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Cpt. Mactavish Colored

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  • Cpt. Mactavish Colored

    Click image for larger version

Name:	images.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	11.3 KB
ID:	1732469Took it when i got nothing to do XD
    Here is of the most famous to the players of Call of Duty

  • #2! X3?!
    Class: Mage
    Server:Windshear Peaks
    Guild: (S6)SteinsGate
    Proud player since 2011
    ♥~Thank you for everything~♥


    • #3
      I`ll post my other drawings you wanna know why cuz Gm storm told me about I only post 1 thread also brother vt explain everything XD


      • #4
        lol XD but sounds great!
        Class: Mage
        Server:Windshear Peaks
        Guild: (S6)SteinsGate
        Proud player since 2011
        ♥~Thank you for everything~♥


        • #5
          Nice thievery right here. Attempting to steal other peoples work and taking their credibility for it.



          • #6
            lol i just take the picture and draw it on my own trying to improve my skills lol xD

            it took 100 papers to make it perfect and look a like lol xD....also if you k.ow to confuse em just use your mind like tricks lol xD

            im not insulting anyone im just want to improve my skill in drawing cuz others in my school are calling SIA
            Last edited by VicZar; 10-03-2012, 04:47 AM. Reason: merged posts


            • #7
              It's ironic that you claim you still drew it, and yet it looks EXACTLY the same.
              No one can ever create the perfect replica without years and years of experience.


              • #8
                also some people got interested on it while i was fixing my bag in school not student or teacher but he bought it for 1,000 pesos its gone but i just enough money to scan it and the other one are hard they are bpth hard im only mastered in anime drawing trying to gain some experience in 3D gaming lol only could get my attention is apperance of the picture lol-_-


                • #9
                  Mhm.. that's a cool story.
                  When you stop sounding so fake, then I'll believe you.


                  • #10
                    aldo dude i dont sleep in weekends even night time i only sleep when my energy ran out but sometimes im also finding some help to make it a little look a like but now need to take a rest my hands starting to weakened cuz i got ****** off when my idiotic classmate throw the god dam dirty wet towel it on my head while i was doing some lettering and got ****** off trying to make my self calm down by punching the god damn steel chair it really hurts thought but the my cells on my fist really hurts but it regenerates fast but the bones it will may take some time to recover


                    • #11
                      Okay? So what? I love how you state you sold it for 1,000 Pesos. Last time I checked, you said you're located in Seoul, Korea, and if I recall, the currency of Korea is Won, not Pesos.

                      What other lies do you have up your sleeve? Is the person you claim to be in your profile picture really actually you? Or is it a picture of some guy in a Korean Drama or Pop Group?

                      Entertain me some more, please.


                      • #12
                        if i want to stop ****** what if there could be an earthquake around the world sometimes when i think about earthquake it could happen but i dont think about the end of the world though but dont wanna keep posting right now need to focus on the exam so will you stop will ya just please stop i dont wanna think on anything ok so please just wanna focus on exam

                        oh crud dude i love korea so i post it geez-_-
                        Last edited by VicZar; 10-03-2012, 05:08 AM. Reason: merge


                        • #13
                          What does thinking about an earthquake and you having to do an exam have anything to do with what we're talking about, here?
                          Smh. You are so disgustingly fake.


                          • #14
                            dude im just an simple kpop lover jpop and anime lover geez-_-

                            allright if i spit it out will you stop?
                            Last edited by VicZar; 10-03-2012, 05:12 AM. Reason: merge


                            • #15
                              My main point is that you're attempting to steal credibility of work other people made, not what you did.

                              Why avoid the truth after I've exposed you? All you have to do is admit that this work isn't yours, because I know for a fact that it isn't yours.

