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  • Priests

    OK. Here is my suggestion for you. Fix the priests. For 1 we are the only class in the game that uses the "Heal" stat and that stat only really gets bumped up high in ladder. In seng it barely increases at all. Say you go in with 6k MATK and 6k Heal. In the seng battleground your MATK would be maybe 11k and your heal would be almost 8k. Rangers can heal to but they use MATK for their heals. Knights can heal too but with their skill its based on the damage that's dealt and its a % of that. So with frost they heal a lot more. Secondly, the supposed priest stun or what ever you want to call it is a complete and utter joke. At lvl 5 it has a 3 minute cool down and it "channels" for 8 second, which in fact the priest can't attack or do anything for that matter during it. Literally the only thing i found good about the priest stun was that the rangers Daimon Shield couldn't take it off. Which is good for other who are attacking them, but it's completely worthless otherwise. Thirdly, I don't know how many times i have heard people have said that the scion blood skill is glitched.... And yet it still hasn't been fixed? And what is up with only making Grace a heal when in Saga of Heroes it not only heals but also does damage to enemies around you. Basically what i think you developers of CS did was take all the left over stuff that was left from the other classes and put them all into 1 class and named it a priest.... Either that or you developers just didn't care what you did the the priest because you are only after the money. And before any one from other classes say it i'll say it first.... I know all the classes have their strengths and their weaknesses.... But make a priest all and try all the skills first. And while your all it go check out Saga of Heroes and compare the priest from the original version of CS to how the priest is in CS. In the end all the developers did was make it so the priests are support characters and only good for ladder and buffing other players. Well i guess this ends my rant for now. See you all soon with more >.>