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--------------------League of Angels
--------------------Cross server FAQ
--------------------Version 1.1 by Don Vutch
--------------------[S30] Cherub's Echo
--------------------Updated February 24, 2014

1. Introduction/Version History
2. Cross Server Systems
*To quickly find the section you're looking for, use Ctrl+F and type in
the name of the section from the Table of Contents above. Or you could
simply highlight the section from the Table of Contents, hit Ctrl+F,
and then hit "Find Next".*
1. Introduction/Version History
Hello Everyone! I'm Don Vutch from S30 This is my simple guide for League of Angels CSW(Cross Server War) Feel free to hit me a message
if you want to put something or there's wrong in my FAQ. I dont posses some of items you see around my FAQ. any suggestion or correction
will be very much appreciated. Hope this can qualify also for the (Guiding Star Event)
Version History
Version 1.1 2/24/2014 Added In game Skin Pictures (By Request)
Version 1.0 2/23/2014 First Version Released
2. Cross Server System

2A. Cross Server War
Reaching Lvl 33 Unlocks Cross Server War you can see CSW at upper right of your screen
Players Lvl. 33++ can participate in 10v10 Cross-server War from 13:00-23:00, Clitck to queue up, and be assgned to blue and red teams, Collect Ore,
first team to reach 1,000 or collects the most Ore wins!, Each player has 3 chances per day for additional prizes
The Battlefield Map is divided into red and blue teams. The objective of each team is to secure the Ore. Those who reach 1,000 pts first, collect the Ore, vanquish
the opposition, and assistall, can all receive battle points. Post battle victors can receive bonus points. Honor rewards are awarded based on battle points, players have
3 chances a day for rewards based on battle results and the Point average of opponents. Points can be used to activate Battle Flair. (Battle Flair will be featured in future)
2B. Map Interface
You can see your map at the top right of your screen

- Red Flag shows the base of Red team
- Red Dot shows the location of your team mates when you're in Red team
- Blue Flag shows the base of Blue team
- Blue Dot shows the location of your team mates when you're in Blue team
- Light Blue Dot shows the location of the ore
- Yellow Dot shows the buff location
- "?HELP" Displays the Rules of Cross Server
- Brief Rpt (on) Shows the Mini Battle
- Brief Rpt (off) Shows the Real Battle
2C. Brackets
- Cross Server has different brackets (Based on Lvls)
- Lv 33-39 or Lv 33-44
- Lv 40-44 or Lv 40-54
- Lv 45-54
- Lv 55-55++
- Lv 61-61++
Note : This is not accurate sometimes High Lvl's comes out in Low Brackets but this is the queuing brackets most of the time.
There are various buffs you can get at 3 spots in Xserver

All Buffs Costs
20,000 Gold
- +20% Crit lasts for 20seconds
- +20% MaxHP lasts for 20seconds
- +50% Movespeed lasts for 20seconds
- 20% HP Regen Regenerate 20% of your Max HP
- Teleport Anywhere at the map
2E. Ore
There 2 Types of Ore you can mine

The Big ore gives +20 points to the team and the other three gives +10 points to the team
2F. Prizes/Warchest
Each player has 3 chances per day for additional prizes. You must have at least 80points to gain extra prizes.
- Vouchers
Used to buy items in the shop and many more
- Divine Chest
Angel Tear,
Garnet/Topaz Herosoul,
- Honor Points
Used to buy item and emblems in Honor Shop

Player has 1 Free draw daily at Warchest, Another draw costs 50 Diamonds
- Emblem Core
Material used in the Forge to synth Legendary and Mythic Emblems
- Fashion Core
Precious Item used to enhance Clothes and Wings
- Honor Points
Used to buy item and emblems in Honor Shop
2G. Honor Shop/Emblems
You can see the Honor Shop at the Lower right screen of Cross Server Menu
*Honor Shop

- Rage Emblem - Player receives 25 extra Rage at the start of battle,
- Justice Emblem - Player 15% more likely to trigger Partner Skill,
- Enhanced Justice Emblem - Player 20% more likely to trigger Partner Skill,
- Ruin Emblem - Player 15% more likely to trigger Finishing Move,
- Enhanced Ruin Emblem - Player 20% more likely to trigger Finishing Move,
- Rapture Emblem - Receive 15 less damage from enemy Angels. (Whole Party)
- Fasion Core - Item used to enhance Clothes and Wings
2H. Scoring/Streaks/Rankings
- There are 2 ways to score in Cross Server simply by Mining and Killing
(Assisting is killing the opponent around your team mate who's getting the ore or stand close to him when she/he mining the ore)
- You can still get points even you attack and died, or died from enemy attack.

Killing enemy continuously without dying gives you a streak starting with 2 kills. (Give extra points)
2nd - Killing sphree
3rd - Dominating
4th - Megakill
5th - Unstoppable
6th - Wicked Sick
7th - Monster Kill
8th - Godlike
9th+ - Ungodly (Holys**t!)
Rankings in your world (server) and in Cross Server are different even you won 1st place at the event but if your team loses
you still lose in your cross server rankings at your world.

