Last time on this LP, the Gentendo men (TheMapleSyrupShow, Welcome2Shifferland and model40248) created a new avatar to play on Sonic Generations and model took 2 minutes to complete the very first lvl (xD) and I got a strange message from someone saying OMG its princessjj!
In this episode, Welcome2Shifferland attempts act 2 of Green Hill, TheMapleSyrupShow spin dashes through Chemical Plant Act 1, and model40248 makes some epic fails in Chemical Plant Act 2, leaving Welcome2Shifferland to take over for him, then TheMapleSyrupShow takes over after W2S's fails xD!
Sonic meets his Classic self and the two must get to the bottom of fixing their world that is losing color! Join TheMapleSyrupShow, welcome2shifferland, model40248, and later jegaomega as they embark in the 20th anniversary hit that truly brought the hedgehog back to his good old platforming roots!
The rules of this Let's Play are simple. Each player will rotate to the next player after they either finish an act, clear a mission, defeat a boss, lose a life, or simply give-up. The rotation starts with model40248, then goes to welcome2shifferland, then TheMapleSyrupShow, then jegaomega (after she joins in future parts), then back to Model.
In this episode, Welcome2Shifferland attempts act 2 of Green Hill, TheMapleSyrupShow spin dashes through Chemical Plant Act 1, and model40248 makes some epic fails in Chemical Plant Act 2, leaving Welcome2Shifferland to take over for him, then TheMapleSyrupShow takes over after W2S's fails xD!
Sonic meets his Classic self and the two must get to the bottom of fixing their world that is losing color! Join TheMapleSyrupShow, welcome2shifferland, model40248, and later jegaomega as they embark in the 20th anniversary hit that truly brought the hedgehog back to his good old platforming roots!
The rules of this Let's Play are simple. Each player will rotate to the next player after they either finish an act, clear a mission, defeat a boss, lose a life, or simply give-up. The rotation starts with model40248, then goes to welcome2shifferland, then TheMapleSyrupShow, then jegaomega (after she joins in future parts), then back to Model.