Originally posted by Botolminum
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With new frag weapons as well people might not be finding much of a challange with things as they used to, some sort of permanent event as a new daily challange for players which helped supply the in game market or players would be greatly appreciated by many. cashers, non cashers, an the ones who only cash a tiny bit or get gifted stuff. possibly even make some cashers glad to cash more. Personally I tend to like doing a bunch of stuff to get semi decent then cash on games to really boost stuff to save in the initial stages then cash in end game, cashing outright can be very spendy on some games. having a way to earn them in game gives the item more meaning as well. I play another game where you can cash to get ahead, but to train your stats you have to fight a trainer of the skill or stat area type, and they always had equal stats to your person + a little more. which really taught strategy and technique+timing. in the end, if you win and increase stats, gives a feeling of accomplishment. would be nice to see more of that in CS- not suggesting they take the concept from another game, make their own unique ways of doing stuff we can all participate in.
If i remember right there was some noob quest around lv 30-40's to establish a wing message route to speed up the delivery of messages or something?
event based off that would fit into the plot of cs. think the npc even said something like "omg your slow" -so the event would help you "get faster/stronger" by honing a skill/running / or protecting someone delivering a message etc for EW or whichever wing was needed to upgrade at that moment to "increase flying stats".