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Guild Tree of Ancients

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  • mushirmillion
    started a topic Guild Tree of Ancients

    Guild Tree of Ancients

    This current event can only be activated by the Guild Master, and as we all know the Assistant Guild Master is limited with very little power.
    I would like to suggest that the Assistant Guild Master can summon the Guild Tree of Ancients for reasons that the Guild Master may not be online for a few days. I am pretty sure that every guild has set a time to when this guild event will be held, and if the Guild Master is offline during this time for reasons we may not know, the Assistant Guild Master is there to summon the Guild Tree of Ancients.

    That will be all. Thank you.

  • R29615835
    +1 good idea! more rights for Asst.GM and also "auto summon time" for Guild ToA

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  • Shaeleigh
    As a G. M. of a guild, mother of 3, wife to a disabled husband and person with a LIFE outside of Wartune, I can safely say that life is far more important than the Guild Tree every single day. Sometimes we have appointments to tend to on the rare occasion that interferes with the timeline set for all guild members. Short of tossing the G. M. position and confusing some members at the change or giving up entirely because of rare occurrences, how about we let the G. M. set a recurring time where the tree auto-spawns?? Simple fix!

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  • Billy_McF
    Now why haven't they got an option to set a time to summon the Tree and Alter at a given time any day.

    If the guild decides to have the summon at the same time every day (as most do), then surely there could be an option for the G M to press a button and input a time for the summon. The tree and alter are then summoned at this time automatically until the G M either changes or stops it.

    This way even if the G M was held up or offline, everyone would still know that the tree was going ahead.

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  • R29772047
    What level does the guild have to be, before the tree can be summoned?

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  • R29195
    I recently had a death in the family and I knew I wouldn't be on much so I did transfer ownership so my guild could do tree while I was away. There are times due to kids and life responsibilities that i cant make it until later in the evening. My guild has set a time to summon the tree and it has worked out. But it also needs some changes. Either allow the assts to summon the tree in the leaders absence or create an auto button where we as leaders can set it and forget it. there needs to be a solution that will satisfy the majority.

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  • R26326601
    i also think that the AGM's should be able to spawn the tree as the consequence of misusing the privilege would most likely be getting kicked from the guild and at the very least losing AGM rank. there are other privileges that AGMs have that are far more detrimental in that they can cost players real money (kicking a player with significant unused guild contribution, for example). with that in mind, there isn't a good case to say potential misuse should be the main factor in not expanding the access.

    but if that's not viable or the developers don't want to, what about being able to schedule the tree to spawn at a certain time? this way there are no changes to the privilege structure and the tree can go on without the GM even being online.

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  • Serrin
    In my guild, the GM simply temporarily transfers power to an asst to do the tree if they know they can't make it. But if he was just suddenly offline and hadn't known it could be an issue. If they implement this I'd hope they actually have it where the GM has to be offline for at least 2 days before the asst can do the tree. Otherwise you can have someone who either through ignorance (what does this button do?) or selfishness (I want it when I say I want it the hell with how many we can get on to charge tree) and can really mess things up for the entire guild.

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  • dwmedia
    i should leav a guild there masters is offline with hige time spot.

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  • jonnyraincloud
    I also agree with this idea

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  • Shamsgirl
    most like this idea, as do I. we have worked it by passing the G.M. position, but if an unforseen thing happens, it would be just simpler to allow the asst to have such responsibility. After all, the are the asst. for a reason.

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  • R24365771
    Originally posted by shinigami_kun View Post
    I feel the GM has a responsibility to be on..or pass GM position to someone if they aren't gonna be on. Also if assistant GMs may summon the tree as wouldn't be so great and lots of disagreement may come into the guild.
    Lol, hate to say it, but the game mirrors where it came from. If an A GM was causing problems the GM could simply demote him. See in countries with democracies we understand that all the power does not need to be in one persons hands.

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  • deeann
    I really hope so Immortal - with a big guild full of active players it means a lot of disappointed people if the guild master gets held up in a traffic jam or loses power/internet or as has already happend is unable to log into wartune because the launch page is under early maintenance.

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  • (MOD) Immortal
    I have raised this same issue and also vote for it maybe in the near future we may see this one as possible

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  • R23613177
    maybe R2 could put in a tab that the GM could set to auto summon tree at a set time ........problem solved......

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