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Damage Decrease????? moderators or devs PLZ respond

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  • Damage Decrease????? moderators or devs PLZ respond

    we know battle last for max of 15 rounds and win go to team/player who does more damage and thats nice as some fights can be endless.
    BUT why the hell also on top of that maded damage drop drasticaly after 6-7 rounds? make no sense at all especialy with heroic healing weapons
    to explain
    battle start and lets say roughly ppl hiting normal hits for 100k special for 3-4-5-6ook all good
    after 5-6 or so rounds damage drops all the way to 8-15k special maybe 30ish k whats point of that when our heroic weapons heal us for 50-60 up to 200k depends on players hp, and heroic weapon and thats usualy goes both sides
    BUT also noticed my damage drops when other side dont drop at all or vice versa no logic in all that at all

    15 rounds max battle lenght YES
    damage decrease NO - its stupid and dont have any sense ( many battles can be win without that damage drop ) and no ppl saying mount, gear etc etc buffs happen yes but not every turn for 10 turns and u cant have 90% or more damage drop anyway

    so not sure is that bug,glitch or something third or is just BAD game mechanics
    will like some clarification on this


  • #2
    seraph / archangel helm


    • #3
      i rly doubt it have same and even used rex with aditional and its total of what 50% helm,boots and mount and must all work at once and for sure they dont work 100% for many rounds till end of battle witch is sometimes even 15 rounds

      so thats not it


      • #4
        The limit is 30 rounds, and we are still working with the helm/boot problem

        Happy Chinese New Year!


        • #5
          Really? You're working to fix the bugs? I reported this bug 2 months ago and it's still here. *EDIT*
          Last edited by AE86; 10-10-2014, 08:51 PM.


          • #6
            But what bout the drop as it is real and it is irritating to no end... Could win fights without that silly drop... Only a few hits away and they recapture hp with the gear during those rounds and we never finish....


            • #7
              they are afraid to fix maybe they will create new

