Hi. A year ago, around this time of year, I joined R2Games. I never really got to introduce myself to my forum friends. So I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Ali, and I play Eternal Saga on server 6, 32, and K1, the Kongregate server that is totally dead. Please consider joining us, since we really want to get the server running again. I play as NekoDesu, Neko, IceShards, Ice, and some other random usernames. I'm 13 years old and my birthday is in March. I love anime, and by that, I mean, I can watch the entire Sword Art Online series in a day. I'm crazy! I've also started maintaining a blog, and I hope to do so forever. It's posted here: http://www.pikachupikachupikachu.blogspot.com/ I really hope to be a moderator here, but I'm sadly underage, so that's sad. If you have any suggestions to what games I should play, please tell me! I prefer browser MMORPG games~ Uhh... yeah. Hi!
