Hello, i need to reskill and reset my stats. Where and how? Also i'm using a knight. How is the community? I mean do we need tanks, or most of the time it's a solo game? Bosses are soloable? Thanks.
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Where to reset and community
Very few people party for dungeons as sharing the loot is something no one wants. Some things like ladders people do often party as many players aren't strong enough to go far on their own unless your a top player. But get used to working solo on many things if your into this game cause its really the only way to goDefending the Undefendable is a form of insanity. This world has gone crazy.
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Originally posted by Alex81e17 View PostHello, i need to reskill and reset my stats. Where and how? Also i'm using a knight. How is the community? I mean do we need tanks, or most of the time it's a solo game? Bosses are soloable? Thanks.
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Hello , thanks for the answers. Now i have another beginner question, i'm using a knight and i see there are manly 3 builds, a PvP one, a PvE one, the tank, and an middle alike, some DPS but as a knight you have some defence too. I'm playing S20 and i like the PvP but i don't see many players. In 3 days i have seen about 5 players going around. So what's a nice build because i don't see any guide about knights. I mean for levelling no doubt the DpS is good, but when it comes to bosses probably a tank is better, but here is the question because i don't know yet, can a knigh actually solo bosses? I got level 45 and a world boss level 35 wiped me out in 5 hits.
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Originally posted by Alex81e17 View PostHello , thanks for the answers. Now i have another beginner question, i'm using a knight and i see there are manly 3 builds, a PvP one, a PvE one, the tank, and an middle alike, some DPS but as a knight you have some defence too. I'm playing S20 and i like the PvP but i don't see many players. In 3 days i have seen about 5 players going around. So what's a nice build because i don't see any guide about knights. I mean for levelling no doubt the DpS is good, but when it comes to bosses probably a tank is better, but here is the question because i don't know yet, can a knigh actually solo bosses? I got level 45 and a world boss level 35 wiped me out in 5 hits.
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Thanks for answer, but i reskilled this way. I added the stunning skills and some DPS, this is because the taunting skills are a bit useless, i mean they are not useless but i don't see that much of groupping bosses around, it looks like everyone prefers to solo. I think it's a good build before level 100 because you can do levelling PvP and some bosses. Now this is the last question as beginner. I see they are relesing new servers, and due to the lag i did a tracert, it looks like not only the servers are located in USA but also the players, this is at the least on S20. Here is the questions, are there or are there going to be any servers located in Europe? Because i have this lag that goes to 900MS and it's not that easy to play. Thanks.
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Lag is not something that will go away by changing servers bro, especially since these servers currently have such a low population that there should be minimal lag at most times, however despite what u may hear in the forums there are many times that servers experience bad lag but for the most part it is ok, if you are having constant bad lag then its likely your computer may not be capable of keeping up or your connection maybe slow. And as far as your knight skills go, use only the middle tree in the retribution side and focus most your skill points on the protection side. The stun, crater smash are the best attacks and a level 5 dragon hook is mandatory for pvp due to horrible unbalance of R2 toon classes in pvp. And always Earth blessing over iron blood.Defending the Undefendable is a form of insanity. This world has gone crazy.