Playspan will be performing a maintenance of their system on August 8th starting at 9:00 PM PDT (11:59 EDT, 4:00 AM GMT on August 9th, and 9:00 AM GMT +8 on August 9th). Duration of this maintenance is expected to take 5 hours. During this time we recommend for the maintenance period that players who use Playspan to either wait until the maintenance is over before making any purchases, or to use an alternate payment method during the period of the maintenance. Thank you.
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Playspan Maintenance on August 8th @ 9:00 PM PDT
Playspan Maintenance on August 8th @ 9:00 PM PDT
Last edited by Stormaggedon; 08-05-2013, 06:25 AM.This Forum Admin is no more. He has ceased to be. He's expired and gone on to other work. He's a stiff. If R2 hadn't ignored him he'd still be employed. Bereft of work he lives in peace. His forum duties are now history. He's off the twig, he's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off these forums, run down the thread count, and joined the ex-R2Games Employees Club. This is an ex-Forum Admin.Tags: None
They don't know yet it or not but it will take time patience is a virtue T.TI don't want to live a life filled with regrets just because you are uncomfortable around me you have a mouth use it to express how you feel and don't be ashamed of it but if you're going to hide behind my back and get away with it that's where you're wrong T.T