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Change User Name

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  • Change User Name

    How do I change my username on the website? Like when I post threads and stuff it shows my name as R218832334. But everyone else has names that they chose. How can I choose mine instead of using the member number I was given? Thanks.

  • #2
    Go to and log into your account. Then click on the MyR2 tab up at the top of the page. Under Profile Information will be a field called Nickname. You can change your name there ONCE. Click Save once you're happy with your name.
    This Forum Admin is no more. He has ceased to be. He's expired and gone on to other work. He's a stiff. If R2 hadn't ignored him he'd still be employed. Bereft of work he lives in peace. His forum duties are now history. He's off the twig, he's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off these forums, run down the thread count, and joined the ex-R2Games Employees Club. This is an ex-Forum Admin.

