In This screenshot you can see that Moon Dust has a different colour text, Compared to the other items in the list.
Why is This?.
I have spent 4 weeks in Autaric Plains looking for Moon Dust and Amethyst, Amethyst also has the same colour text as Moon Dust. In the 4 weeks i have spent in AP i have not found either of these items. (Surely in 4 weeks i should of found at least 1 of these 2 items)
I am begining to wonder if the items in the list with the same colour text as Moon Dust in this picture, we are unable to collect. Which would mean that archaeology has been nerfed.
If you check the items list on all maps, There are items that have a different colour text. Apart from Erandel where all items in the list have the same colour text.
Could someone pls let me know what is going on. Is this a bug?, or have R2 done a silent nerf with archaeology?.
I would appreciate any info that someone could give me on this.