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Add Secondary Email to accounts

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  • Add Secondary Email to accounts

    Since it is R2s position that they will NOT fix emails on an account, if that email was previously verified, than they need to add a secondary optional email field to accounts.

    My email has been previously verified and as such I cannot change it. Despite the fact that I no longer have that email address and cannot receive email sent there.

    So please provide a SECONDARY email for communication purposes that can be updated by the player as needed.

    (Who makes these decisions at R2?!? that they operate under the delusion that people will NEVER change their email address?)

    POST WAS MOVED - moderator unidentified
    I put this post in Feedback and Suggestions.
    You know if I had wanted this post here, maybe I would have put here to start with.
    This is exactly the type of crappy over-moderation I've complained about in the past.
    Congratulations, Legitimate issue has now been relegated to back of the bus where no-one will see it - except maybe by other people who also have their posts banished here and go searching for them.
    Last edited by R2142020; 11-08-2015, 02:01 PM. Reason: addendum after post was moved