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Dragon Awaken Exclusive Event!

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    started a topic Dragon Awaken Exclusive Event!

    Dragon Awaken Exclusive Event!

    Yaloran Warriors,

    As we are attempting to restore Wartune, we now invite you to the land of Dragon Awaken for a new adventure. For that, we’ve prepared deluxe rewards and recharge rebate scheme for you to explore this different world of ours.

    Adventurous Rewards

    Wartune players entering Dragon Awaken grant Epic Exploration Pack, which including:
    Diamond x2,000,
    Material Pack x100,
    Gold Sack (Big) x20, and
    B Class Mount Card x1.

    By achieving certain requirements, player can also get a Legendary Exploration Pack, which including:
    Diamond x5,000,
    Material Pack x200
    Gold Sack (Big) x50,
    A Class Mount Card x1,
    Crusade Token x5, and
    Phoenix Wings x1

    How to claim:
    1. Create a character on selected servers in Dragon Awaken under the same account, and click “Support” to submit a ticket. (Note: Please submit your ticket under this character.)
    2. Please include Dragon Awaken Adventurous Rewards in your description and your Wartune and/or Wartune Reborn server name(s) and character name(s).
    3. If you are not able to submit a ticket, please contact Chippy or Elie over Dragon Awaken Discord community:
    1. If you wish to use another account for your rewards, please also submit your Wartune/Wartune Reborn account email address and transaction records in your ticket.
    2. If you provide more than 1 Wartune/Wartune Reborn account, the reward will be based on the sum of all recharges of all accounts provided.

    Wartune Rebate Reward

    25% of the total recharge on Wartune/Wartune Reborn, up to 500,000 Amber and Diamonds, will be deposited into Dragon Awaken.
    The reward will be split into 5 parts, by reaching certain level:
    Level Requirement Rebate Total Recharge (20K USD) (In Amber & Diamond)
    1 2.5% 50,000
    30 2.5% 50,000
    50 5% 100,000
    60 7.5% 150,000
    70 7.5% 150,000
    Total 25% 500,000
    Selected Servers: S37
    Launch Times: (PDT)
    S37: 1/Oct/2020 3 a.m.

    How to claim:
    1. Create a character on selected servers in Dragon Awaken under the same account, and click “Support” to submit a ticket. (Note: Please submit your ticket under this character.)
    2. Please include Dragon Awaken Adventurous Rewards in your description and your Wartune and/or Wartune Reborn server name(s) and character name(s).
    3. If you are not able to submit a ticket, please contact Chippy or Elie over Dragon Awaken Discord community:
    1. If you wish to use another account for your rewards, please also submit your Wartune/Wartune Reborn account email address and transaction records in your ticket.
    2. If you provide more than 1 Wartune/Wartune Reborn account, the reward will be based on the sum of all recharges of all accounts provided.

    R2 Games reserves the final explanation of this event.

  • R215564585
    last night found dragon awaken on another game site..different name, but same exact is this possible?

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  • dicklong3000
    Originally posted by FMK View Post
    Thank You GH/R2 We are finally seeing some actions from you!
    ZardOZ of Valhalla / Mike Lukacs
    It's been known for a while that GH were planning on taking 7Road to court. And, this is the most useless 'action' possible. It doesn't help us, the players. Court battles take forever to resolve, and even if GH wins, the devs could still deprive GH of content if they wanted to, since the content is owned by the devs. It is extremely unlikely the game will return to the original platforms, and the legal stuff only makes it worse. This news is predictable, but pointless.

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  • FMK
    Thank You GH/R2 We are finally seeing some actions from you!

    ZardOZ of Valhalla / Mike Lukacs

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  • michaeltitch
    what a ****** lost the game and cant get it back....refund the players some money they spent and move on...

