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How do the Knights out there defeat the new Troops, suggestions please

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  • #46
    Its kind of funny that you cant beat mages (the one that quoted me) but you wont take the advice from a mage that tells you how to kill MAGES lol. Knights 55 (or 50-60 sets) have very high pdef so why focus on gems with pdef? lets say u got lv50 or 60 full legend set (with rings and jewels as well on legend), if i were you i'd socket HP-PATT-MDEF-BLOCK gems, your pdef will be very high already and those 4 would help you A TON against the class that hurts you the most.

    Vs archers? reverse dmg helps a lot and high block with their fire rate will activate often which gives you health.
    Vs knights? you can either go turtle vs another knight of your same BR (reverse + agoran then chop away) or go nuts and fast (WW, slasher and ulti), knights vs knights is like watching grass grow anyway.

    My point is, a mage will be hitting you from the start almost always, will clear your troops in 2 turns (3 at most) and then what? you will have a wall in front of the mage to chop away and if the mage is using a pve set (with healing skills in the skill bar) then the fight gets even longer, i had fights where knights with 5-8k more BR than me went down because they couldnt get past my templars and i kept damaging him, for these fights you need as many defense stats vs mage as u can
    get (mdef gems, high block, %dmg taken astral + mdef astral) if you think my advice is bad or missleading sure go ahead and go all nuts with pdef and patt, you
    will be another dryad knight farmer


    • #47
      Originally posted by Littlelyseria View Post
      Its kind of funny that you cant beat mages (the one that quoted me) but you wont take the advice from a mage that tells you how to kill MAGES lol. Knights 55 (or 50-60 sets) have very high pdef so why focus on gems with pdef? lets say u got lv50 or 60 full legend set (with rings and jewels as well on legend), if i were you i'd socket HP-PATT-MDEF-BLOCK gems, your pdef will be very high already and those 4 would help you A TON against the class that hurts you the most.

      Vs archers? reverse dmg helps a lot and high block with their fire rate will activate often which gives you health.
      Vs knights? you can either go turtle vs another knight of your same BR (reverse + agoran then chop away) or go nuts and fast (WW, slasher and ulti), knights vs knights is like watching grass grow anyway.

      My point is, a mage will be hitting you from the start almost always, will clear your troops in 2 turns (3 at most) and then what? you will have a wall in front of the mage to chop away and if the mage is using a pve set (with healing skills in the skill bar) then the fight gets even longer, i had fights where knights with 5-8k more BR than me went down because they couldnt get past my templars and i kept damaging him, for these fights you need as many defense stats vs mage as u can
      get (mdef gems, high block, %dmg taken astral + mdef astral) if you think my advice is bad or missleading sure go ahead and go all nuts with pdef and patt, you
      will be another dryad knight farmer
      in theory your idea is correct and i can't dispute it, as my achilles heel is the mage, but it is difficult for us knights to buff our mdef. i have lvl5 mdef gems in every piece of gear and 864 mdef in astrals but it's still only 66% of my patk and 80% of my pdef. to lower my pdef in order to increase my mdef would lessen my natural advantage over archers and still wouldn't guarantee me a win over mages, especially since most people are using templars (patk) as troops. additionally, you don't address the major advantage that mages have, the one that causes the most problems, which is the ability to heal. mdef doesn't matter if i have to kill you 2-1/2 times to win. the reason i lose to mages isn't because they do so much damage, it's because that i don't do enough damage to kill them before that green square pops up over their head and i have to start trying to kill them all over again.


      • #48
        If you can get the mage troops out of the way, its almost a sure win unless the mage has some serious PDEF (which 95% doesnt, maybe more), and as i said in my
        previous post if you go the PVE route (lets say 50 set), you can set the gems i posted plus max enchants (more stats than 55 set) will make u hard to kill plus a pve knight can spam agoran and other defensive skills at will on timer giving em a huge increase in survival (maxed agoran with big HP is great and dont forget block, mages will be hitting u for 0 and u will be recovering hp), knight has the highest most damaging single target skills when maxed, with 15k patt and lv5-6 EWD then mage will go poof once the troops are gone, the main thing is surviving til then (with all i said already).

