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Minigames - first impressions

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  • Minigames - first impressions

    So, we had reduced number of minigames to 3, all 3 remade, with different success:

    1) Phishing
    - new scheme of rewards, better are the lower layers
    - reasonable amount of nickels

    My impression: Playability improvement

    2) Jewel hunt
    - wider playground
    - good amount of nickels

    My impression: Playability improvement

    3) Cloud Adventures
    - complete remade
    - removed lag mah-jong implementation
    - snakes/ladders style addition of going backward/forward
    - no support sylphs (was good for CW testing)
    - no bosses, but fighting itself (can be long if not removed HP/DEF before)
    - low rewards

    My impression: Bad design, low playability, low gain/time spent ratio.

    - best rewards are nickels to exchange in the shop
    - others are not so interesting

    My impression: Nickel shop is good, rest rewards sucks

    Overall impression: Monday and Wednesday I will go to box

  • #2
    Haven't had a crack at new jewel hunt yet, but I think you were too generous on cloud adventure. It's a painful slog with crappy rewards at the end, if you can even get any. Huge waste of time.

    Fishing was terribly unfair to new players, but I had made it to level 36, so there's no way I was going to be happy with the much lesser rewards. All the time put into it now flushed down the toilet.
    That said, not having any guide as to which fish drops what blows. The last thing I need is more shadow crystals, so finding those in the first fish I caught made me even angrier. And naturally, once I looked up an outside guide, it still didn't help completely, because the fish skins are still totally unreliable. At least the rewards are an order of magnitude better than cloud.


    • #3
      I was too generous with CA as I do not want to repeat what I said about seniority of person who remade It as mini game that last longer and has less rewards (I miss "we optimized cloud adventures").

      I treat fishing and jewel hunt as different games (even they share same mechanism as the old ones):
      - good as optional games
      - reward system changed a lot, but not only here (drops twisted a lot, golden sand is now more rare and in Spire NM instead of sylph-related dungeons), so I took the new schema and evaluated
      - rewards from new fishing and new jewel hunt is reasonable to give it few minutes, new CA is waste of time (it needs 1.5 orders of magnitude higher rewards at least)


      • #4
        hate the new cloud totally hate it. spent alot of time in the fishing to get to a high level and collect vip tickets and fashion shards, now a noob starts same place as me, only good thing is no cool down, havent had a chance to try jewel hunt ......... overall not caring for the nickel system, got 5 spins from cloud = 12 nickels vs 20 fishing and 300+ nickels, however the rewards stuff is pretty much useless, at least what has popped up in mine. Now on weekends when i had more time to play there are no mini games to do, why only 3 days?


        • #5
          because r2 puts the players first...

