Ok, let me give you some advice as to help lessen the chance of your crops being stolen (not 100% guarantee, but i think it helps):
- Plant your seeds "not" in a so obvious pattern... Like, plant the first seed on the upper left plot, then on the lower right plot, then on the center, then.... and so on... Create your random pattern in planting the seeds in different plants.. By this, you can confuse the thief in stealing your crops... they could end up stealing nothing at all... But be sure you remember how you planted your seeds, cause if you forgot, then this suggestion was wasted...
- Another thing is that you can have a 2-5 second time interval between planting each seed... Don't have a too much time interval, cause it will be noticed by an intelligent thief, and you will end up losing yours, instead of saving them from being stolen.. This is just an optional thing to do with the first suggestion.
I hope this helps... and I hope that instead of just whining there like most people do, it would be more beneficial if you found some solutions to prevent or lessen the chance of your crops being stolen...
Please share some ideas too, if you have, so players would be helped...
- Plant your seeds "not" in a so obvious pattern... Like, plant the first seed on the upper left plot, then on the lower right plot, then on the center, then.... and so on... Create your random pattern in planting the seeds in different plants.. By this, you can confuse the thief in stealing your crops... they could end up stealing nothing at all... But be sure you remember how you planted your seeds, cause if you forgot, then this suggestion was wasted...
- Another thing is that you can have a 2-5 second time interval between planting each seed... Don't have a too much time interval, cause it will be noticed by an intelligent thief, and you will end up losing yours, instead of saving them from being stolen.. This is just an optional thing to do with the first suggestion.
I hope this helps... and I hope that instead of just whining there like most people do, it would be more beneficial if you found some solutions to prevent or lessen the chance of your crops being stolen...
Please share some ideas too, if you have, so players would be helped...