Hello and welcome to my first (and hopefully indepth) guide for a system! In this guide we will be looking at the new system that came out 03/08/17, Demon Hunter.
This system can be a little confusing at first, and I know it was for me. However, once you figure everything out it is really simple. Let's start with the basics, in order to start demon hunter you will need to visit the NPC in starglade which I have marked in the following image.

In order to start the demon hunter system, you need to be at least elite level 100. This can be done after reaching the maximum normal level and continuing to level. Once you have done this simply click that you would like to become a demon hunter and you will be able to access the new map and content!
This system is essentially composed of five different demon orb types that you can equip that will give you different boosts based on their element.

The item I highlighted in green is the progress towards ranking up. Ranking up simply promotes you to access new maps with (what I assume to be) new creatures. This can be done by killing creatures, completing the daily quest, or simply remaining in the interior. (100 points per minute)
The item I highlighted in red appear to be segments of the new system that don't work or I don't understand. My damage was not amplified or reduced when testing out these two features.
When entering the new area you will need at least 6000 crystal essense. Entering consumes 300 and every minute you remain in the map you will consume 300 crystal essense. After you run out you are forced out. Once you enter, there is a 20 minute cooldown penalty before you may enter again.
The new map is essentially starglade with a red hue about it. On this map will be littered several different creatures that you can kill. Along with that there is one NPC providing you with a daily quest. Killing monsters has a chance to drop a demon soul orb.
=Gives 3 points on kill.
=Gives 3 points on kill.
=Give 9 points on kill.
-Death incarnate, recommended you stay away from this boss at all costs. When I attacked him I hit for 1 damage and he hit me for 17 million...=Gives 200 points on kill.
Stated previously I recommend you avoid that boss at all costs, set your afk mode on him off, or stay away from that general direction.
If you manage to kill him though, which I am not going to explain how, there is a pretty good reward.

On the map there is also one NPC, this NPC will give you one quest daily that upon completion will award you with a lower tier demon soul.

Demon souls that you obtain can be upgraded through the demon hunter NPC in starglade. It takes 10 of one type of orb to synthesize 1 of the higher tier orbs.
Overall that is pretty much everything that comes with this new system. Below I will be listing some tips for beginners and what not.
TIPS:Before going into the demon hunter area, be sure that you have at least 10,000 or 14,000 defense, or some way to deal with taking severe damage. Normal mobs in this area have a base attack of 14,000, so be prepared!
When setting up afk if you feel confident enough, keep in mind the location of the boss on the map! Set it up so that you either won't be near it, or completely turn it off your afk.

If you feel like your map is too crowded with players, no worries! This map allows you to change instances just like other maps, there is a total of 5 filled with creatures, however only L1 has the boss on it. If you don't know how to change instances, ask someone, they more than likely know.
If you have any questions about the system or about my guide, feel free to PM me ingame if I am online on S1 (S1)Shujinko. As I progress through it I will be releasing more information about the higher level maps.
This system can be a little confusing at first, and I know it was for me. However, once you figure everything out it is really simple. Let's start with the basics, in order to start demon hunter you will need to visit the NPC in starglade which I have marked in the following image.
In order to start the demon hunter system, you need to be at least elite level 100. This can be done after reaching the maximum normal level and continuing to level. Once you have done this simply click that you would like to become a demon hunter and you will be able to access the new map and content!
This system is essentially composed of five different demon orb types that you can equip that will give you different boosts based on their element.
The item I highlighted in green is the progress towards ranking up. Ranking up simply promotes you to access new maps with (what I assume to be) new creatures. This can be done by killing creatures, completing the daily quest, or simply remaining in the interior. (100 points per minute)
The item I highlighted in red appear to be segments of the new system that don't work or I don't understand. My damage was not amplified or reduced when testing out these two features.
When entering the new area you will need at least 6000 crystal essense. Entering consumes 300 and every minute you remain in the map you will consume 300 crystal essense. After you run out you are forced out. Once you enter, there is a 20 minute cooldown penalty before you may enter again.
The new map is essentially starglade with a red hue about it. On this map will be littered several different creatures that you can kill. Along with that there is one NPC providing you with a daily quest. Killing monsters has a chance to drop a demon soul orb.
Stated previously I recommend you avoid that boss at all costs, set your afk mode on him off, or stay away from that general direction.
If you manage to kill him though, which I am not going to explain how, there is a pretty good reward.
On the map there is also one NPC, this NPC will give you one quest daily that upon completion will award you with a lower tier demon soul.
Demon souls that you obtain can be upgraded through the demon hunter NPC in starglade. It takes 10 of one type of orb to synthesize 1 of the higher tier orbs.
Overall that is pretty much everything that comes with this new system. Below I will be listing some tips for beginners and what not.
TIPS:Before going into the demon hunter area, be sure that you have at least 10,000 or 14,000 defense, or some way to deal with taking severe damage. Normal mobs in this area have a base attack of 14,000, so be prepared!
When setting up afk if you feel confident enough, keep in mind the location of the boss on the map! Set it up so that you either won't be near it, or completely turn it off your afk.
If you feel like your map is too crowded with players, no worries! This map allows you to change instances just like other maps, there is a total of 5 filled with creatures, however only L1 has the boss on it. If you don't know how to change instances, ask someone, they more than likely know.
If you have any questions about the system or about my guide, feel free to PM me ingame if I am online on S1 (S1)Shujinko. As I progress through it I will be releasing more information about the higher level maps.