know of a cool cosplayer /Darshelle - that has awesome hoodie similar to outfit here
think girl characters should be able to wear the black bunny outfit in game&other outfits and vice verse / think she would also make a great cosplayer for crystal saga if R2 was by chance looking for someone to help show community ways of crafting etc an they were interested ;p
[CS Promotion] Easter Bunny Costume Description: Looking to dress up this Easter holiday?

always been feedback that girl characters should be able to wear the guy color /style outfits too
few other cosplayers think would make awesome crystal saga cosplayers too. Cosplay also for everyone if anyone ever decided to do a crystal saga cosplay! benefits for those who did would be cool/open rewards&or etc to community

[CS Promotion] Easter Bunny Costume Description: Looking to dress up this Easter holiday?
always been feedback that girl characters should be able to wear the guy color /style outfits too
few other cosplayers think would make awesome crystal saga cosplayers too. Cosplay also for everyone if anyone ever decided to do a crystal saga cosplay! benefits for those who did would be cool/open rewards&or etc to community
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