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About language in world chat...again

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  • About language in world chat...again

    Posting this cause we got sick of the spam going on in world chat. The language is abusive to put it mildly and really every1 is growing sick and tired of this.
    Please don't advise me to use the ignore button, i'm neither retarded or illiterate.

    Issue number 1 -- some players - Jayel, frothel, chefey, galon-from the newly merged servers i play on (im 37 they re from the older servers) spam EVERY SIGLE DAY the damn world chat with threats, insults, dingdong contests. It's srsly becoming impossible to read anything in wc around the last sengolia.

    Issue no. 2- inadequate language for a game that's children friendly. "♥♥♥♥" "♥♥♥♥" and other charming expressions are vented on wc daily. Do the GMs seriously think that if 1 player ignore said players they're gonna stop? I report these ppl EVERY DAY and they weren't even muted. Nobody has ever itched on my nerves so bad. It's the internets, fine, but do u really have to allow mentally deranged individuals in ur game? Only cause they cash? Btw they're arguing right now about how much each of them cashed and how much each of them sucks. bOh yes, about who stole who's account....That's a ToS violation btw.

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    I wanna play (i'm paying for it too), not log of disgusted almost every day. I like the game but the staff have to do their jobs and apply the rules and do some cleaning

    PS since the players that exchange those insults daily are "top players" (meh) i imagine nothing's gonna be done. I'm not after getting them banned, i don't even know them (nor do i care to) but this attitude and language SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED.

    PPS the screenshots are just few samples
    Last edited by MemoryLane; 11-26-2012, 11:05 PM. Reason: Repeating bad words is just as bad as the person who said them first

  • #2
    I agree im part of this these people are making me go crazy and curse when i dont want to curse but they drive me so crazy some people are starting to ignore everyone that speaks in WC and i agree im not the kind of person that ignores...i report them too and then theyre discriminating each other by how much they cash GMs either ban , mute then because soon i might not be a fan of your game anymore


    • #3
      I haven't really been on much lately to know what's been going on, but there have always been people chatting like this. Aside from a few cases, can't really recall any being scolded for it. Meh, but what do I know :/
      There will be no tomorrow should we fail to use the lessons of the past to survive today.

      Crystal Saga
      IGN: Codawg
      Server: Celestial Haven
      Guild: BrimStone
      Class: Beastmaster
      Random Stats: Weak. I'm weak, ok?
      Wife: PinkPretty (she's not nice )
      Level: Somewhere between noob and legend v-v


      • #4
        It's every day starting around last sengolia and going on and on and on...all during trove and after a bit. I don't get while the rest of us have to put up with this daily.


        "u spent 250 $ on resu last week"

        "i ***** u so hard in LG"

        "u suck, i killed u so many times"

        "u only strong cause u stole all the gems on xxxx's account"

        ...and on and on and on...

        Wth if they're so competitive they should all move to a pvp server and leave us alone.

        I haven't played much lately either but every time i log i have to listen to this.


        • #5
          It seems almost as if they are flaunting their characters to compensate for a lack of something.
          I may not have many strengths and I may still be weak inside, but there is one thing that I surely can do. With this electro-melody, I'll make your heart skip a beat!★

          ~Hybrid Solo Build - Priest~
          Server: Amethyst Forest
          Proud Member of (S37)Storm


          • #6
            Originally posted by Kayshah View Post
            I like the game but the staff have to do their jobs
            Can't say it better.
            Stalkers OP.

            Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


            • #7
              Originally posted by asfjhsjdkflsdkjf View Post
              It seems almost as if they are flaunting their characters to compensate for a lack of something.

              And because nature was cruel to them do we all have to suffer? They make my eyes bleed flooding wc with so much thrash.

              And since venom has that particular signature, i recall some1 saying that many of the mods have toons on our lovely merged server. U guys aren't bothered at all by this?....Just wondering


              • #8
                Forum Moderators can't do anything about ingame chat. For something to be done, the people on your server have to actually report these players, with screenshots, in a ticket.
                New R2 Community Discord Server:

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                • #9
                  We report them using the report button. That's not working/counting?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kayshah View Post
                    We report them using the report button. That's not working/counting?
                    Using the report button ingame only results in a mute after the threshold is reached. It does not file a ticket for GMs to get involved with.
                    New R2 Community Discord Server:

                    Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

                    Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

                    Rules of the Forum are found here.

