Raising Battle Rating (BR) does not just happen it must be worked at. There are many ways to accomplish this and the ways I will outline do not require spending.
First a brief synopsis of what I will cover in this post, 1) Leveling up fast will get you minimal BR and leave many things behind 2) Armor is a great way to improve attack and defense
3) Your Mount Training is very important and can be customized to suit your chosen class also mount refining will get you solid BR 4) Your Eudaemon will be your best friend
don't be surprised if its not long before it is stronger than your toon. 5)Gems, accumulate fast and as many as possible and select the ones most valuable to your class.6)
Soul Crystals until maxed 7)Wheel of Fate spin it every day All three 8) Technologies in your city Academy try to keep them close to your level 9) Guild Skills a great benefit
of being in a guild and contributing. 10) Clothing, make no mistake this is a big one In synthesizing , refining and identifying you will find big rewards 11)Astrals if you are not
gaining at least 500 star points, and that is not much, daily you are hurting yourself astrals will move you up solid and fast. 12) Titles these you can get from everywhere in
the game and add to your stats and BR don't be shy accumulate titles 13) Sylphs BR,BR,BR,BR,BR Strong do not neglect your sylph. 14) Game Events, this is key especially to free players
many of the building blocks listed above are found in game events mount, sylph, gems, eudaemon, clothing, astrals, armor... READ MY LIPS .... DO NOT EXCHANGE ITEMS related to game events until events
you will gain vastly higher numbers being patient than exchanging as they are gained daily only hurts you and leaves you without valuable rewards save save save
save save save.. you will thank me one day... I am sure I left out many things ,like runes, wilds, crystal shards for battle protection although they do not impact your BR
they do protect you keep your dimensions full and collect rewards every day. I am sure I left many things out and welcome input and questions I will over time build on this
thread and add strategies to these topics listed above. I hope it helps
One thing I neglected and its BIG!!!!! GOLD, Gold drives the game without it you will go no place. A few thoughts World Boss go as often as you can,
Your farm farm it , I hate it to but it's necessary. EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS you can get mass quantities of gold by using resources during game events
your city levy daily, the Alchemy top of your screen icon you can get gold daily one click free, Wilds bosses go every day and collect good rewards get help if you need it but go..One note on gold
if you have a problem getting plundered.. buy cows many cows and keep in pack I have close to 600 cows at this writing each cow is worth 200k gold
you can sell them for exactly what you pay and they cannot be plundered..
hugs Skye
First a brief synopsis of what I will cover in this post, 1) Leveling up fast will get you minimal BR and leave many things behind 2) Armor is a great way to improve attack and defense
3) Your Mount Training is very important and can be customized to suit your chosen class also mount refining will get you solid BR 4) Your Eudaemon will be your best friend
don't be surprised if its not long before it is stronger than your toon. 5)Gems, accumulate fast and as many as possible and select the ones most valuable to your class.6)
Soul Crystals until maxed 7)Wheel of Fate spin it every day All three 8) Technologies in your city Academy try to keep them close to your level 9) Guild Skills a great benefit
of being in a guild and contributing. 10) Clothing, make no mistake this is a big one In synthesizing , refining and identifying you will find big rewards 11)Astrals if you are not
gaining at least 500 star points, and that is not much, daily you are hurting yourself astrals will move you up solid and fast. 12) Titles these you can get from everywhere in
the game and add to your stats and BR don't be shy accumulate titles 13) Sylphs BR,BR,BR,BR,BR Strong do not neglect your sylph. 14) Game Events, this is key especially to free players
many of the building blocks listed above are found in game events mount, sylph, gems, eudaemon, clothing, astrals, armor... READ MY LIPS .... DO NOT EXCHANGE ITEMS related to game events until events
you will gain vastly higher numbers being patient than exchanging as they are gained daily only hurts you and leaves you without valuable rewards save save save
save save save.. you will thank me one day... I am sure I left out many things ,like runes, wilds, crystal shards for battle protection although they do not impact your BR
they do protect you keep your dimensions full and collect rewards every day. I am sure I left many things out and welcome input and questions I will over time build on this
thread and add strategies to these topics listed above. I hope it helps
One thing I neglected and its BIG!!!!! GOLD, Gold drives the game without it you will go no place. A few thoughts World Boss go as often as you can,
Your farm farm it , I hate it to but it's necessary. EVENTS EVENTS EVENTS you can get mass quantities of gold by using resources during game events
your city levy daily, the Alchemy top of your screen icon you can get gold daily one click free, Wilds bosses go every day and collect good rewards get help if you need it but go..One note on gold
if you have a problem getting plundered.. buy cows many cows and keep in pack I have close to 600 cows at this writing each cow is worth 200k gold
you can sell them for exactly what you pay and they cannot be plundered..
hugs Skye