You can find your rankings at Cross Server Menu
or clicking the
at world map and click Battle Points 
--------------------League of Angels
--------------------Cross server FAQ
--------------------Version 1.1 by Don Vutch
--------------------[S30] Cherub's Echo
--------------------Updated February 24, 2014
1. Introduction/Version History
2. Cross Server Systems
- 2A. Cross Server Event
- 2B. Map Interface
- 2C. Brackets
- 2D. Buffs
- 2E. Ores
- 2F. Prizes/Warchest
- 2G. Honor Shop/Emblems
- 2H. Scoring/Rankings
- 3A. Hot Skins
- 3B. Rare Skins
- 4A. Getting Ready for Cross Server War
- 4B. Mining Glitch
- 4C. Blocking Ore's
- 4D. Checking out Opposing Team
- 4E. Fighting OP Opponents
- 4F. Do's/Dont's
*To quickly find the section you're looking for, use Ctrl+F and type in
the name of the section from the Table of Contents above. Or you could
simply highlight the section from the Table of Contents, hit Ctrl+F,
and then hit "Find Next".*
1. Introduction/Version History
Hello Everyone! I'm Don Vutch from S30 This is my simple guide for League of Angels CSW(Cross Server War) Feel free to hit me a message
if you want to put something or there's wrong in my FAQ. I dont posses some of items you see around my FAQ. any suggestion or correction
will be very much appreciated. Hope this can qualify also for the (Guiding Star Event)
Version History
Version 1.1 2/24/2014 Added In game Skin Pictures (By Request)
Version 1.0 2/23/2014 First Version Released
2. Cross Server System
2A. Cross Server War
Reaching Lvl 33 Unlocks Cross Server War you can see CSW at upper right of your screen
Players Lvl. 33++ can participate in 10v10 Cross-server War from 13:00-23:00, Clitck to queue up, and be assgned to blue and red teams, Collect Ore,
first team to reach 1,000 or collects the most Ore wins!, Each player has 3 chances per day for additional prizes
The Battlefield Map is divided into red and blue teams. The objective of each team is to secure the Ore. Those who reach 1,000 pts first, collect the Ore, vanquish
the opposition, and assistall, can all receive battle points. Post battle victors can receive bonus points. Honor rewards are awarded based on battle points, players have
3 chances a day for rewards based on battle results and the Point average of opponents. Points can be used to activate Battle Flair. (Battle Flair will be featured in future)
2B. Map Interface
You can see your map at the top right of your screen
- Red Flag shows the base of Red team
- Red Dot shows the location of your team mates when you're in Red team
- Blue Flag shows the base of Blue team
- Blue Dot shows the location of your team mates when you're in Blue team
- Light Blue Dot shows the location of the ore
- Yellow Dot shows the buff location
- "?HELP" Displays the Rules of Cross Server
- Brief Rpt (on) Shows the Mini Battle
- Brief Rpt (off) Shows the Real Battle
2C. Brackets
- Cross Server has different brackets (Based on Lvls)
- Lv 33-39 or Lv 33-44
- Lv 40-44 or Lv 40-54
- Lv 45-54
- Lv 55-55++
- Lv 61-61++
Note : This is not accurate sometimes High Lvl's comes out in Low Brackets but this is the queuing brackets most of the time.
- You cannot play with other server with different time slot (US East, US West, Europe, Oceanic)
- Ex. If you're on US East server you'll only able to play with all US East servers
There are various buffs you can get at 3 spots in Xserver
All Buffs Costs
- +20% Crit lasts for 20seconds
- +20% MaxHP lasts for 20seconds
- +50% Movespeed lasts for 20seconds
- 20% HP Regen Regenerate 20% of your Max HP
- Teleport Anywhere at the map
2E. Ore
There 2 Types of Ore you can mine
The Big ore gives +20 points to the team and the other three gives +10 points to the team
2F. Prizes/Warchest
Each player has 3 chances per day for additional prizes. You must have at least 80points to gain extra prizes.
Used to buy items in the shop and many more
Used to buy item and emblems in Honor Shop
Player has 1 Free draw daily at Warchest, Another draw costs 50 Diamonds
Material used in the Forge to synth Legendary and Mythic Emblems
Precious Item used to enhance Clothes and Wings
Used to buy item and emblems in Honor Shop
2G. Honor Shop/Emblems
*Honor Shop
- Rage Emblem - Player receives 25 extra Rage at the start of battle,
- Justice Emblem - Player 15% more likely to trigger Partner Skill,
- Enhanced Justice Emblem - Player 20% more likely to trigger Partner Skill,
- Ruin Emblem - Player 15% more likely to trigger Finishing Move,
- Enhanced Ruin Emblem - Player 20% more likely to trigger Finishing Move,
- Rapture Emblem - Receive 15 less damage from enemy Angels. (Whole Party)
- Fasion Core - Item used to enhance Clothes and Wings
- All buffs in shop are valid for 3 Days
- Max purchase each day is 7000 for non
VIP's and extra max purchase for
- There are no limits for collecting Honor Points, A player can join as much as he wants
2H. Scoring/Streaks/Rankings
- There are 2 ways to score in Cross Server simply by Mining and Killing
(Assisting is killing the opponent around your team mate who's getting the ore or stand close to him when she/he mining the ore)
- You can still get points even you attack and died, or died from enemy attack.
- Getting Mid Ore +20(+20)
- Getting North/West/East Ore +10(+10)
- Killing Gives you +5(+5)
- Assist Kills +5(+5)
- (Assist is killing the opponent around your team mate who's getting the ore or stand close to him when she/he mining the ore)
- Attacking/Died +3(+3)
- You can see the individual scores at top of your screen
- Your current score at the bottom of the map
Killing enemy continuously without dying gives you a streak starting with 2 kills. (Give extra points)
2nd - Killing sphree
3rd - Dominating
4th - Megakill
5th - Unstoppable
6th - Wicked Sick
7th - Monster Kill
8th - Godlike
9th+ - Ungodly (Holys**t!)
Rankings in your world (server) and in Cross Server are different even you won 1st place at the event but if your team loses
you still lose in your cross server rankings at your world.
You can find your rankings at Cross Server Menu
- All Points starts with 1,000
- +/- Points depends on your winning/losing streak
- Rankings Reset eventually