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My RANT!!!!!

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  • My RANT!!!!!

    Ok, Here goes.
    First R2 does nothing about our merged server guild bug that had duplicate guilds which only one worked but people could still get guild leader title from the dead guilds if the old gl quit playing. The title was limited in power but they could still dissolve any guild the were in even though they had joined the guild with no title. This happened to one guild on our server right after the merge months ago and happened again to our guild just a couple days ago. After all the time, gold and diamonds spent to have a nice guild it is now gone and nothing is being done about it.

    Second, during the tycoon event R2 had 500 bless stones at a cheap cost in darics, now they update and raise the price, problem is a couple players already had the chance to buy at the low price multiple times. Due to that the tycoon event is insanely unbalance now. Leaving the price to give all player the same chance would lead to more competition and spending but raising it over 2000% guarantees the couple who got the lower price the win so no one will spend now.

    R2 could just give us our guild back, a gm could create one and raise it to the lvl ours had obtained and give it to the original gl if nothing else. R2 could put the price back on the bless stones to make it a balanced competition. At least one of these things should be done, but truthfully I don't expect either to happen. I do know this though, if something isn't done to correct at least one of these problems multiple players are leaving the game immediately after the tycoon, and making sure people know about the shortfalls from the developers of this game. One bad review has more power that a thousand banner ads when people are picking a new game.

    I do appreciate the help and support that has been given, I truly do, but it is really falling short when it comes to the errors from the devs and rectifying the problems that arise from those errors.

    I could go on about how much real money has been spent, unfairness of this or that, things like unbalanced cs, or dozens of other minor annoyance issues, but these are straight out programming problems and the damage done by them can be corrected along with the errors, but it seems like fixing the bugs is as far as the go and not repairing the damage caused to the players by their mistakes.

    If anyone made it this far I thank you for reading.
    Last edited by Correllian; 08-07-2014, 05:07 AM. Reason: typos