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Cross server:teams set-up

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  • Cross server:teams set-up

    hey everyone,

    i want to propose that the teams set-up in CSw to be made under the BR and not under the lvl of players...honestly i'm tired to go in CSw and to fight against players (i dont want to say how they are called by most of us) who have way more much BR than me ...i hink that many are agree with me but most of all i truly believe that so is fair for every of us.
    i mention that in this moment i am lvl80/ 1575997 BR

  • #2
    of course a lot of ppl would get in with OP main + angel only lol splitting by br is stupid... so is putting lvl 60s and 80s in the same war, there's just no chance for the 60, is there? on the other hand if you're fighting someone the same lvl as yours its just your fault if they're better players than you and have higher br etc, get over it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Savike View Post
      of course a lot of ppl would get in with OP main + angel only lol splitting by br is stupid... so is putting lvl 60s and 80s in the same war, there's just no chance for the 60, is there? on the other hand if you're fighting someone the same lvl as yours its just your fault if they're better players than you and have higher br etc, get over it.
      with all due respect, let me disagree with you Savike ....if you play this game for enough time you should know that in a fight the br is the one that counts and not the lvl...i saw 70s with quite 2mil br or more and as well i have seen 80s with 1mil br or less...when i proposed the splitting by br i was thinking at something as tiers from Tournament...the tiers to be delimited lets say by 500k br : Tier 1:0-500k br...Tier2: 501-1mil br ...and so on

      in this way does not matter at all what lvl you have but the must agree that in this mode the splitting by br is not stupid but fair.
      Last edited by R260293133; 11-06-2014, 07:22 PM.

