In the day of the soldier he looks over his barricade of protection he sees what he has seen for his entire memory. The black of ash of bodies and the red and brown of blood soaked ground. In the middle of the barren land of bodies and death stands a single pole that use to belong to a fence. The bottom half covered in sludge of the dead. Every time the soldier exposes himself he sees the post reaching defiantly to the skys. The soldier feels warmth in the thought of doing the same.
Many faces, no many shapes had passed by the soldier while he defended his spot. His home for all eternity. He recognizes his neighbors by the clothing and knows he is senior. This he knows by the shape of his emblem as he has a winged creature as all others have bars. Most times they run like the dead bodies but others that are rare they stand proud. Long ago he had these bars, when his memory still holds, but no more. On occasion he sees one other with the bird but only once had he seen one that is suppose to fly higher than him. The one that is a star. Yet even that one did not dare to go where only one stands tall.
It came many shapes passed by the soldier. He never counted the ones around him or the ones that were lost. He only recognizes the one in the field. The sounds his neighbors make are strange to the soldier but sometimes he feels warmth in them. On a few occasions he moves his lips unneeded.
In the night, before the fires are started, but it too dark to be threatened the soldier always looks out and sees the field changed. All except the pole that always rises. This time white had been falling all day but always turned black or brown or red. Even as it touched him. This time the pole kept the white pure. He took it as a sign. He had to leave his home.
In the time before the fires he got his strength. That which he gets to put in him. Instead of gaining that strength he saved it. As the fires lit he removed all his weapons and climbed over his home. First he showed he was no threat. He took off his outer clothing and circled. The soldier heard many of his neighbors and left them behind. He decided to go to that made him warm.
The soldier's journey was short in distance but long in taking. It was strange silence. The noise that would normally be made was not there. The soldier's journey only took moments but felt an eternity.
When the soldier got to the pole the white was not as pure as he thought. Filth and taint ran all over the pole. He took the last layer of clothing off his upper body and started cleaning the pole. Then he stared moving the sludge around it's base away. He removed the tainted white and quickly new white took it's place. Then he noticed the white of his flesh. The white had been falling on him as he worked. As much rubbing it took to get the pole clean of filth it took twice the effort for his face and limbs but he became pure.
When he was done he noticed another white skin beside the pole. It made him even more warm to have a neighbor and took out his strength and split it in half and offered the other some. In return the new neighbor offered a container of water after drinking some of it. The soldier moved his lips unneeded before accepting it.
Is it the crazy man that wishes for peace or war. How long can a sane man remain so if he is put on the battlefield and told to kill day after day, month after month or even year after year. This story depicts no soldier or army but any soldier should be able to relate to the meanings of many of the wordings used. Especially a long term officer who has lost many under their command. No soldier, in war time or peace, should wish for battle and should seek meaning outside of battle. As seeking something of meaning as the soldier did but do not get the wrong idea. This soldier is fictional and walking into a war zone half naked with no intent to fight will more likely get you killed than bring peace to a battlefield.
Many faces, no many shapes had passed by the soldier while he defended his spot. His home for all eternity. He recognizes his neighbors by the clothing and knows he is senior. This he knows by the shape of his emblem as he has a winged creature as all others have bars. Most times they run like the dead bodies but others that are rare they stand proud. Long ago he had these bars, when his memory still holds, but no more. On occasion he sees one other with the bird but only once had he seen one that is suppose to fly higher than him. The one that is a star. Yet even that one did not dare to go where only one stands tall.
It came many shapes passed by the soldier. He never counted the ones around him or the ones that were lost. He only recognizes the one in the field. The sounds his neighbors make are strange to the soldier but sometimes he feels warmth in them. On a few occasions he moves his lips unneeded.
In the night, before the fires are started, but it too dark to be threatened the soldier always looks out and sees the field changed. All except the pole that always rises. This time white had been falling all day but always turned black or brown or red. Even as it touched him. This time the pole kept the white pure. He took it as a sign. He had to leave his home.
In the time before the fires he got his strength. That which he gets to put in him. Instead of gaining that strength he saved it. As the fires lit he removed all his weapons and climbed over his home. First he showed he was no threat. He took off his outer clothing and circled. The soldier heard many of his neighbors and left them behind. He decided to go to that made him warm.
The soldier's journey was short in distance but long in taking. It was strange silence. The noise that would normally be made was not there. The soldier's journey only took moments but felt an eternity.
When the soldier got to the pole the white was not as pure as he thought. Filth and taint ran all over the pole. He took the last layer of clothing off his upper body and started cleaning the pole. Then he stared moving the sludge around it's base away. He removed the tainted white and quickly new white took it's place. Then he noticed the white of his flesh. The white had been falling on him as he worked. As much rubbing it took to get the pole clean of filth it took twice the effort for his face and limbs but he became pure.
When he was done he noticed another white skin beside the pole. It made him even more warm to have a neighbor and took out his strength and split it in half and offered the other some. In return the new neighbor offered a container of water after drinking some of it. The soldier moved his lips unneeded before accepting it.
Is it the crazy man that wishes for peace or war. How long can a sane man remain so if he is put on the battlefield and told to kill day after day, month after month or even year after year. This story depicts no soldier or army but any soldier should be able to relate to the meanings of many of the wordings used. Especially a long term officer who has lost many under their command. No soldier, in war time or peace, should wish for battle and should seek meaning outside of battle. As seeking something of meaning as the soldier did but do not get the wrong idea. This soldier is fictional and walking into a war zone half naked with no intent to fight will more likely get you killed than bring peace to a battlefield.