Im a non casher ( for the most part.. only pets i have spend money on ) lvl 100 scion priest.. hyrbid... the reason i am not blood is because the blood skills practically hold no power. And this was never a thread against a mage. But since you keep bringing it up.. it is impossible for my character.. on a Hellwing... with 788 soul.. to fight a mage that can stun and crit me for 100k +. One hit dead. And im not weak either.
No announcement yet.
Priest should change!
Originally posted by MissKimmer View PostIm a non casher ( for the most part.. only pets i have spend money on ) lvl 100 scion priest.. hyrbid... the reason i am not blood is because the blood skills practically hold no power. And this was never a thread against a mage. But since you keep bringing it up.. it is impossible for my character.. on a Hellwing... with 788 soul.. to fight a mage that can stun and crit me for 100k +. One hit dead. And im not weak either.
priest lv 100 friend says their tactic is curse run attack, and other priest do similar. but it all really depend on who's using the character . they said preist def is kinda low. and that dmg for blood priest is semi lower then others but attack rate makes up for it. don't believe me? log back into my server and talk to pleasured or Moy a friend of pleasureds
the greatest flaw in every weapon. is the user
Originally posted by MemoryLane View PostI've read the thread, and I don't really see any concrete ideas, just a lot of complaining about not being able to beat a certain player, some complaining about certain stats with some equipment, and a few comparisons to a version that isn't even the original nor does it take into account the overall builds of every class and how each class interacts and balances each other.
I also saw BrotherVT ask for the summarized version of what the idea is, but that was only followed by complaining about how he asked for a summary.
So, it will be asked again- come up with a concrete and balanced idea, explain how it won't affect all the other classes or general gameplay, explain the benefits and the potential negatives, include some ballpark numbers. Make it all nice and neat and we'll pass it along to the GMs to be looked at.
so i basically stated i have a attack spell that does this DoT. and you said you have a heal spell that heals that amount. i'd say that we are even. thats what im saying. if both were used then the effect is null. am i right? seriously whats with all the moot points =.= . you gave a example of what your skill does and i gave a example of a equivalent exchange for mage's dmg skill which was what was requested. and going off previous threads of all these like i said and other ppl said before, an then gm once said on a "can you nerf them they can kill me " thread/ that if any changes happen to the classes it will happen to them all. and since asking for a boost is same thing as asking for a nerf. same rule will most likely apply. this is like the thread about spawn camping where the person said it should be stated spawn camping is a ban'able offense then wondered why there are ppl who spawn camped posting their side of story "changing their thread from the topic". when the topic directly involves and influences them. i'm not saying that i wouldn't wanna see some cool change to priest. i play priests. mainly other classes because i fancy them more. but priests and knights are my #2  personal fav. like i've said before.....=.=
if they change stuff we are gonna be in the same boat just in a different way. there's always going to be someone who skilled their build to be able to battle your class specifically better. just like there's AM ranger for the bane of everything magic. then we end up here again with threads like these because that person was competition an mostly always won since that class and skill build grants exclusive advantages over the other.
The reason you're dieing is because you going up against priests with easily 4k-5k more attack than you
and you have your answer then on how to improve your char so mages that would generally be a handful would be easy to kill as you say an evidence has proven with my battles. if you saw my seng video you saw how much and how fast i die from every class in various situations. if you don't have advantage node level'd much at all, maxing that would give a definite edge if you could cash. and along the way it would give insane endurance boost, then max motion node for 25% endurance stat boost 100+ to all stat. cast ur rebirth buff and your practically a god or goddess i bet. think there's even a immortality node that gives even moreLast edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 07-12-2012, 01:30 PM.
Originally posted by MissKimmer View PostIm a non casher ( for the most part.. only pets i have spend money on ) lvl 100 scion priest.. hyrbid... the reason i am not blood is because the blood skills practically hold no power. And this was never a thread against a mage. But since you keep bringing it up.. it is impossible for my character.. on a Hellwing... with 788 soul.. to fight a mage that can stun and crit me for 100k +. One hit dead. And im not weak either.
And kim is right. I'm not far behinmd her on either matk or soul, and I've seen mages crit me that hard too, and I myself am close to 100k hp. My crit only does about 60k at it's very best and I have 14.5k matk (this is with master blood beam). Mages hit really hard.
