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Some bugs and problems a few players came up with.

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  • Some bugs and problems a few players came up with.

    1: Dont really know what it is but if a Ranger has a heal skill shouldn't the healing parts of soul and your healing parameters help them too? Not really a skill bug but a system bug. No heal means it dosnt help but if you have a healing skill then should get help with healing parameters.

    2: When will pet soul be available and where the heck does a soul crystal 1 and 2 come from?

    3: The game message when you login states that pets play a pivotal role in pvp and yet cant use them in majority of pvp events would be fun to actually make a pet worth something for pvp.

    4: Fix Arena, right now in arena rogues tree set of Shadow states "can't use this skill" when trying to use stealth and stealth only skills.

    5: Fix the auto lose and auto win function of arena. It bugs to the point that you can be standing in starglade waiting to go in and get an auto defeat message. Or you get ghost mode and cant even fight. Also pitting players that are mortal against a lvl 150 player is pointless. Change the parameters of the arena so that players fight around their lvl and arena score.

    6: This is a free to play game and placing large portions of items that will improve a player that cashes without an option to get that item in game makes many players that love playing this game leave. Players that cash usually sell to these players that dont cash. So no more non cashers means less income.

    7: Sengolia should be split up for Mortals, Scions, and Eidolons. Its not fun getting spawn killed by an eido when you are a mortal in Sengolia or any other pvp events. This game is supposed to be fun not to the point that you cant do anything cause higher players come after you with no chance of winning.

    8: Iob Glitch where you get auto killed when you enter the rain stone area you have to refresh and lose out on the blessed packs.

    9: Remvoe all LOS spots Lign of Sight spots. Seng players can stand there and heal up and you cant hit them. Mobs get stuck when hit by certain skills and Meteors from sperion that cause mobs to get glitched behind parts of the map and you stand there wasting afk time. Mobs also spawn in them like a thief did in Starglade a few months ago.

    10: Fix Guild boss glitch where someone from another guild can kill it and get the drops. Don't announce to the server that a guild has spawned it. Guild boss event should allow up to 10 person party to try to kill it. Other players not in that guild should not be able to attack it.

    IGN Asule
    English 1 server Kabam
    Extinction Guild

  • #2
    Don't forgot about putting your blessing on random mobs
    Server -Kabam English
    Char Name - World
    Level - Eidolon lvl 98
    Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
    Guild - Reality(leader)
    no longer playing


    • #3
      Forgot one, when trying to use your unsealed blessing you can actually bless a mob. I did this by trying to rebuff myself with unsealed light and gave it to Gluttony in Exelorn and couldnt defeat him with my new blessing on him.


      • #4
        Originally posted by nutron42 View Post
        Forgot one, when trying to use your unsealed blessing you can actually bless a mob. I did this by trying to rebuff myself with unsealed light and gave it to Gluttony in Exelorn and couldnt defeat him with my new blessing on him.
        o.0 lol for real hmm, i've done it in afk mode and still get the blessing on me,but ye that is whack if that can be done


        • #5
          uhhh i think Soul Crystal I comes from a +15 enchancement equipment or a legendary equipment


          • #6
            Originally posted by redrior View Post
            uhhh i think Soul Crystal I comes from a +15 enchancement equipment or a legendary equipment
            issue there being you cannot disenchant legendary(orange) equipment.... as for +15 thats hardly a fair observation.... theres just too many rumors and not enough GM response
            Server -Kabam English
            Char Name - World
            Level - Eidolon lvl 98
            Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
            Guild - Reality(leader)
            no longer playing


            • #7
              #1,2,3,6,7,9, and 10 aren't bugs. Those would be better in Suggestions & Feedback.
              To address #1, the Ranger heal isn't affected by the healing stat, so the parts of the soul that increase the healing stat aren't suppose to affect the Ranger heal.

              5 and 8 could use some screenshots.

              #4 is an inconvenience. Not allowing rogues to stealth versus rogues not being able to use skills that require stealth.. I'd almost say this one is more feedback than a bug, because there are some areas where rogues just aren't allowed to stealth, so not being able to use these skills isn't a bug.
              #9 is a known issue. Mobs get stuck on the landscape, even without knocking them around.
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              • #8
                Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
                #1,2,3,6,7,9, and 10 aren't bugs. Those would be better in Suggestions & Feedback.
                To address #1, the Ranger heal isn't affected by the healing stat, so the parts of the soul that increase the healing stat aren't suppose to affect the Ranger heal.