                    R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


                    • #11
                      Well yes, every single day some poop headed people will spam random poop on world chat, it is frustrating to constantly be spammed of poop. So I don't know the reason why you choose not to use the ignore button to save your head from turning into a poop head. However I assure you if you ignore these poop heads it could save your eyes from so much poop. Ignore button saves you from poop heads! Don't ignore the ignore button, ignore the poop heads.

                      Ignore the : Click image for larger version

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                      Last edited by shinigami_kun; 11-27-2012, 01:51 AM.
                      Crystal Saga
                      Server: Whisperwind Beach
                      IGN: hei
                      Lvl 60+ Eidolon Knight
                      Guild: Nightmare
                      Honor: Emperor

                      Server: Tauren Camp
                      IGN: Izaya
                      Lvl: 45+ Archer
                      Guild: Mayhem
                      Honor: Elite Warrior


                      • #12
                        They're way too many (the poopheads). And actually i doubt they'd care much if I ignored them or not, point is they're not supposed to do that and expect every1 to listen to their mental rants. If they carry on like a bunch of 3 yo's they should get a muzzle (read a temp ban till they cool down ). I started this thread cause i got a kid pming me to (donno why me, i prolly have a maternal side i'm unaware of) and if any1 could check the logs they'd see that a whole server has to put up with 4-5 ppl and their stupid spam. A GM could also witness the reactions in wc when the arguing starts.

                        They bother pretty much everyone not just me as u can see from the sarcastic comments on this topic. So how's me pressing the ignore button gonna help? I don't get the logic behind this advice.

                        *pitbull mode on* not letting this go, I will start filing tickets 2morro if these people don't zip it.

                        It's curious how many ppl know about the ignore button and nobody knows about pms?! also known as whispers?...u know, the irritating purple fonts text?! If any1 has an issue with another player/guild/lifeform please feel free to use this wonderful feature. Not the world chat.
                        Last edited by Kayshah; 11-27-2012, 02:52 AM.


                        • #13
                          Well if the poop heads are bothering everyone, everyone can use the lovely ignore button instead of arguing with the poops. That is basically feeding the poops and encouraging them to spam more and more poop. Also yes I agree on the use of party/whisper chat to communicate, but these are poop heads we are dealing with, they are nasty and like to spread the poop around in the world, so unfortunately having them use party/whisper chat is nearly impossible due to their poopy nature.
                          Crystal Saga
                          Server: Whisperwind Beach
                          IGN: hei
                          Lvl 60+ Eidolon Knight
                          Guild: Nightmare
                          Honor: Emperor

                          Server: Tauren Camp
                          IGN: Izaya
                          Lvl: 45+ Archer
                          Guild: Mayhem
                          Honor: Elite Warrior


                          • #14
                            U really like typing "poop" xD Well one of the poop heads happens to be the land seigneur or however is called. The others are from the top 2 guilds i think...tbh not sure about server politics but in essence they're like washing their dirty laundry in public (or poopy laundry/diapers whatever). I don't think ppl are gonna put them on ignore but I can assure u they bother everyone judging by the reaction on world chat (notice i didn't say wc cause of the poop association). Daily routine - one gets online, activates double exp, starts arguing with person no. 2 (rival guild). Persons number 3 and 4 (maybe alts) step in and before u know it the whole chat is flooded for a couple of hours with their charming jabs.

                            Ticket activity incoming, i'm teaching peepz how to screenshot

                            PS sorry posting on alt acct...


                            • #15
                              Well its 1:41 am head is starting to turn into poop too. Well I hope you can deal with these poop heads seeing how toilet paper and disinfectant will not remove them :P If the lovely ignore button isn't for you....then do what you think is right. By the way, I'm just using poop as a friendlier way of saying..... :x
                              Crystal Saga
                              Server: Whisperwind Beach
                              IGN: hei
                              Lvl 60+ Eidolon Knight
                              Guild: Nightmare
                              Honor: Emperor

                              Server: Tauren Camp
                              IGN: Izaya
                              Lvl: 45+ Archer
                              Guild: Mayhem
                              Honor: Elite Warrior