@ the continued discussion on int vs end for bood priests, we did this math back in September on Aurora Point before any other servers were available to play one. you LOSE damage going full end.Last edited by Alexmancer; 07-12-2012, 01:55 PM.â™”
Vampire Prince- Server: Aurora Point
- Character: Alexmancerx
- Class: Priest (Blood/Hybrid)
- Level: Eidolon 120
- Rank: Emperor
- Guild: TheWanted
- Pet: Dark Reaper (currently breeding ftw!)
throwing my two sense in here o.o at 70% damage reduction (damn caps...there shouldn't be any in the first place) i still get 60k+ crits on me in seng from mages with roughly 9k matk outside seng similar to shadow's stats actually. granted my hp is kinda of low (went str instead of endurance knight...patk from it at the point i'm at more beneficial to boost me pve to actually get stronger before i switch to endurance), 70% matk damage reduct shouldn't be able to hit 60k+ and 2 shot me. something's kinda of wrong there...and thats when we look at the fire mages builds. meteor is commonly maxed (i think) as well as the flame explosion. level 5 flame explosion gives you nearly 100% + extra matk worth of damage. so 10k matk = like 22k+ damage = ~30k lucky strike = up to 75k with 250% crit damage, mages usually have higher end crit rates and hit % can be obtained in huge bulk from guild skills along with an easy 40% more cast speed by the time you hit slayers levels. this makes flame explosion cast pretty fast.
now, i will point some things out with mage skills and how they are broken. my test mage has 30 armor pen outside seng, and 8% ignore defense proc chance. removing all my dummy mage's gear she has 1.6k matk and deals 1 damage to me. over the course of 30 minutes outside seng, she dealt a max of 250 damage on lucky strikes from luck hits on crit, never ignored defense regardless of the 8% magic def ignore proc rate and armor penetration. So mages themselves do have broken skills. if the mage had ignored my defense or armor penetrated, there should be something along the lines of 2k damage dealt eventually...but never did defense ignoring actually occur. i firmly believe armor penetration, and pen resistance only work in sengolia, as level 30 knights can sometimes land a 10k crit with pure luck. as for critical defense, i feel it's a broken stat and i've never encountered changes no matter how much of that i add on.
now on to pvp with priest. i'll say this...hybrids always give me the most trouble. they can use all the skills of a blood priest but have healing abilities, the passive 10% heal and the buffs. scion buffs in seng can really make or break someone...usually the scion buffed knights are a pain in the rear to take out. i've had some friends of mine go the full blood route...they quickly changed back to hybrid because they died too fast and couldn't land kills kiting like they could before as they lacked back-up healing. hybrids = best in my opinion and experiences. my issue with they lack the most spammable skills and mostly rely on DoT's which aren't too hard to escape from with minimal damage. blood priest had nice blood beam (damage not constant) and hybrids have access to 2 instant cast skills spirit infusion and blood pact (both hit hard but usually not hard enough), but overall thats it...and they'll be lucky to have killed someone by the time they finish spamming their 2 skills and the person either ran away or the priest will have already died....only reasons priest gives me grief right now is due to 2k ms ping from satellite net. anyone with lags will dread priests their rooting when you start to jump all over the screen.
Knights and rogues have their own equal share of troubles. Knights skills will almost always fail if players move fast. means we can't hit anyone unless they stand still for a second. crucify and dragon hook (even level 5) has chances to miss naturally or because when we cast it the player moves out of range easily enough. a range boost to our skills would be nice...instead of 80, 100 would be better. rogues...i heard their rebirth skill is useless because the targets can skill move after they use it and its a skill that works only of they are in they swing at the air for like 5 seconds. i don't have a rogue so i can't verify this sadly...but i am working on one just not close to rebirth yet.
-in the end-
every class has something that is broken. the way it looks its either something that's an easy fix or is just a programming limit of a real time flash game mmo. I personally would like to see priests get skills changes to provide me more of a reason to better myself to try to conquer all my foes. i'd like mage skills to be looked at a little more to see if their skill is truly broken. it would be nice to know how armor pen, crit defense and pen resistance actually work, is it a defense ignore type pvp skill? is it some other type of formula to affect how it works? is it a sengolia only stat? and the range issue for failed skills on knights and rogues make a serious issue to the potential we hooking will almost always be useless if the person has enough movespeed to escape a stun and that leaves us sitting ducks for 15 seconds on a level 5 hook (mages can usually blink out then spam skills to kill us at this point). Oh...speaking of blink, 8 seconds cool down and removes rooting, so mages can blink to avoid any roots and possibly ruin any skills cast on them...allowing them enough time to land off some instant casts to win the match against them. Ranger is the only class i don't know much about...didn't like them when i first tried a ranger. o.o
Yes this is way off topic from the title, but this has developed into a multi-class discussion.Crystal Saga:
Server: Aquatic Crypts
Name: (S15)Sidoh
Class: Knight
Plane: Eidolon
Level: 100
Server:Server: S87 Key Grove and S58 Drays Keep
Name: [S87]Kenshin/[S58]SweetnSour
Class: Swordman/Elementalist
Level: 5x/6x
Originally posted by B3lle View PostA: This has been tested many times before the amount of damage you lose by not going full int simply isn’t worth the ~8k hp you gain by going full end(you actually lose dmg because hp doesn’t translate to bonus BB damage well.) Math for bonus BB dmg from HP below.
