Well, if the other team schemed the timing of the event, that can explain the fact that all the strong players gathered in one team. I know, cause I leech of people too :P
No announcement yet.
The reason why players afk at battle grounds
I feel like my comment will be considered ignorant once I tell you I only read the first two walls of text before I realised it was all just a whinge fest...
BG is not biased towards cashers, if that were the case I would have Elite Warrior by now. So, yes I do put in $20 a week and no I am not guaranteed to get a great team, damnit I get some horrible teams but instead of whining I just collect carts if I know it's gonna be one of those days.
My advice to the original poster would be: Harden up.S15
Fluxie (Flux)
Assistant G.M. of Avalon
okay let me explain where your MATH Flaw is
you say avg. there are 300 people on your server
300 people , 30 people per bg and that make it 10 room
NEWS FLASH, not all 300 join BGs. some can't attend it because of the time.
and NOT all 300 is 41+ in your bracket.
so 30 per room. let's say 60 people is41+
that would make it only 2 room...yes only TWO ROOMS
so that raise the chance of you in the same bg room as him to 50%
not only that, it's true that the chance of you on the opposite team as him is 50%
hence for 1 match it's .5x.5 = .25 so the chance of you to be in the same BG as him and on opposite team is actually 25%. assuming you do have 60+ people on your server that is 41+ AND ONLINE at that time and able to attend .
As for having him on the opposite team is 50% i gave you that, but when a NEW BATTLE START, it is still 50% for him to be on the opposite team. doesn't matter if it's a new day or not or 10 years from now, IT IS STILL 50% in one battle for him to be on opposite team. GRANTED that you may have multiple rows of having him on opposite team. that just means you are having BAD LUCK. and WE ALL TOLD YOU A FIX FOR THAT ALREADY. ONLY IF YOU CHOOSE NOT TO KEEP ON IGNORING IT.Have a problem? Submit your Ticket .
I have nothing personal about Cerden, I am not a person who can't be reasoned with. He pays, thus he is strong, and he beats me, so that's logical, what's wrong with that? There is nothing wrong with that, it is the way it should be. I have no problem accepting anything logical and reasonable at all.
This is not about Cerden. Cerden is just an example that is applied here so I can make my points here. In fact because of seeing him so many times and he kept winning, I noticed that the team on his side are all the time, stronger and have a higher BR.
In fact I WERE correct. And I AM correct again, at today's BG. There is a thing where higher BR players always placed in the same team as Cerden's.
My guild leader is strong enough too? But I could hardly meet with him at all. Everytime after an hour of arena took place, I usually will need a short rest of my eyes. I can't just finish arena and then went straight for BG, I seldom do that, that is tiring. Thus I login at the 1st min, 2nd min, 3rd min, 4th min, or max 5th min before, but why I can't meet with my guild leader most of the time? Why?
And why the heck can I meet Cerden so many times? And why for a number of sixth time, he is been placed in the opposite team again?
How long does it takes for a room to get full? 1 min? 2? 5? 10? 15? Why I can meet with Cerden so many times?
This is totally impossible!
Do you understand what kind of joke this is? Don't argue with me here, argue with the world outside. You go now, and you will put this fact out, and ask everyone world wide that a match can be happening in wartune, that for 2 different players to be placed in opposite team + a same room for a number of SIX time, may I ask you guys a question, are you actually requesting me to throw away every bit of my doubts on this matter, and accept that this is only luck that is concerned in this case?
Are you asking me not to doubt anything? Today is the 6th time, do you get that? Do you really understand what is actually happening here?
Below is the list of 15 players each of 2 different team I marked it down today.
