Hy im here to anounce cuzz all of my ingame data was lost idk how is this possible but i dont have any character on the games ive played from facebook can some1 give me an answear at this post what happend and if i can get all back ????
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Game data lost
Make sure you're logging in with the correct facebook account, and that your facebook account is still using the same email address as it was using when you started playing the game.
Then, make sure you're accessing the correct servers for your characters, since characters can only be found on the server they are created on.
If you're still having trouble finding your characters, please send in a ticket to http://support.r2games.com, listing it under any game and character you have. In the ticket, provide the names, servers, and games of some of your characters, and let them know you're having an issue with getting on the account for your characters. They will help you with that.New R2 Community Discord Server: https://discord.gg/VFMzFDqKq5
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R2Games Ticket System for browser games: https://www.r2games.com/support
the email of my fb is tha same the problem is from today last night i was playing mythborn i got lvl 34 i thing then i go to sleep and this morning when i try to relog and play its give me the creation menu for characters and i was looking at all my games and all was gone idk what happend and btw they dont let me make a tiket it says invalid email adrees