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bug sort or missing item

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  • bug sort or missing item

    can you fix my toon i have slayers ring im doing my rememtion when i done i use teleport then it cancel i see my system chat i used ring of heavenly rings when i click my bag and character my slayers ring has gone and i sort my bag i see 4 heavenly rings lvl 70 128+ PATK my rings is divided by 4 pls back my slayer to many bug

    elite :87
    FAtalityph GM
    Last edited by aldenclyde21; 09-11-2016, 04:18 AM.

  • #2
    no reply to gm so bye bye my slayers ring


    • #3
      i think my ring is cant go back to me sad it hard to get bronze medal for me why should happen to me i go back to get savage ring b4 i go get slayers ring nothing respond to this thread thanks anyway


      • #4
        I apologize, aldenclyde. You will definitely want to send in a ticket with the exact item name of what you lost and about the time and date you lost it.

        I do know what happened, though. I've lost many items from attempting to teleport and it using something else. This is part of the inventory sorting bug, and your teleport scroll icon was in the slot the game thought was a ring.

        I can't say this enough- Be very careful when using Sort. It's bugged. You will lose things if you use things in your inventory while it is bugged. I posted it as a sticky thread in this section, I've responded to all the posts with a note to be very careful and make sure your inventory actually sorted.. I don't know how else to keep everyone from losing things to this bug.
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