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More Inventory / Vault Space

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  • #61
    I could not agree more with this post. Dungeons are time consuming enough without the added need of running to town every run to clean out inventory, or trade with alts to free up space. Part of the attraction of this game is the ability to afk grind, helping us to level up even with busy schedules, but this too is becoming near impossible with the new events that have so many items filling up our bags and vault. I hope to hear that there are plans to add inventory and/or vault space in the near future (hopefully the very near future).
    Server : Falling Star Bluff
    IGN: Harlequin
    Class : Rogue
    Guild : MortalElites
    Honor: Emperor
    Job : Shadow Rogue
    Level : Eidolon 126
    Married: FateNyx

    “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.” -Dalai Lama


    • #62
      I agree with Prettystarz4ever AND Harle!!!


      • #63
        what about more inventory space?

        when will you add more inventoy capacity? i thought it was coming with this patch.pls look into, it it will be more usefull than other patch elements. ty


        • #64
          no patch for more inventory slots even in china

          I tot you mean 9999 stack?
          SERVER: Kong Server 4 Oceanic (others see us as Kong-S6)
          IGN: Kimwong
          CLASS: Knight
          PLAYER TYPE: Light casher
          BATTLE RATING: 300K - 420K range
          Casual playing now, not gonna spend too much time


          • #65
            yes thought they were gonna give us 9999 with this patch


            • #66
              Originally posted by sonofkyuss View Post
              yes thought they were gonna give us 9999 with this patch
              s1 players alr told us no 9999 stack last week
              SERVER: Kong Server 4 Oceanic (others see us as Kong-S6)
              IGN: Kimwong
              CLASS: Knight
              PLAYER TYPE: Light casher
              BATTLE RATING: 300K - 420K range
              Casual playing now, not gonna spend too much time


              • #67
                damn,instead of giving us sth we really need........oh well typical r2, anyway ty for info,cheers^


                • #68
                  Originally posted by sonofkyuss View Post
                  damn,instead of giving us sth we really need........oh well typical r2, anyway ty for info,cheers^
                  I needed the treasure hunt for battle guardian system. Not sure where your black and white, all or nothing, thinking is coming from. Patch isn't good unless it gives you the specific content you want? Rough stuff bud.


                  • #69
                    actually its a matter of priorities,so .... no harm done wasnt asking for anything wild,


                    • #70
                      Of coarse they are not gonna give us more inventory space, especially now that inventory is a crucial oart if the game. Buying inventory is what they use to weed out spenders from non-low spenders. Many of the players that can't afford to open inventory quit the game early on, leaving only the spenders. Also, its a way to groom players into big spenders. Once a newer player spends $100 to open inventory, they have less reserves on spending another $100 or $200 on events, and after they have a couple hundred invested in the game, they more easily spend more and more as time goes on. That way they have less players to account for, and most of the players left are on their way to spending $100s-$1000s.

                      This game has turned entirely cash based. Before spending was a way to get ahead of other players. Now spending is a necessity just to play the game, that is if you want to have a character that can hold its own, especially when you get into the 70-80 range. There are very very very few non/low cash players that are lvl 70+, and they are usually dominated. This is why so many players quit at the 70+ level range. They can no longer build their character from ingame awards fast enough to keep up with the quick growing spenders, and once you get into the 80s range the non/low cashers are pretty much dominated since most of the other players at that range are accustom to spending in larger quantities.

                      As we can all see the game is becoming more and more cash based. Every patch that comes out the expected spending limit increases greatly, and players continue to get less and less from in game rewards. Lets consider the monthly event trends. Before we even had unlimited events, we had limited daily events that gave multiple event tokens, for example we would have 'use 20, 100, 500' soul crystals events and receive 10 or so event tokens daily from the one event. It was common for a player to get 80-100+ event tokens and we could trade for all the prizes(mounts, clothing, etc). The top prize was still to some work to get, but it was possible without spending. During mount events they would have 3 or 4 mounts (for example the Sura's war elephant events had 4 mounts for the event and 3 of 4 could be obtained without spending) or a mount and full set of clothing you could trade for, and most were easily obtained with out having to spend. Now, lets look at the events for the last several months. Its difficult to just get 30 event tokens and at most we can trade for one set of 40 mahra and a couple soul crystals or whips if you lucky, and all mounts and clothing are completely out of the question. Also, before most of the events were non-spending events and we would only have 3 or 4 spending events each month, whereas now over 1/2 of the events require spending.
                      Also we have jewel hunt which has been giving less and less rewards, circuit quest with makes you pay if your unable to do a quest or your stuck unable to finish until the end of the week because they refuse to give us any more imperial seals, card hunt which has an extremely low drop rate of master chest and purple cards which we barely ever get exploration artifacts, treasure hunt which makes you pay for a chance of receiving a better map, and after these events end we will never see any more berdins wines. And with every patch to come we will be expected to spend even more and get less and less.
                      Last edited by Jvillain; 04-11-2014, 10:00 PM.


                      • #71
                        very well said and summarized.

