Description: When i click on the "Hot events" icon on the left side of the game, the game shows a new window where there are more events, and i select this event called as "Only the Strongest".
Here i see more requirements and to end this requirements are three requirements which have more truncate texts (Video 1, 0:46s)
Step by Step:
1)I log into my account
2)I wait which my character is loading
3)On the left side there are many icons and i click on the "Hot events" icon
4) the game shows a new window where there are more events, and i select this event called as "Only the Strongest".
5)Here i see more requirements and to end this requirements are three requirements which have more truncate texts (Video 1, 0:46s)
Server: s280
Platform: R2games
Nickname: etms51
Browser: Google Chrome 46.0.2490.80 m
Flash player version: WIN 19,0,0,226
OS:Windows 8.1 Pro
Size Monitor:1366x768
Monitor: AMD Radeon HD 7670
Version Game: v.3.0472
Video 1 =>
Please fix these truncate text.
Here i see more requirements and to end this requirements are three requirements which have more truncate texts (Video 1, 0:46s)
Step by Step:
1)I log into my account
2)I wait which my character is loading
3)On the left side there are many icons and i click on the "Hot events" icon
4) the game shows a new window where there are more events, and i select this event called as "Only the Strongest".
5)Here i see more requirements and to end this requirements are three requirements which have more truncate texts (Video 1, 0:46s)
Server: s280
Platform: R2games
Nickname: etms51
Browser: Google Chrome 46.0.2490.80 m
Flash player version: WIN 19,0,0,226
OS:Windows 8.1 Pro
Size Monitor:1366x768
Monitor: AMD Radeon HD 7670
Version Game: v.3.0472
Video 1 =>
Please fix these truncate text.