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Threats of Hacking

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  • Threats of Hacking

    Remember this thread?!

    After trying to run their bullying thing there, the Indos apparently were not satisfied with the results they got. They apparently decided to play games using Chaos War as well. You know, the usual: kick people when they are refreshing and other sneaky things like that, and substituted their own guild members into it.

    We all know it happens all the time during Chaos Wars. We get enough complaints about it here.

    But when called out on it, things blew up over the World Chat and then this caught the attention of someone who forwarded me the screenshot after seeing my posts in the above thread:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Threats (world chat) II.png
Views:	1
Size:	426.0 KB
ID:	1782019

    Being an arrogant jerk is one thing. But to threaten with hacking and destroying someone's toon? That is above and beyond. And then to laugh about it and say that R2 won't do anything because he is a big casher? Whoa!

    But probably true, unfortunately. We all have heard the stories on how the whales are immune from censure.

    Still, better to out them publicly, eh, especially after the stuff they tried to pull in the other thread?

    And on the off chance that there is something that can be done with such a blatant threat, can a mod help?

  • #2
    With all the problems with people hacking toons you would think someone that is a big casher would know better than to publically admit to hacking toon.
    angeldust S526 We are part of the Collective, we shall comply, resistance is futile


    • #3
      Originally posted by angeldust261 View Post
      With all the problems with people hacking toons you would think someone that is a big casher would know better than to publically admit to hacking toon.
      which raises the question, how much of his high br was cash, and how much was hacking?


      • #4
        Sejedewe - Wanita Munafik

        Hey kau wanita munafik jangan kau tutupi parasmu..
        Wajahmu memanglah cantik.. Tapi mengapa otak tak maju..
        Dan kau wanita munafik.. Banyak alasan tuk jauhi..
        Seribu cara engkau rakit.. Agar terus bisa bersamaku..

        Mulai mancing perasaan cinta.. Kau pasang umpan..
        Wajah yang menggoda.. Kau tutupi semua.. Kesalahan..
        Kau putar cerita.. Untuk berdusta..

        Kau fikir kau menarik.. (o tidak)
        Kau wanita munafik.. ya ya ya..

        Kau fikir ku tertarik.. (o tidak)
        Kau wanita munafik.. ya ya ya..

        R2games [S106] Devil's Trail


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sparrow99 View Post
          which raises the question, how much of his high br was cash, and how much was hacking?
          It- Ther- That is actually a VERY good question...

          He is from a high 500s server, close to 600, I think. Red merged sylph for months now. Knighthood, full complement of everything, including mount strength in the stratosphere.

          He is top in every measure in the rankings (barring Charm), beating out people who are from the 400s server range, including all the whales of those servers. His BR rivals that of the whales of the oldest servers in the region.

          Either he spent the 100k that the R2 CEO talked about, or, well, you decide...


          • #6
            i never think of you as a smart person, but i genuinely surprised that you are THIS stupid, ada.
            thankfully i never expected any good post from you.
            Originally posted by Wraithraiser
            Welcome to R2 forums. Where quality is nonexistent and quantity is only measured in the number of whines a single day can produce.


            • #7
              Same set of servers as the last time, Ada?
              New R2 Community Discord Server:

              Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

              Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

              Rules of the Forum are found here.

              R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


              • #8
                Yes, M. Same set.


                • #9
                  BUAHAHAHAHAHA jealous guys spotted,,
                  so when you can't beat someone,, your only excuse is that he hack??
                  Don't be stupid dude!!
                  Last edited by R2119680796; 05-17-2016, 01:40 PM.


                  • #10
                    haha this is pathetic why not give more screenshots only what turnado wrote a letter to challenges of morons etc .. Greetings from Space


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by JaMagik View Post
                      haha this is pathetic why not give more screenshots only what turnado wrote a letter to challenges of morons etc .. Greetings from Space

                      R2 have to make fully investigation to this matter. Good statement JaMagik. Turnado won't gave that tuff challenges without the caused.


                      • #12
                        According to your screenshot,That Turnado guy is telling to the other guy to stop doing something..:'if you don't stop'...that mean he(Faewen) may have harass him (just supposing)
                        i would like to see the previous chat before he said that.. )
                        Someone may have also provock him...
                        Last edited by R2119680796; 05-17-2016, 01:28 PM.


                        • #13
                          get a full story b4 u judge it ....................................mabuhay my guild allaince.......................................its me ................................mia


                          • #14
                            As I read it say that you are pathetic oh bad Turnado haha so bad but need help to do the trick as Turnado help of KH is Turnado help you really posrało in the minds ?? I ask how can you just go after Turnado why not date screenshots that half of your players eligible for Chaos War was offline and that you regret that Turnado is chasher and only through the prism him look so loads of money in the game as we all do a good honest and counts the good of the whole servo not only his and besides it wspałniały man not only in the game but also outside it does not believe We invite you to a meeting on August 18 at the Borneo you will know him closely and you will see that it człowiekm which is a great and honest man who plays and BR is not turned over in my head I greet David


                            • #15
                              I will let the pathetic excuses and taunts from the Indos be a mild illustration to the kind of harassment and bullying that their servers are subject to on a constant basis.

                              They seem to believe they are in some sort of WW2 scenario, where everyone else is the "gai-jin". Pretty amusing, if pathetic.

                              Although one must wonder. The last I looked, the exchange rate was 13000 rupiah to the USD. A $100 balen recharge is 1.3M rupiah. A $1000 recharge is 13M rupiah. Given the kind of whale-like spending our friend there as alluded to, he must be looking at thousands, so even if we used a (relatively) mild $5000 spending so far, that is 65M rupiah spent on pixels.

                              Note that this is a bank rate, and therefore, us civilians would pay more for the exchange rate, but let us use that and not factor in the percentage cost in exchage charges.

                              I wonder what kind of Indonesian has both the money AND the time to throw 65M at a bunch of pixels over the course of a few months...

