Update Time:
2021/5/20 11:00-15:00 GMT+8
2021/5/20 03:00-07:00 GMT
1. New Features
- Added New “Westeros Guide Collection” feature. Royal Lords and Ladies could find “Guide Collection” button at the bottom left corner in City View. With this feature, guides from different languages could be found. We hope the feature could improve the understanding of commanders and other main systems.
- Royal Lords and Ladies now have access to “Shelter” in Map View by the “More” button – “Shelter”.
2. Improvements
- Improved “City Affairs” feature, Royal Lords and Ladies can now choose to blitz normal or elite Rebel Groups.
- Improved some other game experience and GUI.
3. Bug Fixes
- Fixed name translation of some of the Castle Exteriors.
- Fixed display issue of Weirwood Memories event in Event Calendar.
- Fixed some other minor bugs.
2021/5/20 11:00-15:00 GMT+8
2021/5/20 03:00-07:00 GMT
1. New Features
- Added New “Westeros Guide Collection” feature. Royal Lords and Ladies could find “Guide Collection” button at the bottom left corner in City View. With this feature, guides from different languages could be found. We hope the feature could improve the understanding of commanders and other main systems.
- Royal Lords and Ladies now have access to “Shelter” in Map View by the “More” button – “Shelter”.
2. Improvements
- Improved “City Affairs” feature, Royal Lords and Ladies can now choose to blitz normal or elite Rebel Groups.
- Improved some other game experience and GUI.
3. Bug Fixes
- Fixed name translation of some of the Castle Exteriors.
- Fixed display issue of Weirwood Memories event in Event Calendar.
- Fixed some other minor bugs.