Data of first team:
S = Sockets for Gems
1. Vips, Knight, Cerden, 28,235 BR, 52 lvl, S= 24
2. Vips, Mage, jeffhawk, 26,947 BR, 54 lvl, S= 24
3. Vips, Mage, Psylocke, 27,762 BR, 53 lvl, S= 24
4. Vips, Archer, Mako, 22,472 BR, 46 lvl, S= 17
5. Vips, Knight, CarloMagno, 20,765, 42 lvl, S= 24
6. Vips, Archer, Snyper, 18,881 BR, 46 lvl, S= 24
7. Vips, Mage, Sornaxaria, 18,188 BR, 45 lvl, S= 14
8. Vips, Archer, Ecirbaf, 17,984 BR, 44 lvl, S= 24
9. Vips, Knight, Zaxy, 17,560 BR, 41 lvl, S= 13
10. Archer, 2KuLaZa3, 20,996 BR, 45 lvl, S = 9
11. Archer, Billete, 18,057 BR, 46 lvl, S = 9
12. Mage, KarenGaiani, 15,582 BR, 40 lvl, S = 14
13. Archer, DeadlyArrow, 15,785 BR, 41 lvl, S = 8
14. Knight, Vadong, 14,630 BR, 42 lvl, S = 12
15. Knight, cele314, 11,838 BR, 40 lvl, S = 9
Total BRs: 295,460
Total lvls: 677
Total Sockets: 249
Knight:Mage:Archer = 5:4:6
Data for 2nd team:
1. Vips, SketchyB, 21,259 BR, 43 lvl, S= 24
2. Vips, JingleJin, 19,979 BR, 44 lvl, S= 23
3. Vips, Norfalcon, 18,990, 47 lvl,, S= 18
4. Archer, Ummmm, 23,067 BR, 45 lvl, S= 12
5. Mage, ThatGuyDrew, 22,058 BR, 48 lvl, S= 12
6. Mage, DeadFrog, 20,605 BR, 48 lvl, S= 20
7. Knight, Fist029 20,101 BR, 45 lvl, S= 15
8. Knight, Xplode, 19,979 BR, 44 lvl, S= 23
9. Archer, InMelodia, 19,175 BR, 46 lvl, S= 9
10. Knight, Teito, 18,082 BR, 42 lvl, S= 10
11. Archer, Exponential, 17,974 BR, 44 lvl, S= 9
12. Knight, rrden05, 17,005 BR, 42 lvl, S= 10
13. Archer, Megg, 15,057 BR, 40 lvl, S= 9
14. Mage, IPray, 14,215 BR, 45 lvl, S= 9
15. Archer, Kumi, 13,129 BR, 40 lvl, S= 9
Total BRs = 280,333
Total lvls = 666
Total Sockets = 212
Knight:Mage:Archer = 6:4:5
Actually when collecting this piece of data does makes me laugh a bit. At least for those who were in my team in yesterday's BG, I am sure everyone will give it a laugh too by seeing this piece of information. At least we could see the matching has return a bit "normal" here. I believe everyone in the yesterday's team would definitely understand what this mean.
To the least in today's match, we can see 5x 20k BRs and 2x 19k BRs players, which make it 7 in total. This team ended up losing as well in the end without a doubt, as clearly what I had predicted can be seen, they gathered all the groups of Vips into one side majorly, and the difference in game points is around 1000 I guess.
For me, I have team against Cerden for a continueing 6 matches, so I know he had been wining (at least) 6 matches in a row as well. He probably won more than 6 matches in a row, 10 maybe? (Perhaps I should ask my guild leader whether he had won a BG in 10 matches in a row too lol, I believe that only happen for Cerden, and I am sure he pays a lot)
And every matches, you will see a team, more favoured to his side as shown above. This is not the worst. You should see yesterday team matching, the most ridiculous **** I ever seen in BG. Our team are all 10k BRs and they have all 20k BRs something. That ended up half the team are frustrated and rather choose to afk in base.
Here you can compared on how the matching system works.
- There are 9 Vips in Cerden's team including himself, versus against 3 in the 2nd team.
- The lowest Vips' BR in the first team is 17k, while the highest Vips' BR in the 2nd team is only 21k.
Do you see what kind of big difference that is? (This is already considered as a "normal")
Now we have a look at the next attribute that contribute to the value of what a "cash players" mean, which is the number of Sockets in their equipments.
As you can see from the 2nd team, the number of Sockets aren't full yet. And their levels are considerably quite low. Which means they probably didn't use up their Vips long enough. My assumption is, they probably spent less.
This is something I wish to check about but I can't, which is the history of their balens purchases or the total balens available in their accounts. It would definitely make more sense on how perhaps they make up their team matching, if I have this piece of information.
Overall strategy in BG team matching styles imo:
As you can see, this matching pattern is more leading on trying to match the large group of non cash players, against the cash players. 9 Vips on one side with several highest BRs players consist above 50 levels and 25k BRs, while the other team only have 3 Vips.
While the number of non cash players in team 1 only consist of 6; and for team 2, consist of 12.
