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Remove The Overworld Boss' HP Reset

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  • Remove The Overworld Boss' HP Reset

    When a player who is being aggro'd by a boss goes outside of the circle it resets the boss' HP. Considering I'm one of the only players on my server who likes this event and needs some of the drops it makes me doing it near impossible because there's always someone who resets it purposefully then takes the drops I need. Please either remove the HP reset or punish the players with no drops that reset it's HP. It's completely unfair to those of us who do the event to get the drops to have someone who only does the event to troll players by not only making it last longer than it needs to but to then take the drops other players need. And it's not like these players don't know it does that sense I have told them on multiple occasions and they have seen it first hand. So please do not continue to reward players who are being unkind to their fellow players.