Much of what I am typing is very sarcastic and almost completely opinionated. Coming from a casher's POV, game companies have really gone downhill when it comes to making games. I guess all that money means that paying for better server's, service, etc is a huge strain on their budget. Not only game companies but several companies but specifically at this moment I want to complain about most game companies. Money makes the world go round because everyone helps influence it to be mostly money oriented and you got to have that power, you know? Not that most people start at the bottom of the food chain just like these game devs/company owners, now, let's suck up as many persons' money as we can cause well you know, that's what we do to survive! That's also what we teach our own families to do, become money hungry, DO IT!, or you are grounded for a week (not that parents know how to 'ground' now-a-days. EX: I am going to buy you your 1st smartphone at the age of 8, then i'm going to ground you by taking away your computer/tv, but you can use your smartphone or vice versa). Can you imagine the companies child/friends getting involved with specifically a browser mmorpg? Most companies seem to claim they are customer oriented but not really so much anymore. Yeah sure there are people in this world who take advantage of companies etc, but why lump everyone into one category? There are SOME, maybe to some people not many, but some good people in the world, but heck let's treat everyone like trash cause its easy! It wasn't easy to set up and create this company/game/etc, and I'm sure everyone meets terrible people on the way up, but when I finally make it up there, I will just become like most people/companies/etc. Then I am going to raise my children like this and add another disaster human into the world, go me, another plan accomplished. Around and around we go, congrats on forgetting that not everyone has money unlike people like me. Also not everyone has money to blow in the portions you want. Think about the customers for once, maybe you could be not only money rich but personality rich and you can sleep better at night knowing you aren't "Lumped" with humans that destroy the world and don't make it a better place to live with the other various humans in that category. Heck, what am I saying? People like this never/almost never learn and never/hardly understand, they will only know when they pass away someday when it's their time and a greater being (assuming one exists in most peoples minds if at all) tells them of their wrong doings but then it's too late and you died giving yourself a bad name. Why? Cause life is easier and more bearable caring for a selected few. Oh well, when we all meet in Hell, I will be the first childish person to say to you and myself "I told you so." By the way, don't feel too special, I rant not to only game companies but many other blogs, social media sites, and more. Good luck in all your endevours and company progress because someday 1 good person will make a profit off of bad companies such as this one then it's bankruptcy, maybe its not during your lifetime (so why does it matter right?), but your families to come will surely fail. I won't return to this site to view comments, just leaving my opinions on several different company sites in case someone feels like taking a harder path in life like many other great enthusiasts in the past have. -I BELIEVE MOVEMENT- Good luck to haters and followers or anyone else