So if you look at this vice-versus, both team's Vips has been provided "food" to feed upon.
Team 2, 3 Vips, has a total of 6 non cash players to feed upon.
Team 1, 9 Vips, has a total of 12 non cash players to feed upon.
However, team 2 Vips will lose the match, probably because they have spent less.
PS: On yesterday's match I had seen, one team have all the 20k BRs and my team has none of it at all. And a "coincidence" here, Cerden is in the opposite team.
This matching looks exactly like providing a group of lower BRs to feed for the cash players, no matter how I see it, that's an easy win without needed to going through any real fights. If this is the case how fights are won in BGs for cash players, there is only two words I can say:
Lame, and fake.
Just something I do not understand, why the matching system is so reluctant to assign for a Vips versus Vips match? Did that ever happen before? lol
That may explain why no one could figure out exactly how matching in arena too, works. Because we had considered every possibilities, the BRs, the levels, not everything works out exactly. We are still having uneven matches, 90% most of all the time.
(Levels do affect matching in arena a lot, I would advise you to better believe what I said for this, because I am the only one in Wartune players who find this out, or you will be regretting taking a high level but low BR player in your arena team )
This is because we did not consider one more critical fact: the Vips, aka cash players positioning.
Conclusion imo:
Of course, more datas are required so more accurate result can be borned, but personally, I know they had been doing this to the non cash players for a long time, if not, I would not have felt this way.
Putting me as a real, life example, you see, I had been playing for 4 days, (today I only play one match just simply because I want to gain the data), but losing 6 matches in a row, and I am not a cash player.
Personally, I had never came across any online games that actually applies players who paid more or paid less as a measurement in targets matching. Even though its a good marketing idea, but honestly speaking, if not because of the large group of non cash players, I don't think they would have one million players registered to be announced in their news in such a short time as well. Now popularity have been gained, promotion well done, and the BG suddenly become almost "unplayable" for non cash players.
I felt this is kind of... not kind of nice you see.. Call it a coincidence as you want, but from the moment I have gained this piece of information from the BG, I have decided to quit the game.
Wartune is a game which structure look as this, I will just put it very simple to understand:
3-8 Hours spent per day for: Daily quests, Dungeons, Catacombs, Duels, Bounty quests, Plundering, Farms.
=> Your hero trained up.
While there are only 2 events which your hero can be "put into use" for:
=> Arena
=> Battle Ground, aka BG
For Arena, serve for the same meaning as a limitation for lvl 35.
=> Because Arena can only provide you Insignias, and the only gear set that do not require any honour rank to be bought, is the 35 set.
For Battle Ground, serve for the same meaning for 45 lvl and above.
=> Because any sets above 45 gear require not only Insignia, but honour rank as well.
=> Only BG can provide you honour.
Thus, if they made the BG is been made harder, (or totally impossible, the harder, the better) for non cash players to play, that would simply means:
This game would become "free" only for non cash players until 35 level.
By then, you want to break through 45? Pay to play.
So do you understand the logic of the marketing works now?
I am a person like this. You cheated me once, no matter what game you are trying to promote under your company name in the future, free or paid to play, doesn't matter, I WILL, NOT, answer you call again. Around 2 month's time been wasted been picking one of the weirdest online game I had ever played, but its better than after a year.
For those who want to continue this survey, which is originated and started by me, there are only two important things you need to do if you want to check it out for your own BGs and see it if it matches or not.
Firstly, mark down the number of Vips versus non cash players in the team distribution, and secondly, go for their number of sockets. These 2 pieces of data should be able to give you a brief same pattern of the above team matching pattern. I have seen this pattern yesterday as well as today, and not mention been feeling this way a very long time ago since I started play BGs.
Personally I don't care whether they would change BG to become a better place for the non cash player to play after my post of this, of course, I have no problem if they try to prove me wrong here, benefit the non cash player group in the end, is a good thing anyway.
However, 4 days of continueing losing in 6 matches, this is the worst record I had ever achieved. In usual time, losing 4 win 1 is the casual result for me, but I am still playing that without a complain.
But this time they really overdone it, I had never played a BG which the entire team cannot step out from the door base. And personally I had to wake up from the sleep to play their sucking BG and in return they offer me this kind of crappy matching system. (They are sooo.. inconsiderate isn't it lol)
I refuse to believe this is just concerned with luck. Even to put it randomly I join every BG and just afk there, (mentioned if I am the only one afk in the team), the chance of me winning a match, should be still 50-50, if, their "formula" applied in team matching system is what "normally" could be understood.
