Unbridled, unsaddled, at it's wild naturalness... 
Okay okay so it's basically a pegasus with an odd colored tail from the rest of the body. x_x
Where's the horn and what's up with the odd-colored tail, blame the game develo...*SHOT*

I always ride this mount in-game.
I prefer this rather than a Gorilla @3@
OKAY FINE I admit I'm no good at horses. *runs off*

Okay okay so it's basically a pegasus with an odd colored tail from the rest of the body. x_x
Where's the horn and what's up with the odd-colored tail, blame the game develo...*SHOT*

I always ride this mount in-game.
I prefer this rather than a Gorilla @3@
OKAY FINE I admit I'm no good at horses. *runs off*