        But most important, if u have a 50 set and try to take on a lv50set mage head on, you will almost always lose because if the mage is smart, he/she will keep suntoria and curebombing the troops while destroying you unless you spam stuff like agoran+reverse or apollos to reduce the dmg, sure they take rage but that's what your pve set is for (hello 25 rage on slasher).


        • #49
          start with slasher all the time.....only other option is ultimate slasher really if you try it you'll know why...its as simple as always getting the first attack.....
          EX: knight picks slasher he goes first then mages uses rof then knight uses whirlwind instead of:
          Knight picks ww mages uses rof knight uses can use slasher before the mage/archer uses any of his moves so you can always do w/e on the 2nd turn most likely whirlwind. Don't make a difference because the slasher is free at the start along with the 15-25(pve) rage unless you plan to use ultimate slasher first. Anything else except I think intercept but you don't wanna hit a troop with that...
          I think most tanker knights quit as they are useless in pvp it will take them a year just to get through the templars since they don't use phys attack anywhere. I don't find shield very useful in pvp...uses 30 rage allows the mage to build more while you use it and it shields less than a mages heals easily by 50+ most mages I know can heal for 12-15k shield is 20% of max hp so thats only 10k at 50k hp and even the mages heal has a much better qte....15% dmg reduction? *** that's what knight's shield should do but we get 800 bonus dmg yeah not even worth the other 2 ranks in pvp unless for some reason it can possibly last 3 turns in which cases you would have won easily without it anyway. I would use slashers, delphic(enhanced with pve) whirlwind and intercept in pvp all for making the troops die to fast.

          People who keep mentioning using holy seal at the start well anyway even after slasher in an attempt to kill the mage with ultimate slasher is bound to get killed easy and you obviously don't play a knight 55+ or maybe at all because yeah I tried it and it makes mages who normally shouldn't beat you have a chance I don't know if I can call that a strategy unless you wanna lose. One mage heal and you've wasted about 2 turns doing nothing because you won't be able to hit them until the troops are dead again.
          Knights supposedley go for hp instead of phys def in gems I know a knight who does it but it really doesn't make a difference you'll have 5 or 6k more hp which gives you 1 more round also you will take more dmg from templars which everybody but other knights would have anyway sadly I kill these knights because their phys def is way too low.
          Last edited by Panthaz89; 04-19-2013, 08:30 PM.
          Server 92- King
          Guild: Thundera- Assistant


          • #50
            do you guys forget that non casher are food? There's no answer to the thread starter question. non cashers lose, unless they attack really lower br guys. That's it.
            Knights now sucks, not much to try, templars just have too high stats for non cashers patk.
            Nick: SquaLLuNReaL - Guild: WolfPack - Archer
            I'm Italian
            Server pst (USA) Kongregate


            • #51
              i use this stratagy against mages and almost always win even on mages with 2-3k more BR than me start with holy seal (even if it doesent stun point is to get there HP lower than troops) then use ulti slasher then normal attack u wana do the lowest amount of dmg to the troops u can. at this point the mage will almost deffinately heal so use agoran (since its cast time is so dam slow they wont get to dmg u while ur casting it) then most likely the mage HP is still lowest on field go back to ulti slasher then WW and the mage is dead or close enough to it that if there not 1 more ulti slasher can finish off (useualy unless its a big casher mage that has a ton of HP/deffence) while u dident even have to deal with there units. this stratagy also works on archers i use it on them to same result lol


              • #52
                forgot to mention if acctualy do get a stun off on the holy seal after the first ulti slasher just do a regular attack then another ultislasher then the shield unless mage is almost dead at this point wich is pretty often just WW to finish off instead of useing shiled
                also lvl 57 knight 42k BR :P


                • #53
                  in this case wouldnt it be better to use the shield after the first ultislasher so you dont have to damage troops and can use another ultislasher right after it?


