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[Guide] Fragarach Weapon

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  • [Guide] Fragarach Weapon

    Fragarach Weapon Requirements Guide
    Fragarach Shard (FS) - synthesizing 3 Shining Ruby, 3 Shining Topaz and 2 Purified Crystal
    Frageron Soul Essence (FSE) – Dropped from various bosses in Revenant’s Vault (Nightmare)
    Bloodelar Soul Essence (BSE) – Dropped from various bosses in the Sacrificial Relics (Nightmare)
    Wraith Soul Essence (WSE) – Dropped from Lv75 Psychodelica (Nightmare)
    Rueful Soul Essence (RSE) – Dropped from Lv85 Exelorn Hollows (Hard / Nightmare)
    Savage Essence (SE) – Dropped from Lv110 Purgatory (Hard / Nightmare)
    Nether Essence (NE) – Dropped from Lv125 Evil Sanctuary (Hard / Nightmare) & is now on Dragon Hunt.
    Dragon Crystal (DC)- Dropped from Sacrificial Relics, Killer’s Den and Psychodelica Bosses. Both Hard and Nightmare modes have a chance to drop Dragon Crystals. Nightmare mode will provide better Dragon Crystal drop rates than Hard mode. Corruption Packs Lv8-910-11-15-16 has Dragon Crystals. Chamber of Fate Has a Dragon Crystal Room. Dragon Crystal is also available on Fate Shop.

    Purchase Fragarach Mold at weapon vendor, Remmington in Starglade.


    Mold> Earthen> Superior> Perfect> Supreme> Immortal> Primeval > Primodial > Cosmic > Celestial

    (Earthen) Fragrach Weapon
    Mold FS FSE Ice Shard
    ->1 +0 0 5 1
    1->2 +1 1 4
    2->3 +1 1 4
    3->4 +2 1 6
    4->5 +2 3 6
    5->6 +3 3 8
    6->7 +4 3 10
    12FS 43FSE 1Ice Shard

    (Superior) Fragarach Weapon
    Earthen7 FS BSE WSE
    ->1 +3 5 8
    1->2 +4 5 9
    2->3 +5 7 10
    3->4 +7 7 12
    4->5 +7 9 14
    5->6 +7 11 16
    6->7 +9 13 0 10
    57FS 69BSE 10WSE

    (Perfect) Fragarach Weapon
    Superior7 FS WSE RE
    ->1 +11 15 12
    1->2 +11 19 14
    2->3 +11 21 16
    3->4 +11 23 18
    4->5 +12 25 20
    5->6 +12 25 20
    6->7 +12 27 20
    7->8 +12 30 20
    8->9 +12 35 20
    9->X +13 40 20
    260FS 80WSE 100RE

    (Supreme) Auguric Weapon
    PerfectX FS SE NE
    ->1 +10 13 1
    1->2 +11 13 1
    2->3 +12 13 1
    3->4 +11 13 2
    4->5 +12 13 2
    5->6 +11 13 3
    6->7 +13 13 3
    7->8 +11 13 1
    8->9 +12 13 2
    9->X +13 25 3
    142FS 13SE 6NE

    (Immortal) Auguric Weapon
    SupremeX FS NE
    ->1 +10 27 5
    1->2 +11 29 7
    2->3 +11 31 9
    3->4 +12 33 11
    4->5 +12 35 13
    5->6 +13 37 15
    6->7 +13 39 17
    7->8 +13 41 19
    8->9 +13 43 21
    9->X +14 45 23
    360FS 140NE

    (Prime val) Auguric Weapon
    Immortal X FS NE
    ->1 +13 47 25
    1->2 +13 49 27
    2->3 +13 51 29
    3->4 +13 53 31
    4->5 +13 55 33
    5->6 +13 57 35
    6->7 +13 59 37
    7->8 +13 61 39
    8->9 +13 63 41
    9->10 +13 65 43
    10->11 +13 67 45
    11->12 +13 69 47
    12->13 +13 71 49
    13->14 +13 73 51
    14->15 +13 75 53
    15->16 +13 77 55
    16->17 +13 79 57
    17->18 +13 81 59
    18->19 +13 83 61
    19->20 +13 85 63
    1320FS 880NE

    (Primodial) Auguric Weapon
    PrimevalXX FS NE
    ->1 +13 90 65
    1->2 90 65
    2->3 90 65
    3->4 90 65
    4->5 90 65
    5->6 90 65
    6->7 90 65
    7->8 90 65
    8->9 90 65
    9->10 90 65
    10->11 90 65
    11->12 90 65
    12->13 90 65
    13->14 90 65
    14->15 90 65
    15->16 90 65
    16->17 90 65
    17->18 90 65
    18->19 90 65
    19->20 90 65
    1800 FS 1300 NE

    (Cosmic) Auguric Weapon
    Primodial XX FS NE
    ->1 +13 105 80
    1->2 105 80
    2->3 105 80
    3->4 105 80
    4->5 105 80
    5->6 105 80
    6->7 105 80
    7->8 105 80
    8->9 105 80
    9->10 105 80
    10->11 105 80
    11->12 105 80
    12->13 105 80
    13->14 105 80
    14->15 105 80
    15->16 105 80
    16->17 105 80
    17->18 105 80
    18->19 105 80
    19->20 105 80
    2100 FS 1600 NE

    (Celestial) Auguric Weapon
    Cosmic XX FS NE
    ->1 +13 105 80
    1->2 105 80
    2->3 105 80
    3->4 105 80
    4->5 105 80
    5->6 105 80
    6->7 105 80
    7->8 105 80
    8->9 105 80
    9->10 105 80
    10->11 105 80
    11->12 105 80
    12->13 105 80
    13->14 105 80
    14->15 105 80
    15->16 105 80
    16->17 105 80
    17->18 105 80
    18->19 105 80
    19->20 105 80
    2100 FS 1600 NE

