(lvl1) -> 25% attack speed 50% attack damage 5 seconds(lvl 5)
This is a big damage booster to a party or solo. Increasing not only your attack speed by 25% but also giving a whopping 50% attack damage! The only downside is this is a 5 second skill, which means it's a big hitter for a small amount of time. It's still a very worthwhile skill to pick up. Remember it also effects your party. Recommend all 5 points
[Feral Training] : Feral training Gives attack pets Wrath and Taunt.
[Wrath] - Increased attack for you(broken atm) and your familiar by 100%-->300% 5/5 for 3 seconds.
[Taunt] - attack increased by 142% Threat increased by 600% + 25000
The spiritual tree seems to be more of a self buff tree and utility, which brings some great skills to the table vs the feral tree.
Biggest skill I'd like to point out
[Barkskin] : This is a self buff for defence that stacks with priest buffs giving 3%+100(some) defense(lvl1) -> 15%+648 defense(lvl5)
This is a must have skill, all 5 points. In the beginning I suggest saving your points for this first. That +648 defense at low levels makes 100% of the mobs do 1 dmg to you and your pet (excluding bosses) And it lasts for 30 minutes. Even at higher levels and stats, though the 648 defense might fall off late game the 15% still carries it's weight.
[Symbiosis] : Gives 3% damage reduction to your pet(lvl 1) -> 15% damage reduction(lvl 5)
This skill is very good if you are worries about your pet taking too much damage or wanting to boost your tank pets defense so bosses become easier. I only put 1 point, but it's up to you to decide how much damage your pet is taking. (remember this is only for your pet)
[Feral Toughness] : Again another tanky pet boost giving 5% HP(lvl 1) -> 25% HP(lvl5)
If your pet is dying fast it might be worth picking up, again this is an optional drop. Recommended 1 point.
[Mortal Strikes] : Increases crit chance 1% and crit damage 3%(lvl1) -> crit chance 5% and crit damage 15%(lvl5)
This is solely a personal buff and does not affect the pet at all. The 5% crit and 15% crit damage are really nice late game but early game seem to not be all that worth it. 1 Point recommended until at least rebirth.
[Blessing of the Ancients] : For 2 seconds increases both attack speed and casting speed by 20% and removes status effects(lvl 1) -> 100% to both(lvl5)
Now this one is more of a PvP skill it seems but 100% increased attack speed/casting speed is a lot (in theory) but as I have not used this skill yet I cannot say how good it actually is. For PvP I would recommend this 5 points as BM have a decently slow attack.
[Spiritual Training] : Another drop that gives skills to your spirit pets. Torment and Adrenaline rush.
[Torment] - 1/5 attack increased by 100%. decreases attack, defense, attack speed, casting speed, hp, crit, dodge of the target by 10%. 5/5- 150% attack 50% of those mentioned.
[Adrenaline rush] -Adrenaline rush- Makes your familiars attacks heal you, as well as increases stats and attack speed. 1/5 Familiars attacks heal you by 100%, attributes increased by 10, attack speed increased by 30%. lasts 5 seconds. 5/5- 180% life leech, 50 attributes, 150% attack speed.
[Sacrifice] : kills your pet to increase your damage by 10% for 10 seconds(lvl1) -> 50% for 10 seconds(lvl5)
Again this seems to be a very nice PvP skill giving you 50% increased damage for 10 seconds (relatively long time) at the cost of your pet *pets can be re-summoned taking 5 seconds*
Worth it late game? Yes I would think so.
Attack skills of note
[Spirit Nova] - This is an AoE ability that has a very low CD of 3 seconds and a decent range around you but it is just limited to around you so you have to be close in melee range.
[Storm strike] - This is also an AoE that has a bit longer CD of 5 seconds vs the Spirit Nova of 3, but can be cast at a distance hitting a tiny AoE where you want it to be.
Tank Pets
Iron Boar - This is the first pet you can summon on the feral side. It has decent HP and Armor but lacks on damage. It comes equip with taunt skills making it a ok tank but later on cannot hold too much of the agro because of too much damage. This is just a stepping stone for the next summons.
Dragon Turtle - This is the second of the tank pets you can summon, and a really great one at that. It has increased defenses and a huge HP pool great for tanking. At level 1 it's taunts are a bit week and you might pull agro but at level 2+ it becomes a great tank. It also gets the ability to ignore damage for a couple of seconds when reduced below 30% hp. I highly recommend this summon for low level dungeons.
Mammoth -It has GREAT defense and HP. On the downside, and its a shame, its skills don't really give good aggro. One of its damage skills was broken and its aggro skill only gave like 30% aggro. Mammoths aggro skill- 1/5 30% 5/5 - 110% and its single target. Once you get 5/5 feral training 5/5 dragon turtle is instead recommended for tanking. (until it's fixed)
Damage pets[Feral]
Wolf - This is honestly so far the most worthless pet I've summoned yet. It has very few HP, and dies very fast. It hits for decent amount of damage and even comes equip with %attack speed up to 15% at lvl 5 BUT.... as far as I can tell watching it, it's attacks are god awfully slow and not to mention just having it GET to the mob requires a large amount of time, as it stops and does other things.... I cannot recommend this summon until it's movement AI is fixed.
Gryphon - The gryphon is the second summon for damage dealing pets you can have. It gains a passive 10% damage and 10% crit buff. A 50% attack speed buff skill, a daze and a whopping 30% defense reduction attack. Great for those tanky knights in PvP.
Behemoth - Has very high attack (usually more than the character itself). At level 1 it has an aoe stun, a single target stun, as well as a skill that increases its attack and attack speed at the sacrifice at defense. At 5/5 it has two skills that increase attack/attack speed, as well as its own passive that increases its crit/attack/attack speed. At 5/5 it can be very very deadly in PvP. But if you're going to use it PvE wise it has terrible defense and not so great hp.
Damage/Utility - Spiritual
Ghoul - This is the first utility/damage pet you can summon at lvl 30 on the spiritual side. The ghoul has a ranged attack and can poison and slow people. The poison does %damage based on their health and can slow/daze people making it a nice pet for PvP or even PvE with large HP bosses.
Beholder - This pet has a good variety of skills to use for PvP and PvE. A couple of its abilities give Poison - Bleed - and Scored all taking away 1% of max HP per second. This will help tear down bosses with huge pools of HP fast. Another skill it gains later on is a stun which is very useful for PvP [can even save you from a rogue

Healing Pets
Spirit Fox - This is the first summon you get from the spiritual side. It has a couple of healing skills and purging abilities. It's a great summon and can make grinding great as you will not need health potions at all! (Also for now it also helps you out in blessed bath healing you every second for almost 2x the amount of damage you take at lower levels) - Great way to Solo most of blessed bath!
Spirit Elk - The other healing summon you can have. Can protect you from damage and gives great healing. Good for dungeons and just grinding. Also level 5 gives an ability that allows you to become invincible for an extended period of time
Thats all for the beginners guide to beastmasters. Any info would be appreciated on the spots I missed. I hope this helps!
Credit to KitN_Bloodwell for information regarding summons / skills.
Credit to Abadydady for gryphon / Boar/ dragon turtle skills
Credit to air776 for skill information