1: Full int: ~100k hp
~1a: 100,000/100= 1,000
~1b: 1,000*4.5= 4,500 bonus dmg on BB
2: Full end: ~108k hp
~2a: 108,000/100= 1,080
~2b: 1,080*4.5= 4860 bonus dmg on BB
So you’re going to trade ~3k+ attack from going full int(at lvl 100) for ~360 more dmg on blood beam?
for blood its full End 3:0Salvo | 5* | Anti-Mage Ranger
Here's answer for your questions :
• <•••• MUST READ !
I don't get why people don't understand that end blood priests are weak. Where is Renfa when you need him?Last edited by Alexmancer; 07-12-2012, 09:29 PM.â™”
Vampire Prince- Server: Aurora Point
- Character: Alexmancerx
- Class: Priest (Blood/Hybrid)
- Level: Eidolon 120
- Rank: Emperor
- Guild: TheWanted
- Pet: Dark Reaper (currently breeding ftw!)
Originally posted by crxleader View PostPriest are OP as hell idk what you're talkin about
is your main priest?
what lv your priest is? above 80?
did you ever PVP someone? did you ever PVP someone that above 80?Renfa that all...
I am non-cash player
Originally posted by kimberlyc View PostThe only relevant discussions and points we are trying to make come from pages 1 2 and 3â™”
Vampire Prince- Server: Aurora Point
- Character: Alexmancerx
- Class: Priest (Blood/Hybrid)
- Level: Eidolon 120
- Rank: Emperor
- Guild: TheWanted
- Pet: Dark Reaper (currently breeding ftw!)
lol i know alex but lots of people trying to prove points with 20 pages worth of stuff.. i dont think this thread was meant to cause any form of debate... and where are all the knights and rogues at .. oh thats right because they stun once and we're dead.
Class- Priest
Sever - Kaymo Mountain
Guild-(S3)Legends --- Mythical 4 Life!
Ahh, so many things on that threat.
ShadowGammaDraco, can you kill a Priest Scion your level ? (Level 90 it was I think ?)
Anyway, a mage friend of mine went to check on SOH the mages' skills, and apparently, their skills in this version aren't much more different than the ones in this other version. So why did R2 change so much our skills ? And not only one or two, but several of them ?
I know we are support. Anyway I like being support. I like healing, buffing, cursing to help my team members, and all. But let's say: it's the only thing we can do.
Sure we can join Seng, but we can't compete with people our levels (talking about lvl 100 Scions). So what, we shouldn't have chose a Priest ? Because I chose a Priest, a more support toon, I shouldn't be able to do Seng or Realm ?
Even with same or slightly better MATK than mages, I'd die simply because they have more skills meant to kill. They have more attack skills, more spammable skills. I heal half what he's taking out of me, what I'm supposed to do ? Just stay there, accept the fact that I'll always die, even with slightly better stats and that's it ? Let's say that I have more heal than MATK, I'm way more a healer. And even as a healer I can't survive.
Then tell me what I'm supposed to do ? Not do any PvP event anymore ? Keep "bullying" lower levels only ?
We have skills that help us regen our HP: what's the point if our heals aren't strong enough to make us survive ? Sure everybody envies us our AB... We regen 10% HP every 10 seconds. A good mage can 1-3 shots me. AB sure helps, but it doesn't make up for all the other things we're lacking.
We have buffs: let me say that it's totally unfair that others get buffed in Realm. Simple example: last time I was beating this rogue, he couldn't catch up to me. Then a Priest full buffed him: he gained 3 places. "That's the game" ? Then I want mages' and Knights' buffs too ! I don't see why Priests should support everybody in individual events too.
Then attacks... Our attacks simply don't deal as much damages as others' classes skills. Even Blood Tree which is supposed to be a DPS tree isn't that much DPS. They don't deal that much damages, they aren't actually that good for DPS.