                  • #54
                    deppends on the player if ur like me and only got lvl 1 shield since the QTE is almost useless the shiled would go away due to turns before the opponent broke it it would have been a waste also most need to get in a hit or 2 to get enough rage for WW so eh tweek it to suit ur playstyle


                    • #55
                      People that dont cash or cash lightly (socket rods, wings and crypt keys) have a hard time vs cashers of any class period, not knight vs mage alone because a heavy casher knight will eat the non/light casher mages almost always.

                      And the tactic of keeping the mage with low hp wont work lol (at least for a pve mage), they can basically restore their hp at will with no restrictions.


                      • #56
                        And the tactic of keeping the mage with low hp wont work lol (at least for a pve mage), they can basically restore their hp at will with no restrictions.[/QUOTE]

                        ok 2 things 1. are u a knight?
                        2. have u tried this tactic?
                        unless ur a pathetic knight with no patt at all and bad mdef it will work unless ofc u fight a mage that outclasses u in every way. if thats the case u would lose no matter what u do. mages are very OP :P


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by R28800575 View Post
                          deppends on the player if ur like me and only got lvl 1 shield since the QTE is almost useless the shiled would go away due to turns before the opponent broke it it would have been a waste also most need to get in a hit or 2 to get enough rage for WW so eh tweek it to suit ur playstyle
                          You build your knight wrong if your shield goes away in 2 turns. Maxed Argoran is amazing once you get very high hp. 55-60k+ Hp and you be taking multiple hits from Mages and even more from archers and knights. The sheld relies on hp so boost your hp as high as possible.


                          • #58
                            i got a mage and my 2nd acc (from a friend) is a lv68 knight of around 48k br (not much but hey, no cashing here) so yea, i got some practice with knight too lol


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by 0xykotton View Post
                              You build your knight wrong if your shield goes away in 2 turns. Maxed Argoran is amazing once you get very high hp. 55-60k+ Hp and you be taking multiple hits from Mages and even more from archers and knights. The sheld relies on hp so boost your hp as high as possible.
                              first off i will prolly nvr get 55-60K HP im not a big casher at all ive spent almost nothing i got my BR from past expirience not much $ ive only bought wings cloths (enough to start with 51 rage and 3 upgrades were from free fasion cores) and socketing rods when they were 5 for 149 balens and i only have 39k HP now idk how i could possibly boost it to those numbers without doing garden NM for 50 legend stones to get that set wichl take forever and its still to hard or for example spending 100s of $ on this fragment event lol xD lastly ive got my mdef up to 8500 mages=to me in BR can do around 6-8k per RoF/ meteor so yeah more than 2 turns is pointless for some1 in my current condidtion.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by R28800575 View Post
                                i use this stratagy against mages and almost always win even on mages with 2-3k more BR than me start with holy seal (even if it doesent stun point is to get there HP lower than troops) then use ulti slasher then normal attack u wana do the lowest amount of dmg to the troops u can. at this point the mage will almost deffinately heal so use agoran (since its cast time is so dam slow they wont get to dmg u while ur casting it) then most likely the mage HP is still lowest on field go back to ulti slasher then WW and the mage is dead or close enough to it that if there not 1 more ulti slasher can finish off (useualy unless its a big casher mage that has a ton of HP/deffence) while u dident even have to deal with there units. this stratagy also works on archers i use it on them to same result lol
                                while i'm not disputing your results there are a few things that are puzzling to me. what mage dies before his troops do? in general, i expect any mage i fight to heal once they get close to 50% health, and many will have puri on just as a matter of course if they see me doing significant damage. also, unless the mage is very squishy, ww is going to take his troops hp below the mage, even after a few hits on the mage (not to mention the fact that my templars are doing 1k damage each to his troops), so aren't you back to having to kill his troops before focusing on the mage? something else, if you're lvl57, the odds are that you're facing weaker opponents with troops that are also at a lower level than you, so why dance around the troops instead of rolling over the templars from the start?

