Wartune Events - 6/15
06/15/2020 - 06/18/2020
Bargain Shop
06/15/2020 - 06/18/2020
06/15 Big Spender
06/15/2020 00:00:00 - 06/15/2020 23:59:59
During the event, spend the required Balen amounts (Bound Balens excluded) and be rewarded. Balens spent on Auctions and Balens spent during the Group Purchase -Subscription Period do not count in this event.
Each reward may be redeemed once per day.
06/15 Patron's Gift
06/15/2020 00:00:00 - 06/15/2020 23:59:59
During the event, spend the required Balen amounts (Bound Balens excluded) and be rewarded. Balens spent on Auctions and Balens spent during the Group Purchase -Subscription Period do not count in this event.
Each reward may be redeemed once per day.
06/15 Sylph Enchantment (Online)
06/15/2020 00:00:00 - 06/17/2020 23:59:59
Remain online for the required amount of time and be rewarded. Each reward may be redeemed once per day.
06/15/2020 - 06/18/2020
Bargain Shop
06/15/2020 - 06/18/2020
06/15 Big Spender
06/15/2020 00:00:00 - 06/15/2020 23:59:59
During the event, spend the required Balen amounts (Bound Balens excluded) and be rewarded. Balens spent on Auctions and Balens spent during the Group Purchase -Subscription Period do not count in this event.
Each reward may be redeemed once per day.
- Spend 1,000 Balens: Sack of Gold x5, Lvl. 5 HP Divinity Soul x 1, Smelting Stone x30, Advanced Henna x100, Polishing Orb x15, Pipe x2, Tattoo Engraving Stone x2
- Spend 2,000 Balens: Sack of Gold x10, Lvl. 5 HP Divinity Soul x 2, Smelting Stone x60, Advanced Henna x200, Polishing Orb x30, Pipe x4, Breakthrough Orb x15
- Spend 4,000 Balens: Sack of Gold x20, Lvl. 6 HP Divinity Soul x 1, Smelting Stone x120, Advanced Henna x400, Polishing Orb x60, Pipe x10, Clothing Refinement Stone x15
- Spend 6,000 Balens: Sack of Gold x30, Lvl. 7 HP Divinity Soul x 1, Smelting Stone x180, Advanced Henna x600, Polishing Orb x90, Pipe x15, Breakthrough Orb x30
- Spend 9,000 Balens: Sack of Gold x50, Lvl. 8 HP Divinity Soul x 1, Smelting Stone x270, Advanced Henna x900, Polishing Orb x120, Pipe x20, Clothing Refinement Stone x30
- Spend 15,000 Balens: Sack of Gold x100, Lvl. 9 HP Divinity Soul x 1, Smelting Stone x450, Advanced Henna x1,500, Polishing Orb x180, Pipe x30, Breakthrough Orb x45
06/15 Patron's Gift
06/15/2020 00:00:00 - 06/15/2020 23:59:59
During the event, spend the required Balen amounts (Bound Balens excluded) and be rewarded. Balens spent on Auctions and Balens spent during the Group Purchase -Subscription Period do not count in this event.
Each reward may be redeemed once per day.
- A: Spend 1 Balen to receive: Active Eudaemon Skill Scroll x10, Passive Eudaemon Skill Scroll x10, Book of Wisdom x10
- B: Spend 1 Balen to receive: Active Willpower Skill Book x5, Passive Willpower Skill Book x5
- A: Spend 10 Balens to receive: Active Eudaemon Skill Scroll x10, Passive Eudaemon Skill Scroll x10, Book of Wisdom x10
- B: Spend 10 Balen to receive: Active Willpower Skill Book x5, Passive Willpower Skill Book x5, Swiftplume x1
- A: Spend 100 Balens to receive: Active Eudaemon Skill Scroll x10, Passive Eudaemon Skill Scroll x10, Book of Wisdom x10
- B: Spend 100 Balens to receive: Active Willpower Skill Book x5, Passive Willpower Skill Book x5, Swiftplume x1
- A: Spend 1,000 Balen to receive: Active Eudaemon Skill Scroll x10, Passive Eudaemon Skill Scroll x10, Book of Wisdom x10, Pipe x10
- B: Spend 1,000 Balen to receive: Active Willpower Skill Book x5, Passive Willpower Skill Book x5, Swiftplume x3, Pipe x10
06/15 Sylph Enchantment (Online)
06/15/2020 00:00:00 - 06/17/2020 23:59:59
Remain online for the required amount of time and be rewarded. Each reward may be redeemed once per day.
- Lvl. 40+ players can stay online for 30 Minutes to collect: 100K Gold, Pipe x1, Talent Stone x2
- Lvl. 40+ players can stay online for 1 Hour to collect: 100K Gold, Pipe x1, Talent Stone x3
- Lvl. 40+ players can stay online for 1.5 Hours to collect: 100K Gold, Pipe x1, Talent Stone x4
- Lvl. 40+ players can stay online for 2 Hours to collect: 100K Gold, Pipe x1, Talent Stone x5
- Lvl. 40+ players can stay online for 2.5 Hours to collect: 100K Gold, Pipe x1, Talent Stone x6
- Lvl. 40+ players can stay online for 3 Hours to collect: 100K Gold, Pipe x2, Talent Stone x7