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Being able to transfer balens to all servers.

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  • Jacketx
    started a topic Being able to transfer balens to all servers.

    Being able to transfer balens to all servers.

    I do not understand why they do not allow your balens that you purchase with you own money to move to a different server with you. I understand why they do not do char transfer and item transfer, but with the balens they should just be on every server you play on considering your account is linked to all servers you play on.

  • jaberwacky21
    Yes to balen transfer to other server

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  • Aijuvelen
    I agree. Balens or characters should be transferred.

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  • anichaos
    Cash Shop Point/Money transfer isn't uncommon...

    In fact... most MMO and companies lets you use your Cash Shop Points/Money in ANY server AND character you decide to play in as long as it's all under same account within same game.

    Lose money? how so? players are still PAYING FOR THE BALENS... it's not like they transfer and the balen miraculously restore by it self.. LOL

    Transferring is to just allow Cashers to be able to use their PAID PRODUCT, even if it's digital, within the game under the same account.

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  • Titaness
    Originally posted by Jacketx View Post
    I do not understand why they do not allow your balens that you purchase with you own money to move to a different server with you. I understand why they do not do char transfer and item transfer, but with the balens they should just be on every server you play on considering your account is linked to all servers you play on.
    Well see, if you put in $20 it would go to all of the other servers you are on thus making R2 have less money running the game. Character transfer isn't good cause you can go into a new server and have lets say a lvl 75 with over 70k+ br to dominate the whole thing. Item transfer, meh can be used for bad too.

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  • R223846922
    I absolutely agree with this. I purchased the balens. They should go with my login, no matter what server I go to. If they don't transfer, I should receive a refund of some sort.

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