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Now with so much to do...

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  • #16
    things i skip and reason why
    Tanks - takes 30 minutes and only gives little amount of runestone and is boring as f.uck
    Spire - Gives me a lot of exp
    Atoll - my br is low so most people don't want to party me
    BG - i am a punching bag here thats why i dont do it
    Group Arena - kinda hard to find a party and GB gives far more insignia
    Bounty Quest - i only this when there are events
    TOK - too lazy to do it


    • #17
      What I skip

      I already have the steed card after getting 20k in Amethyst Mine so no point in going back
      Battleground..I hate the new format. Still have to swim with big sharks to get kills. I've rarely won in there. I'm just there to collect shards and hope I'm on winning side.
      Arena: I hardly play there...
      Bounties I play only if a hot event is involved.
      Circuit quests I try to remember to do just once a month, 30 to 40 quests a day. Boring but worth it.
      Like most, atoll boss is avoided like the plague. requires a party and takes forever and a week to complete.
      Necropolis I don't play anymore. I won't miss getting those Forgotten stones becuase it takes enough balens and luck to get a crypt key nowadays.
      Fishing is a waste of time for the most part. Never my first or 2nd choice to use.
      I do Sky Trail just for the gold and EXP..I've never gotten past 1-4.


      • #18
        i just play when i in good mod
        if not, i just loging in and keep clicking randomly (read: do nothing). lol
        Nubito the Super Noob Mage in The Badlands