4 days of losing maybe yes, bad luck as you said, but 4 days of continueing seeing Cerden's name in the same... opposite team all the time. Is impossible.
Their matching system just give the pattern away, that's all lol.
If really someone is able to get a definite position in whatever team you want to be (in BG), kindly please make sure to me you can make it your whole guildees appeared in a same team, or else, please stop convince me this kind of logic, simply because, you get this piece of explanation (from how team matching works in BG), from the Wartune officers themselves.
But be remind, I get it from real data and surveys, done by myself.
Originally posted by GreyPhoenix View PostI have nothing personal about Cerden, I am not a person who can't be reasoned with. He pays, thus he is strong, and he beats me, so that's logical, what's wrong with that? There is nothing wrong with that, it is the way it should be. I have no problem accepting anything logical and reasonable at all.
This is not about Cerden. Cerden is just an example that is applied here so I can make my points here. In fact because of seeing him so many times and he kept winning, I noticed that the team on his side are all the time, stronger and have a higher BR.
In fact I WERE correct. And I AM correct again, at today's BG. There is a thing where higher BR players always placed in the same team as Cerden's.
My guild leader is strong enough too? But I could hardly meet with him at all. Everytime after an hour of arena took place, I usually will need a short rest of my eyes. I can't just finish arena and then went straight for BG, I seldom do that, that is tiring. Thus I login at the 1st min, 2nd min, 3rd min, 4th min, or max 5th min before, but why I can't meet with my guild leader most of the time? Why?
And why the heck can I meet Cerden so many times? And why for a number of sixth time, he is been placed in the opposite team again?
How long does it takes for a room to get full? 1 min? 2? 5? 10? 15? Why I can meet with Cerden so many times?
This is totally impossible!
Do you understand what kind of joke this is? Don't argue with me here, argue with the world outside. You go now, and you will put this fact out, and ask everyone world wide that a match can be happening in wartune, that for 2 different players to be placed in opposite team + a same room for a number of SIX time, may I ask you guys a question, are you actually requesting me to throw away every bit of my doubts on this matter, and accept that this is only luck that is concerned in this case?
Are you asking me not to doubt anything? Today is the 6th time, do you get that? Do you really understand what is actually happening here?
Below is the list of 15 players each of 2 different team I marked it down today.
easy way to do it. ask your leaders.
here is how BG is sorted.
blue team - 0
red team -0
blue team -1
red-team -0 <-- when someone join it will become 1. next player will b blue team
blue team -1
red team -1
blue team -2
red team -2 it will continue zig zag this way until both had 15-15☣CAIN☣
Once a upon a time, there is a farmer. He has a son. Every day, he would give his son a seed, and ask him to plant it. Eventually, all these seeds grow up and drop him apples in the end.
One day, the son discovered one of the seed he planted, dropped him a pear.
The son took the pear, show to his father and says,
"Father look, I had found an apple that grew up like a pear!"
His father then told his son,
"No son, this is not an apple. This is a pear."
The son do not believe his father, he says,"
"Every seeds I planted gave me an apple, why this is a pear? No, this is an apple, I am very sure of it, I planted it everyday. It just look different in shape and colour."
The son tried to argue his way out.
His father then tell his son,
"Its pretty simple my son, it is because I changed the seed."
When there is a pear appeared in front of you, you do not want to believe the fact that, this is a pear that is been put in front of your eyes, but rather believe it is an apple, even god cannot help you on that.
When I first come into the server, everyone is telling me arena matching is based on BR.
But the result is been put in front of my eyes, the matching does not only affected just by BR, simply because the result do not support it.
Then it is the time I will believe, the matching does not only affected by BR.
Because of that, today I am only able to find out, players levels stand as a factor too, when it comes to matchings.
If not,
till now I am still listening to what everyone has told me, that arena matching is affected only by BR.
The same today, everyone is telling me that BG team matching work in this way.
Yes, you are probably true.
However, unfortunately, the result that are put in front of my eyes, do not seems to be true.
It is the matching system itself gave the pattern away to me.
If the matching does work in this way, then I won't be seeing Cerden, in an exact opposite team, in a same room, for continuously, 6 times.
