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Lost LOL standing after the update

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  • Lost LOL standing after the update

    Before the update I was 16th of total ranking for LOL and about the same rank for LOL phase 5. But after the update, it is showing as unranked for the total and 114th for phase 5. What happened? Anyone else experiencing/experienced similar issue?

    Server: 319
    Avatar: Tyrion DP
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Name:	Untitled.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	296.7 KB
ID:	2028850

  • #2
    There was a change to how Commander weapon power is calculated, which now adds to Commander army power, and the knock on effect is that increase of power was counted toward Phase 5 of LoL.
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    • #3
      Interesting. Not sure how commander weapon power is calculated and added, but I'm pretty sure players are not suddenly forging and upgrading enough to kick me out of the rank all the way out of > 100 between 2AM server time and 13:00 server time with > 2000000000 points than me . If all the commander weapon currently held by players are added to commander army power after the update, I would love to see how much my weapon powers were added to my commander army power; I may not be a whale, but I do have decent amount of weapons with good stars for playing 5th year now
      Last edited by hamsterbro; 08-01-2024, 01:13 PM.


      • #4
        I don't think you would have seen a BR boost. The update to the way weapon power is displayed caused the power from all owned weapons to be counted as a power increase for those in Phase 5 of LoL. I've seen that this has been forwarded to the devs, but I don't know if this is a fixable issue.
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        • #5
          I love when they say they fix the issue, but I see nothing has changed I'm doing LOL for sabrina medals and why I put efforts to be under top 20; looks like this time efforts are wasted And it seems Developers don't understand that phase 2 and phase 5 have the most impact to total points; usually how many sabrina medal one can get is decided by how much points one can get from phase 2 and phase 5 XD Go figures, dev develops the game, but they don't play so no idea how the game works XD
          Click image for larger version  Name:	Untitled.jpg Views:	1 Size:	136.5 KB ID:	2028855
          Last edited by hamsterbro; 08-02-2024, 10:34 AM.

