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Wartune return our starting rage

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  • #16
    Just another fair for all nerf. Now everyone has lost more than half the initial rage and is forced to change their entire skill rotation for everything!!!
    Good job stripping away my last bit of interest in this game.
    I logged off with 69 initial rage on the knight (retired/social toon) and 55 on the archer (active toon) before patch, and came back with zero on both.
    Lost some hundred thousands of br on both.
    Got back more br from engulf, but still not half the initial rage.
    The wings on the knight took almost 1000 charms to synthesize (no risk taken), and most had to be bought from shop.
    Aside from fashion mania and the inability to resist cute dresses, I don't think I had any serious spending in this game.
    If I had stayed active on the knight, I might have been mad and slapping myself by now. Glad I had chosen to farewell instead of rage quit.
    Thinking back, I should have just played this game for 100% free and never spend on any toon at all.


    • #17
      now my starting rage is 15!! That is absolute ****! I used to start with 45...(I know it wasn't that high but it was a work in progress cuz I WAS a light casher) Now when we aquire new clothing from specific levels on clothing system, we get a new article of clothing to IDENTIFY BUT NOT TO ENGULF!? Why is that? I think we should be able to engulf those also. And the clothing that we already had via in our Dressing room we should have been able to engulf also or y'all could have counted it towards our experience level in the new clothing system.

      Thoughts anyone?
      Mage Lvl.80:
      106,802,118 Normal Mode
      101,629,274 Dragon Mode
      Server: S551 GlassMines
      Guild: Spartans
      Karma Will Grab You By The Hand and Lead You To Your Destiny


      • #18
        this is just another "event" for cashers buy more clothes, buy more chests for wings, if you want high lvl and the rage back


        • #19
          Under EU rules, a trader must repair, replace, reduce the price or give you a refund if goods you bought turn out to be faulty or do not look or work as advertised. (most of r2 stuff is like this skills that is advertised and dont work as intended)

          so anything u buy using balens which is paid by using cash have consumer rights

          anything u buy in wartune that is failed to work as described u can ask for a refund any law court will tell u this even tos wont help them their even the tos states anything u buy isnt yours. but theirs a but!!!!!!! if it works as intended but if its broken u can ask for it to be repaired or ask for a refund

          as u paid for rage by buying clothes as it was intended and they change it with out any notification then its a fault broken not as described inthe help section
          Last edited by Xharry005x; 04-15-2016, 05:14 AM.


          • #20
            Not this ** again!

            No, you have no rights. They can change whenever they like. It is in the ToS.

            Stop giving people false information, you lying ****!


            • #21
              Originally posted by AdaJames View Post
              Not this ** again!

              No, you have no rights. They can change whenever they like. It is in the ToS.

              Stop giving people false information, you lying ****!
              ada go suck an egg u like trolling the facts is im in europe we ave consumer rights maybe were u come from u never heard of consumer rights at all


              • #22
                When you have gotten your LLB, then come talk to me. Until then, your understanding of the CGA is flawed to say the least, and no amount of yelling will change that.

                YOU. ARE. WRONG.

                Now, deal.


                • #23
                  Hm so situation is even worse now with this new patch..If you ask me this is another R2 attempt to make people spend more and yet again gameplay itself suffers. Unfortunately this Ada person is right..devs can make changes with game as whole and ingame items such as clothes, mounts, gear, etc without notice...You just play this game at your own risk and this is the main point in so called ToS. Its really unfair of them to destroy those cloth levels which some players spend months and even years to build up as this game is running but here we are now. When i stopped playing my cloth levels were rly descent and i really worked hard on making them..remembering this now its kinda funny if not sad.


                  • #24
                    The laughable part is that L9 used to be the highest clothing level. Then, they extend it to L12. And now, they change everything altogether.

                    How is that for chasing perfection? :P

                    EDIT: I know I am right. I have studied Commercial Law, after all, and contracts, tenders and the like is a large part of what my job entails. I just love to giggle at Eurotards, who seem to hold the belief that anything they THINK should be true IS true. Beating their faces in with reality is... cathartic.
                    Last edited by AdaJames; 04-15-2016, 06:29 AM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by AdaJames View Post
                      The laughable part is that L9 used to be the highest clothing level. Then, they extend it to L12. And now, they change everything altogether.

                      How is that for chasing perfection? :P

                      EDIT: I know I am right. I have studied Commercial Law, after all, and contracts, tenders and the like is a large part of what my job entails. I just love to giggle at Eurotards, who seem to hold the belief that anything they THINK should be true IS true. Beating their faces in with reality is... cathartic.
                      and you point is what with euro what didnt catch that comment your only a r2 plant anyway go troll some 1 else idiot


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by AdaJames View Post
                        Not this ** again!

                        No, you have no rights. They can change whenever they like. It is in the ToS.

                        Stop giving people false information, you lying ****!
                        Actually you are wrong... R2 removed my Tyre sylph I won from golden tree legitimately, they never returned it. I initiated credit card charge back for the full amount of recharges I spent within about a week of winning it. I sent in the information, ticket replies, etc from R2 admitting they removed it and changed it. I just received final notice (about 2.5 months later) that it was found in my favor and my account credit is now permanent. So yes if they take something you paid for away, and offer crappy customer service you have options.


                        • #27
                          And in return they close your account? Wait some more


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by bamcgowan1s View Post
                            Actually you are wrong... R2 removed my Tyre sylph I won from golden tree legitimately, they never returned it. I initiated credit card charge back for the full amount of recharges I spent within about a week of winning it. I sent in the information, ticket replies, etc from R2 admitting they removed it and changed it. I just received final notice (about 2.5 months later) that it was found in my favor and my account credit is now permanent. So yes if they take something you paid for away, and offer crappy customer service you have options.
                            Sadly this example won't work with this cloth system change. You managed to win this case, because it was a single item and it could be proven.

                            But clothes? To get high level, you have needed hundreds of clothes and good luck charms and most have done this during long time. Not to mention of no one will have saved the purchase from so long period, nor they can prove they have used their balens exclusively to get clothes, not other stuff.

                            But Ada is right with the ToS part as it does pretty much say that developer can change things however and whenever they want. Does it make right or acceptable? Absolutely not. But it's just what it is and you have to accept it, if you want to use your money. Simple fact is you don't own any of the items you buy.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by ShadowVarjo View Post
                              You managed to win this case, because it was a single item and it could be proven.
                              Actually, he couldn't prove it. Just because he recharged balens doesn't mean he spent it on the tree. He could have blown it in the stables clicking on mount training for all we know.

                              What he did was to ask his credit card company to reverse the charge. His CREDIT CARD company found that he was in the right and reversed the charges accordingly. R2 was never in the picture.

                              In a dispute between vendor and customer, the customer usually wins simply because the credit card company's client is the customer, not the vendor, especially in a case like this, where the vendor is in another nation.

                              The guy is trying to conflate the two and call it a victory, when it doesn't really prove anything. He didn't argue with R2 and won. He got his credit card company to reverse charges, which is a completely different kettle of fish altogether. It is a rather deceitful presentation on his part.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Xharry005x View Post
                                and you point is what with euro what didnt catch that comment your only a r2 plant anyway go troll some 1 else idiot
                                If you keep trying to present lies as facts, I will keep correcting you. Stop trying to get your rocks off by deceiving people.

                                And for the love of God, learn some English. PROPER English.