Because I login at 8:01 before.
I login at 8:03 before.
And I login at 8:05 before.
How can Cerden track what time do I login into BG in every days, in every matches?
This is totally, impossible.
Because a room only take around a min to reach 30 players full.
If the matching does work in this way, then I won't be seeing a group of 20k BRs players been placed on a same team, while the next team has none if it at all.
Because we are talking about multiple guilds among those 20k BR players.
It is not possible they can be chat themselves out in one same team.
They came from multiple guilds.
Anyone who knows statistic, one glance on this kind of data sets, would probably have an idea what it is.
It is simple.
I am trying to show you that this is a pear, but you insist to believe that this is an apple, while you can gain the data from the bg yourself to study on it, and you are even lazy to do that yourself, then who can help you to understand? Even god cannot help you on this.
Originally posted by GreyPhoenix View PostData of first team:
S = Sockets for Gems
1. Vips, Knight, Cerden, 28,235 BR, 52 lvl, S= 24
2. Vips, Mage, jeffhawk, 26,947 BR, 54 lvl, S= 24
3. Vips, Mage, Psylocke, 27,762 BR, 53 lvl, S= 24
4. Vips, Archer, Mako, 22,472 BR, 46 lvl, S= 17
5. Vips, Knight, CarloMagno, 20,765, 42 lvl, S= 24
6. Vips, Archer, Snyper, 18,881 BR, 46 lvl, S= 24
7. Vips, Mage, Sornaxaria, 18,188 BR, 45 lvl, S= 14
8. Vips, Archer, Ecirbaf, 17,984 BR, 44 lvl, S= 24
9. Vips, Knight, Zaxy, 17,560 BR, 41 lvl, S= 13
10. Archer, 2KuLaZa3, 20,996 BR, 45 lvl, S = 9
11. Archer, Billete, 18,057 BR, 46 lvl, S = 9
12. Mage, KarenGaiani, 15,582 BR, 40 lvl, S = 14
13. Archer, DeadlyArrow, 15,785 BR, 41 lvl, S = 8
14. Knight, Vadong, 14,630 BR, 42 lvl, S = 12
15. Knight, cele314, 11,838 BR, 40 lvl, S = 9
Total BRs: 295,460
Total lvls: 677
Total Sockets: 249
Knight:Mage:Archer = 5:4:6
Data for 2nd team:
1. Vips, SketchyB, 21,259 BR, 43 lvl, S= 24
2. Vips, JingleJin, 19,979 BR, 44 lvl, S= 23
3. Vips, Norfalcon, 18,990, 47 lvl,, S= 18
4. Archer, Ummmm, 23,067 BR, 45 lvl, S= 12
5. Mage, ThatGuyDrew, 22,058 BR, 48 lvl, S= 12
6. Mage, DeadFrog, 20,605 BR, 48 lvl, S= 20
7. Knight, Fist029 20,101 BR, 45 lvl, S= 15
8. Knight, Xplode, 19,979 BR, 44 lvl, S= 23
9. Archer, InMelodia, 19,175 BR, 46 lvl, S= 9
10. Knight, Teito, 18,082 BR, 42 lvl, S= 10
11. Archer, Exponential, 17,974 BR, 44 lvl, S= 9
12. Knight, rrden05, 17,005 BR, 42 lvl, S= 10
13. Archer, Megg, 15,057 BR, 40 lvl, S= 9
14. Mage, IPray, 14,215 BR, 45 lvl, S= 9
15. Archer, Kumi, 13,129 BR, 40 lvl, S= 9
Total BRs = 280,333
Total lvls = 666
Total Sockets = 212
Knight:Mage:Archer = 6:4:5'Cuz I'ma CandyMan~
Ummm,I just have 4 words to maybe help End this.
This is a GAME!
Games have winners/losers Payers/non-payers,Complainers/Listeners.
But the biggest part of a Game is PLAYERS.VIP or not if you are a devoted Gamer (like the majority of us)the VIP status would mean nothing!VIP doesn't give you supernatural powers.(Trust me on that)
So here is some sound advice Play the Game,Push through the "Mathematics"** and Just have fun.If having Fun isn't an option for you.Then maybe Gaming on here isn't the right Game for you."By the way.We all know that the Arena Matching System Sucks.But being Gamers we just Play ON....Happy Hunting xD