                5 and 8 could use some screenshots.

                #4 is an inconvenience. Not allowing rogues to stealth versus rogues not being able to use skills that require stealth.. I'd almost say this one is more feedback than a bug, because there are some areas where rogues just aren't allowed to stealth, so not being able to use these skills isn't a bug.
                #9 is a known issue. Mobs get stuck on the landscape, even without knocking them around.
                read the title again please... was not just a list of bug... but all around problems.... as for the stealth issue shadow rogues are effectively dead in the water in pvp without those skills(all because of a few cry baby noobs who hate to lose)

                1) why even have a heal stat on every class if only one class uses it? let alone 6 different areas(if not more) that boost healing rangers should use that heal stat instead of just plain magic attack as that potentially kills out healing in the long run and makes no sense at all

                2)no one has even found Soul Crystal I or II yet in game just a bunch of rumors so far and no dev respense.... and why have pet soul in there if its not released?

                3)also a problem when the only pvp you can use pets in is chambers of fate, GRB, guild land grab, and outside of event pvp..... not exactly pivotal if you ask me... hes just asking to a correction in that text....

                6) he is talking about the recent heraldry system that is near 100% casher based and on cashers would be able to make use of the lowest seals(not your weekend $20 every so often cashers either)

                7) sengolia ends anywhere between 5-30 seconds now with mortals and such being spawn killed by players whom they have no chance of killing even with spawn balancers.....

                9) how is this not a bug? ive had this happen plenty of times as a rogue run up to a mage and cannot reach target but they can hit me just fine as for screenshots? theres a few spots in seng and like 50 spots in island where this happens

                10)not a bug but annoying as hell when the largest guild in the server steals all the other guilds bosses that they worked in food scramble for weeks even months to feed all the way


                5) screenshot? look around forums theres a few already on here and just participate in arena for yourself to see how buggy it is

                8)no clue about this one but it happened to a knight on our server yesterday and ive had it happen where ive gotten stuck on loading screen just reviving every so often so people can honor farm me
                Server -Kabam English
                Char Name - World
                Level - Eidolon lvl 98
                Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
                Guild - Reality(leader)
                no longer playing


                • #9
                  adding another bug brought to attention by miss witch ^_^

                  Originally posted by Witch_s65 View Post
                  I say hope, because apparently the Red Adamantite reward from the November Tokens, is broken, like the previous event, it says x10.. but it is only giving you 1, and this is something i was interested in getting, because i wanted level 3 Celestial Insignia.
                  Server -Kabam English
                  Char Name - World
                  Level - Eidolon lvl 98
                  Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
                  Guild - Reality(leader)
                  no longer playing


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Shadowlisk View Post
                    read the title again please... was not just a list of bug... but all around problems.... as for the stealth issue shadow rogues are effectively dead in the water in pvp without those skills(all because of a few cry baby noobs who hate to lose)
                    Bug Reports section is for actual bugs. Suggestions & Feedback is for the things that are working fine, just could be better or should be changed.

                    #1 is working fine. Not a bug.
                    #2 is not a bug, it's part of a system that hasn't been released yet. This is a question, not a bug, so doesn't belong in a bug report.
                    #3 is not a bug, pets aren't allowed in some events. Pets are integral to normal PvP. Information at the bottom of the loading screens can't be changed anyway. There's even a typo on one of them.
                    #4 is not a bug. It's a good Suggestion to have it tweaked so Shadow Rogues can use their skills. Should be posted in Suggestions & Feeback.
                    #5 might be a bug, but any reports of bugs should be accompanied by a screenshot, or just use the threads that already have the screenshots so they stay on top and you aren't asked for another screenshot.
                    #6 is not a bug. Having casher only items is in no way a bug. Asking for these items to be dropped for free somewhere in the game is a Suggestion and belongs in the Suggestions forum.
                    #7 is not a bug. This is a suggestion. It's been suggested since just the Mortal plane was available and players were getting Slayer gear. Again, a suggestion, not a bug.
                    #8 might be a bug, it might be lag. It would need to be in its own Bug Report thread, with more information.
                    #9 is a bug. It's a known one that's been around since I started playing in 2011. I was clarifying that it's not always related to the knockbacks, the mobs can get stuck just by normal roaming.
                    #10 is not a bug, it's part of the challenge. Doesn't belong in a bug report thread, belongs in Suggestions.

