Having just started this game I joined a guild. To my dismay it was HellFire...
When it was falling around my ears, arguments and slagging off, I realised that for my sanity it was time to leave. I presumed a simple request to leave would suffice but no apparently not. When a player leaves they suffer the disadvantage of a 24 hour cooldown period so, having been a decent member of the guild I thought a quick kick would be appropriate.
The 'leaders' of the guild refused to kick, despite my kicking being of no consequence to them. They wouldn't say why but defended their position by saying that they don't kick and that this is a verbal policy between the leaders - nothing like a bit of open communication with the guild... I then spent at least an hour listening to petty arguments, threats and childish sarcasm. The more we asked to be kicked the more stubborn the leaders became. I saw 3 choices
1- leave and suffer the cooldown disadvantage
2 - be kicked or 3, and right now most likely, begin a campaign which allows other guild members to see the truth behind this 'leadership'
This guild claim to be attempting to recruit....
When it was falling around my ears, arguments and slagging off, I realised that for my sanity it was time to leave. I presumed a simple request to leave would suffice but no apparently not. When a player leaves they suffer the disadvantage of a 24 hour cooldown period so, having been a decent member of the guild I thought a quick kick would be appropriate.
The 'leaders' of the guild refused to kick, despite my kicking being of no consequence to them. They wouldn't say why but defended their position by saying that they don't kick and that this is a verbal policy between the leaders - nothing like a bit of open communication with the guild... I then spent at least an hour listening to petty arguments, threats and childish sarcasm. The more we asked to be kicked the more stubborn the leaders became. I saw 3 choices
1- leave and suffer the cooldown disadvantage
2 - be kicked or 3, and right now most likely, begin a campaign which allows other guild members to see the truth behind this 'leadership'
This guild claim to be attempting to recruit....