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  • Azazel19681

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  • FMK
    Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
    We're heading into the first Monday morning following a long holiday. There will probably be many meetings to begin with, and news should be a little slow to start off with, but I'm hoping for something solid soon. Thank you for your patience, I know this isn't easy for anyone.
    Hi MemoryLane! Your last response (above) sounded hopeful, but it has been another 9 days with no news from R2.
    I have been fully supportive of R2 thus far because the problem seemed to have started with a rather nasty sneak attack by 7Road or some hackers pretending to be 7Road.
    After more than 2 weeks it has become evident that the other side of this (7.wan) is indeed 7Road and not a random hacker.
    R2 et al still hold all of the player information, but 7Road holds the Game.
    7road has communicated with us extensively and set up new servers, Inviting us to sign on with them and give them the player information that they do not have to reestablish the game.
    From R2, we have heard Nothing except "don't give them any information".
    I have resisted 7Road's entreaties thus far but unless I hear some positive timely news from R2 (you) in the next couple of days I will attempt to reestablish my toons on the 7Road servers as that seems to be the only option.
    This dispute between you has gone on long enough that the Wartune community has been badly, perhaps irremediably damaged!
    Even if it is resolved immediately and amicably both R2 et al and 7Road will sustain tremendous economic damage.
    Surely this continuing damage should be reason enough for the 2 parties to try very hard to get back together.
    7Road is one of the biggest companies in China, but more than 1/4 of their total income comes from Wartune.
    I expect that R2 has even more at risk. Without Wartune R2Games will be just another one of hundreds of little gaming companies!
    PLEASE respond here with some news, hopefully good news but any news will be better than none.

    Thanks, ZardOZ of Valhalla / Mike Lukacs

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  • Thaleia38
    I'm still waiting on my free ambers for getting to level 50 and 60.But I have a feeling that R2 has stopped providing ambers due the complaints from other players on S1-S36. And if it is too busy, well every company knows that in these kinds of circumstances you need to hire extra people to handle the extra workload.

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  • CasperKnight

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  • M.I.M.
    Yes also on Dragon Awaken the management is down
    I did recharged 2000+4000 Ambers and I did not received from 2 days
    Status:Order Pending
    Order number: 202010161821295668_en
    October 16th, 202006:21 PM
    Order number: 202010161238459713_enOctober 16th, 202012:38 PM
    I will contact PayPal on Monday to get my money back....!
    Also this week I was recharged 3/4 times more and I had the same issue

    I was coming on server 37 because they said will give a Wartune Rebate Reward, but till now I received only one part of 2.5% till LVL30 only and I'm already lvl60 and nothing yet.

    R2 aspect you to recharge more. This R2 are very greedy, they wants me to sleep with my credit card under the pillow...))
    R2 mess up a lot, I'm sending a tickets for nothing, they do not reply. They are a fraud squad for real
    R2 have not easy access to customer support , only by mail and they reply to you in 3 dais ….lol

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    Well, we got 2 weeks now (since the servers down, on 10-03-2020) and no official info. Some people said that would be 2 weeks starting by 10-10-2020, what give 1 more week for work.

    But, the lack of official info is making us very anxious and furious. The "other side" said their version of the situation. But R2 don't say nothing. It is making me belive on the "other side".

    [R2Mod Removed my post here]

    So, I don't know how much time I will wait for info. We need to know the real R2 version of the problem and if the game will be back soon or not. By the "other side" version, I think that we just can play there, and not here anymore.

    R2, we need official news, and we need the truth.

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  • RudeNoob
    Originally posted by Thaleia38 View Post
    Lots of players are still waiting on their free ambers and even more players are still waiting on the free ambers by reaching the next levels.
    and a lot more players are waiting on news from R2 and are not playing those other games.

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  • Thaleia38
    Lots of players are still waiting on their free ambers and even more players are still waiting on the free ambers by reaching the next levels.

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  • evilharry666
    dont wanna play dragon awakening or eternal fury i playing game of thrones dont care if ur giving me a rebate for my old wartune account u should make deals with game of thrones cuz most of the players from wartune are their also lmao

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  • madlady_62
    Any chance u start a new server at DA to start on? Just curious if shoud join in with my main. On S37 with an alt atm.

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