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Forum Moderators Application Thread

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  • Only for wartune and would have to be in my off hours of work. I play daily and have aquired vast amounts of tecnics for rapid growth and for advanced combat combos lol for a mage at least. So yes if given the required information and times to post it can be your ears and your voice. When crashes or random trouble upsets all players. I am HeavensFury of The guild Valor server us west 1 //Kong 3. 78kbr pve crit mage Imperial Commander 10k from Lord DivineClick image for larger version

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    • do moderators get extra benefits or is it just responsibility
      Sarcasm Intended


      • Originally posted by R29296591 View Post
        do moderators get extra benefits or is it just responsibility
        if you are looking for benefits just from being a mod you should change your mindset ^_^ i was a former mod on another site before they removed the chat/forums.... if they do get benefits they come with time and will not be publicly known unless it is leaked(which tends to get them revoked :P)

        if you truthfully want to be a mod do it because you want to help people not because you might get free curecy for games and such.... just a helpful tip ^_^
        Server -Kabam English
        Char Name - World
        Level - Eidolon lvl 98
        Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
        Guild - Reality(leader)
        no longer playing


        • ty

          i am happy helping in mpd and arenas answering questions (about why someone got dcd or black screen) is something i cant answer
          Last edited by R29296591; 11-03-2013, 01:53 AM.
          Sarcasm Intended


          • Interested in being Moderator in R2. I like to help any players that are facing problems. Although im a new player here and my posts was not many, i ready to fix and overcome the problems that player facing it.
            ~Eternal Saga~

            Server: [S11]Elven Forest
            IGN: Danny42726
            Level: 66
            Guild: iLLuMaNites (Member)
            Battle Ratings : 57500
            Pet: Bad Civet, Growth- 276/Aptitude- 268/BR- 25570
            Mount: Lightning Wolf

            ~Married to mrn_cs~ :cool:


            • its very interesting to be moderator...but u need to be online all or almost all the time...
              Server: (S29)The Molten Highlands
              IGN: LaurTheBoss
              Class: Ranger
              Level: 4X
              Guild: (S24)DragonOfFate
              Server: (S29) The Molten Highlands
              Honor Rank: Archduke
              Pet: Super Angel GEN2, Super Demon and some more
              Plane: Eidolon


              • .................


                • sounds interesting. Maybe if there's still places left you can consider me =P


                  • hmm...not much forum mod experience...only been one for a yr in another game =P
                    IGN: Athena
                    Guild: Warriors
                    Server: S5 - Roaring Wetlands
                    Class: Archer
                    Difficulty Level: Noob
                    BR: 176k / 180k (with block and hp astral instead of illusion and deflect =P)


                    • arjuna
                      clan leader,s 39.
                      i dont know how to post in ticket , so i post here .and I've tried it but I failed,thank


                      • I am applying to be a part of ur games as a forum mod. . and i am interested for the job postion . i can do to help players for their problems and to observe the forum server . .

                        i am online for 10hrs per day. . . im hardworking in terms of moderating server, to the players and others viewsin game. i can handle it. .

                        server : 20
                        account lvl: 70

                        thank you for giving me a chance to apply as a forum mod. . god bless


                        • Originally posted by R2CS_Stormaggedon View Post
                          With the release of several new games in the last few weeks, we are now looking to recruit more Moderators for the forums to handle these news games, as well as our current games. If you are interested in being a Moderator, please post an application here. We'll go through the posting history of those who apply here to see if we think they'll make a suitable candidate. Things we will be looking for are:
                          • A history of being active on the forums.
                          • A track record of being helpful and respectful to other players in their posts.
                          • Guides the applicant may have posted.
                          • Patience, the ability to work with others and be understanding.
                          • Be 18 years of age or older.

                          If you are interested, please respond below.
                          Interested, already play r2games since 2011, already play 3 different game from r2games,
                          already be moderators in others web game called bubble ninja and now i quit,
                          20 years old, patience and will guide newbie and help others in game .
                          "Scold Me if I'm not Loving You Again"


                          • i would like to sign a application for anything you all have open , im 23 , i do play the games alot , i mostly jump from game to game , i really dont post alot as of now
                            but that can easily be changed , i help others with problems they have when im availble , and in no hurry at all for anything , i enjoy the game and would like to apply for anything you all have open , thank you
                            SERVER: (S52)Plethuran Plains
                            TYPE:Shadow Rogue
                            "PROUD CASHER"


                            • G'day R2games,

                              Moderator Position

                              I'd like to be part of R2games staff,to help as much as i can,just to make it a better place.I've got lots of experiences from the past, i used to be Moderator, Owner of many other Game Servers, helped them on the way, to get started.If i can say i grown up on the Websites/Forums.I can be really active on the Forum, more than on the Server(s), I've got enough knowledge of Wartune, to be able to help other players, answer their question(s).Unfortunately I wasn't be able to try out other R2games, because Wartune grabed me, like a dog a bone.I don't really remember, when I enjoyed a game like Wartune before.There's no chance to get bored in this game, there's always something new, a challenge, which makes it more interesting,I think that's why, i can't get rid of this game.

                              Name : Salvatore
                              Age : 20
                              Nationality : Hungary
                              Experiences : 6-8 years Forum&Website Management/Building/Scritpting/Patching
                              Worked with : - IPB,vBulletin,PHPBB,ProBoards,SMF...
                              Activity :
                              • Server ~ 5-6 hours a day
                              • Forum ~ Constantly

                              Thank you for reading
                              Waiting for your respond

                              ~ Salvatore


                              • If I qualify as moderator am i interested

                                ONLINE TIME

                                In game: Everytime
                                On forums: Everytime
                                Last edited by Silvershot.; 11-16-2013, 06:58 AM.
                                Name: Silvershot
                                Class: Hunter
                                Level: 55
                                Server: [S14] Holy Grounds
                                Guild: Utopia
                                Status: Leader