                    We appreciate detailed bug reports, but it is helpful to only post Bugs in a Bug Report, and to include screenshots and as much information as possible. It is also helpful to have 1 thread per bug, not 1 thread with several bugs, so that we can get all the information needed and report it properly. Same with suggestions- they are better off in the proper section so they can be seen and commented on.

                    Catch all threads such as this get messy much too fast.
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                    Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

                    Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

                    Rules of the Forum are found here.

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                    • #11
                      So is a corrupted thundermouse shooting an arrow a bug or not?


                      • #12

                        enough said with this post hanging on this thread....

                        and i said its also a problem thread why he posted it here after in that thead i dont know maybe to get faster response from someone who know what we were talking about?

                        but that seems to have worked only halfway

                        #3 is not a bug, pets aren't allowed in some events. Pets are integral to normal PvP. Information at the bottom of the loading screens can't be changed anyway. There's even a typo on one of them.
                        if this stood true then the loading screen would still be in chinese.... and all they have to do is a small modification the the server files read during load.... not different than modifying loading screens on games directly installed to your computer.... just done so on the server not the computer accessing

                        #4 is not a bug. It's a good Suggestion to have it tweaked so Shadow Rogues can use their skills. Should be posted in Suggestions & Feeback.
                        i made a ticket(got a generic response) and a thread about this very issue already unless you dont read other threads on this sub forum... you should have seen it by now as it was just implemented THIS WEEK and was NOT included in patch notes... therefore should be treated as a bug since GMs did NOT report they made this change

                        #5 simply was covered in this as well since plenty of us have lost hundreds of points in arena due to this very glitch/bug how is it that it MAY be a bug when it affects everyone? or do you not play the game and partixcipate in events? if thats the case why are you even a mod for this sub forum?

                        #6 never said it was a bug again but a severe problem when the amount of crystal it costs to make even one rune for the most basic of seals is way to excessive making cashers not want to sell to players as the average gold:crystal ratio would be affected majorly on ALL servers

                        #7 yes never said it was a bug but a problem ending seng in 5-30 seconds because one scion/eidolon player wants it ended early or wants to **** certain people off? such fair right? might as well remove seng period if you refuse to address that issue but do not care if shadow rogues get royally screwed in arena

                        #8 might just be a plain old loading issue like i stated

                        #10 part of the challenge being pked by the biggest guild so they can keep the loot for their greedy fingers? and have everything you worked for stolen? yeah slightly unfair challenge if you ask me but then again every time ive had an issue so far never received a response until i pulled the card about cashers leaving

                        so please read more that one thread on one sub forum if you wish to criticize someone for it as these are commonly known bugs.... oh wait a mod created the other "catch all" thread that this topic was posted in so his is messy as well so i take it thats why you ignored it

                        *EDIT* just saw you are not even a mod of this specific sub forum so why are you intruding upon BrotherVT's and ShadowGammaDraco's area when you have shown you know extremely little about the game/issues we are talking about?
                        Last edited by Shadowlisk; 11-08-2013, 07:39 PM.
                        Server -Kabam English
                        Char Name - World
                        Level - Eidolon lvl 98
                        Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
                        Guild - Reality(leader)
                        no longer playing


                        • #13
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	5iXJT.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	49.4 KB
ID:	1677832

                          from purple loot in prug nm, im only guessing that soul crystal 1s you get from disenchanting lv 121+ gear out of EVS
                          (S39)Schrodinger, Eidolon, Knight
                          server: Erie Marsh

                          "Save a life, grope your wife" Breast Cancer awareness
                          "Stupid people are like slinkies, they are good for nothing but will bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs."


                          • #14
                            actually, disenchanting 121+ equips equates to 0 items so its still impossible to get soul crystal 1 (doesn't even give srcs)
                            Bug report floating somewhere lost in the bug report forum
                            Sith's Priest Guide


                            • #15
                              no no to splitting seng :P