    Feel free to correct if there's some error. thx

    8151 FS • 5526 NE • 13 SE • 100 RE • 90 WSE • 69 BSE • 43 FSE • 1 Ice Shard

    Last edited by Caia_R21125326; 03-09-2025, 03:15 PM. Reason: Update 2025
    Crystal Saga

    Ign: (S22)Caia
    Server:(S22)Tyria Village
    Spouse: (S23)Socrates
    Guild:(Lv.10) DivineAngels - GM (AngelOfDeath)

    Looking for>
    -Genie Crystals in Consumers Points
    -More Inventory (Bag) Space & Pages
    -Pixie Crystal in Mystery Packs

  • #2
    Newcomers, and even veterans who still have yet to max their frag, I reccomend this guide to help you out!
    Game:Crystal Saga
    Server:S58 Holorn Cliff
    Level: 198-Eidolon
    Class: Knight
    Guild: (S6)Insidious

    "Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution"
    -Albert Einstein


    • #3
      Originally posted by Caia_R21125326 View Post
      Fragarach Weapon Requirements Guide
      Fragarach Shard (FS) - synthesizing 3 Shining Ruby, 3 Shining Topaz and 2 Purified Crystal
      Frageron Soul Essence (FSE) – Dropped from various bosses in Revenant’s Vault (Nightmare)
      Bloodelar Soul Essence (BSE) – Dropped from various bosses in the Sacrificial Relics (Nightmare)
      Wraith Soul Essence (WSE) – Dropped from Psychodelica (Nightmare)
      Rueful Soul Essence (RSE) – Dropped from Exelorn Hollows (Hard / Nightmare)
      Nether Essence (NE)– Dropped from Evil Sanctuary (Hard / Nightmare)
      Dragon Crystal (DC)- Dropped from Sacrificial Relics, Killer’s Den and Psychodelica Bosses in both Hard and Nightmare modes have a chance to drop Dragon Crystals. Nightmare mode will provide better Dragon Crystal drop rates than Hard mode.

      Purchase Fragarach Mold at weapon vendor in Starglade.

      (Earthen) Fragrach Weapon
      Mold->1 +0 5FSE 0FS 1IceShard
      1->2 +1 4FSE 1FS
      2->3 +1 4FSE 1FS
      3->4 +2 6FSE 1FS
      4->5 +2 6FSE 3FS
      5->6 +3 8FSE 3FS
      6->7 +4 10FSE 3FS
      43FSE 12FS

      (Superior) Fragarach Weapon
      Earthen7->1 +3 8BSE 5FS
      1->2 +4 9BSE 5FS
      2->3 +5 10BSE 7FS
      3->4 +7 12BSE 7Fs
      4->5 +7 14BSE 9FS
      5->6 +7 16BSE 11FS
      6->7 +9 10wSE 13FS
      69BSE 10wSE 57FS

      (Perfect) Fragarach Weapon
      Superior7->1 +11 12WSE 15FS
      1->2 +11 14WSE 19FS
      2->3 +11 16WSE 21FS
      3->4 +11 18WSE 23FS
      4->5 +12 20WSE 25FS
      5->6 +12 20RE 25FS
      6->7 +12 20RE 27FS
      7->8 +12 20RE 30FS
      8->9 +12 20RE 35FS
      9->10 +13 20RE 40FS
      80WSE 100RE 260FS

      (Supreme) Auguric Weapon
      Perfect10->1 +10 1SE 13FS
      1->2 +11 1SE 13FS
      2->3 +12 1SE 13FS
      3->4 +11 2SE 13FS
      4->5 +12 2SE 13FS
      5->6 +11 3SE 13FS
      6->7 +13 3SE 13FS
      7->8 +11 1NE 13FS
      8->9 +12 2NE 13FS
      9->10 +13 3NE 25FS
      13SE 6NE 142FS

      (Immortal) Auguric Weapon
      Supreme10->1 +10 5NE 27FS
      1->2 + 7NE 29FS
      2->3 + 9NE 31FS
      3->4 + 11NE 33FS
      4->5 + 13NE 35FS
      5->6 + 15NE 37FS
      6->7 + 17NE 39FS
      7->8 + 19NE 41FS
      8->9 +13 21NE 43FS
      9->10 +14 23NE 45FS
      140NE 360FS

      Feel free to correct if there's some error. thx
      you forgot savage essense (SE) which drops in purg if i remember right


      • #4
        Originally posted by joseph.fritz2 View Post
        you forgot savage essense (SE) which drops in purg if i remember right
        They're on there ;p
        IGN: (CS1) (S80)Tannlaus LV178 Eidolon Rogue
        Prom I wings... so expensive... especially if you keep forgettin corrupt :D
        Kamikaze Member
        Somany little time...
        If you wanna know why I went with a Rogue well... Stealth is good for lurking in chat while still runnin through SG :cool:


        • #5
          cool thanks for this!


          • #6
            So weird, it wont let me Edit my post, after hours of trying..

            Update: it wont let me type Prime val, then why name the Equip that way xD
            Last edited by Caia_R21125326; 12-01-2022, 05:20 AM.
            Crystal Saga

            Ign: (S22)Caia
            Server:(S22)Tyria Village
            Spouse: (S23)Socrates
            Guild:(Lv.10) DivineAngels - GM (AngelOfDeath)

            Looking for>
            -Genie Crystals in Consumers Points
            -More Inventory (Bag) Space & Pages
            -Pixie Crystal in Mystery Packs


            • #7
              Anyone know what is needed after Prime val?

